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Forums Role Playing Adventures in Eberron! A D&D Roleplay. [IC/Rolling] (Title pending. Setting up.)

Another Movie Addict rolled a D20 1 times for; and 16. Totalling: 16
For a grand total of 16!
Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/29 21:59:01 )

[ Angry at her evening being ruined by this unknown assailant, Rosemary readies her claws for sweet vengeance. "You ass hole! I wanted dinner!" she yells fierce and loud. Striking with her clawed hands.

Your attacks with your claws are +5 to hit total.
+2 from the proficiency bonus, and +3 from your dexterity.
So your total roll was 21.


Another Movie Addict rolled a D20 1 times for; and 10. Totalling: 10
Another Movie Addict rolled a D6 2 times for; 3 and 4. Totalling: 7
For a grand total of 17!
Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/29 22:08:37 )

[ -second attack-
end of turn]


Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/29 22:39:59 )
You gotta @Mention me.

The sentient construct's glowing eyes are still fixed upon the damaged satchel beneath Astrinos' foot, and so they do not react in time to Rosemary's attacks, taking them both full on. Catching in the gaps between their natural warforged armor, you hear the sound of leather cords snapping from inside their man-made body.
((Cloaked figure takes 10 damage. Rosemary also scores a sneak attack and deals an extra 3 damage.))

They let out a yell once again, but this time as more of a battlecry, as they recklessly smash their shoulder against Astrinos.
((Two shove attacks. First an 11 vs Astrinos' 19, second a 20 vs Astrinos' 13.
Astrinos is knocked prone and has disadvantage on attacks, but the cloaked warforged's reckless shoves leave them open to retaliation giving attackers advantage.))

With Astrinos knocked aside they take their chance, grabbing the satchel from the floor they try to run off into the night.
((You both get opportunity attacks against the cloaked warforged.
Rosemary with advantage. Roll 2d20 and 1d6))


Join the Horde. We have bananas. 🍌

Another Movie Addict rolled a D20 2 times for; 16 and 19. Totalling: 35
Another Movie Addict rolled a D6 1 times for; and 5. Totalling: 5
For a grand total of 40!
Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/29 22:50:15 )

[ "Get back here you whore of no virtue!" Rosemary screams jumping up for another attack. ]


Saeyra rolled a D20 1 times for; and 14. Totalling: 14
Saeyra rolled a D6 2 times for; 1 and 2. Totalling: 3
For a grand total of 17!
Voltie — Princess Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/29 22:53:32 )

Astrinos swiftly gets to his feet and swings his greatsword at the construct that had knocked him to the ground. "Not so fast! You need to explain yourself!"

(Damage = 6)
(End of turn)


Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/30 04:34:37 )
You gotta @Mention me.

((Astrinos made the attack while prone, and it was an opportunity attack, not his own turn. so he had to attack while still prone. Still hit so not much change. Just didn't have the time to hop up.))

Despite being shoved to the ground, Astrinos is determined to make up for his previous blunder and launches an attack as he slumps onto his back, sweeping his greatsword around at the heels of their fleeing attacker. He connects and clips the artificial warforged tendons, stopping them in their tracks, allowing for Rosemary to come in with the finishing blow, clapping them across the back of the neck with a scraping claw swipe.

The cloaked warforged tumbles and crashes to the ground with a clamor of metal and wood grinding against stonework, it's body splaying out on it's side, motionless but still appearing as if it's trying to crawl away.
The scene almost mimics that of the elderly human killed by the cloaked warforged, but no blood spills from their wounds. The only indication of their death, is the glowing eyes dimming slowly, and then blinking out for good.
A moment passes, and something appears to drop out of the warforged's chest, rolling a short distance before coming to a rest beside them.
Small, fine wings unfurl from the object and it takes to the air in an instant. It swiftly flies away, disappearing into the rain-soaked night.

. . .

As the adrenaline of battle ticks down a notch and the pair catches their breath, they can hear shouts coming from other nearby towers,
"Hey! Stop that!"
"Someone call The Watch!"
"There's been a murder!"
And the shrill blare of a Watch whistle pierces the air, announcing that law enforcement is fast approaching.

((Combat is over and you may examine your surroundings. The Sharn City Watch is on their way.))


Join the Horde. We have bananas. 🍌

Voltie — Princess Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/30 12:06:48 )

"Ah sounds like we're in trouble, Rosemary. You know, we could still make a break for it if you want to" Astrinos says as he picks up the satchel and examines it's contents. "I don't know what your city watch are like, but this scene doesn't look too good for us."


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/30 14:39:16 )

[ "I'm not from this city either" Rosemary responses off-handly, "but you're right. Let's get out of here." She didn't think for a minute that two outsiders weren't going to be scape-goated. Quickly she snags whatever she could from the construct's pockets. No sense in leaving possible riches to go to the city watch's purses. ]


Voltie — Princess Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/30 16:47:57 )

Astrinos spoke quickly "I think we will have a better chance of disappearing if we split up. Make your way to the House Phiarlan and I will follow from a distance. I think we will be safe there."


Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 02:24:52 )
You gotta @Mention me.

Inside the satchel, which was previously quite nice and stylish, is a mess of broken glass, ink, and ruined items.
The contents of an inkwell has stained the interior of the bag, soaking into several sheets of fine paper.
An apple and an ink quill are also smashed and broken inside the bag.
But curiously, there is a small book that seems to be undamaged. The ink simply drips across and off it with no indication of making any mark.
As well as there being no slash or stabs on the booklet.

Digging it out of the surrounding mess within the bag, you find that the cover has a symbol of a 'hammer and anvil' upon it, and the book gives off an aura of magical energy.

Checking the body of the warforged, you realize they don't appear to have any pockets at all. Nor any pouches.
Beneath their cloak is just the bare metal and wood that makes up their constructed body.
The only possessions on them being their shortsword and the cloak they're wearing.

- - -
After checking the contents of the bag, and the dead assailant, the duo begin to frantically look about for some means of escape.
Confirming with eachother to make a run for it and meet back up later.
Astrinos searches for a nearby rooftop to teleport to with his natural Eladrin magic, but he cannot find anything within range.

As the two are about to split up and make a break for it the blare of whistles comes again, this time from both sides.
- - -
Two groups of guardsman, wearing the green-and-black studden leather of Sharn's City Watch, emerge from the rain-drenched night.
The leader steps forward from one group, a powerfully built bald dwarf with a close-cropped beard, leveling his crossbow in your direction. A small ball of arcane light hovers just behind his left shoulder, illuminating the area. Behind him are two humans, each with halberds at the ready. The second group is made up of three more guardsman wielding clubs, a half-orc, human, and another dwarf.

"Olladra's bloody nose!" the dwarf curses. "By order of the watch, drop your weapons and explain yourselves!"


Join the Horde. We have bananas. 🍌

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 15:03:26 )

[ Rolling her eyes, Rosemary put her hands up in the air. "Can't drop'em, they gloves!" She yelled loud hoping keeping her hands in sight would calm the watch down. "I yelled for you like forever ago, what took you slowasses so long?"
Rosemary was in even a worse mood, she had hoped robbing the construct would've made up for her ruined evening. "We were attacked!" ]


Voltie — Princess Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 19:36:52 )

"I guess there is no getting out of this one." Astrinos mutters and drops his greatsword on the ground and raises his hands in the air. Turning to the guards he said "What she says is true, we were attacked and acting merely in self defence."


Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 20:07:40 )
You gotta @Mention me.

The dwarven leader of the group raises an eyebrow at Rosemary's remarks and lowers the crossbow slightly while still keeping it somewhat at the ready.
"If you can't drop the claws then you better at least drop the attitude, Missy. Now remove them slowly, and tell me what happened."

He looks towards Astrinos and nods in approval seeing the greatsword being released, then moving his gaze down and across the warforged corpse.
"Self defense, eh? Then I suppose this is the assailant? You two are lucky to have survived an attack from a 'Forged. Though your friend there wasn't so lucky. I'm sorry."

((The guard captain is expecting an explanation. Make your case and both of you roll persuasion.))


Join the Horde. We have bananas. 🍌

Another Movie Addict rolled a D20 1 times for; and 2. Totalling: 2
For a grand total of 2!
Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 20:13:08 )

[ Rosemary slowly lowers her hands, making sure to deliberately stare at the guards as she removed the claws. "We were on our way to some food, when we saw this thing kill the dead guy," she begins telling them how they'd come upon the situation. "We thought it would be a good idea to check the body out, and start getting you guys involved." Then she sighs looking at the dead Forged. "This jerk came back and attacked us."

5 persuasion.]


Saeyra rolled a D20 1 times for; and 13. Totalling: 13
For a grand total of 13!
Voltie — Princess Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/1 22:31:22 )

"Look, you don't know us and we don't know you but she is telling the truth. We were rushing over to see if this man could be saved from bleeding out, when we were attacked." Astrinos said calmly. "What are people gonna think if you can get arrested for trying to save a man's life and acting in self defense?" he nods in the direction of the people who called for the guards.

(12 total pursuasion)


Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/2 02:30:11 )
You gotta @Mention me.

The dwarf lets out a deep sigh, completely lowering his weapon.
He rubs the bridge of his nose for a moment and looks up into the pouring sky while shielding his face with one hand.
"I'd prefer to not to need to make any arrests tonight. So long as you continue to cooperate and explain everything from the start, maybe we won't have to. Let's continue this under some cover."
He motions you to follow him and addresses his fellow guardsmen with their orders.
"Find a witness or two from an adjacent tower. Officer Bigsly, you and your men tend to the deceased and wounded."

With that, the five other members of the City Watch set into action. The two halberd wielders marching off, and the club wielders putting their weapons away to come help.
The half-orc among the three of them follows you along with the dwarven leader to a nearby veranda.
- - -
"Now, I am Sgt. Dolom, head of the Sharn City Watch within the Central Plateau and Northedge Quarters. If either of you are injured, Officer Bigsly here can patch you up while you tell me what happened, and afterwords we can all be on our way."

Dolom takes a notebook and piece of writing charcoal out from a waist pouch and prepares to take notes.

"Ye' say that you witnessed the murder of that there man by the hands of the cloaked 'Forged, then saw them run away, and came to check on the man.
Then while checking on him, the 'forged came back and attacked the two of you, and you killed them in self defense. Am I getting that all right?"

Officer Bigsly looks the two of you over a moment, satisfied to see Rosemary is unharmed, and surprised to see that Astrinos only has some shallow cuts.
He pulls out a roll of bandage and a small pot of medicinal salves, preparing to apply the wound dressing.


Join the Horde. We have bananas. 🍌

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/2 19:47:26 )

[ "That's exactly what happened." Rosemary responded, thankful to be out of the pouring rain. Shaking hard to get the excess off the best she could. ]


Voltie — Princess Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/2 22:22:07 )

"You heard my story correctly. If you would permit me a question of my own. Is it a common occurrence around here to be mauled by warforged in the streets?" Astrinos inquired, mumbling a "Thank you" after the dressing of his wounds were done.


Always ping me please.

Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/3 00:23:01 )
You gotta @Mention me.

Officer Bigsly's bandage work is exceptionally well done. Your wounds feel better already.

Sgt. Dolom strokes his beard while speaking, making a contemplative expression.
"Assaults of any kind are not uncommon in the city, but they occur mostly in the lower districts where, unfortunately, The Watch's presence is spread thin. Here in the upper districts the violent crimes are mostly petty fist fights between drunkards or the occasional domestic dispute..."

Around this time, the dwarven watchmen from the other group approaches, reporting to Dolom.
You hear from the report that the elderly victim was Bonal Geldem, a provost with the school of pre-Galifar Studies at the Morgrave University. He only had his ID papers and a pouch with some coin on him.

Dolom sighs, shaking his head.
"A university provost killed in an attempted mugging by a warforged? This is only going to add fuel the fire for those anti-'Forged folks...Did you two witness the attacker taking anything from the victim?..Ah, and I'll need your names for my report, as well as where I can contact you if further questions are required."

((Bigsly's bandage work heals you back to full hitpoints.))


Join the Horde. We have bananas. 🍌
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Art by kiwi

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/3 00:41:07 )

[ "My name is Rosemary, just Rosemary, and I'm at House Phiarlan," Rosemary says as she looks at the case her companion was holding. "Whatever the Forged wanted, I think it's in that satchel". ]


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