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Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 02:35:56 )
This is between TheGreatPretender and myself, anyone can read but please don't post :)

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 02:36:19 )
Kaito Darkwing | 21

Gaito Takia | 21 (older by an hour)

Twins who have never met, nor where they ever supposed to meet, but they always knew deep down that the other existed.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 02:42:37 )
Name: Fjiore Exelsis
Age: 82, Physical age 25 (face looks in teens)
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Blue Black
Eye Color: Purple
Height: 5'12"
Race: Half Sloth Half Wrath Demon
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Appearance: Long hair that hides most of his face, except his mouth. Green button up shirt and brown slacks. Occasionally wears a stethoscope when working.
His brother looks almost his twin except valern has green eyes and wears glasses. (His brother is not a twin but 2 years younger)

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 03:02:18 )
Kaito was the local trouble maker, but very few knew he was a supernatural being unless they themselves weren't human. He mainly stayed away from most people though, humans or otherwise. Unless he was out causing mischief, which wasn't every day.

Today he was just out flying around while being mindful on how high he was flying. He hadn't felt very good and usually when he didn't feel well, he felt better after flight. He shades his ruby eyes from the sun with his arm as he flew, soon thinking twice about not waiting until nightfall, but shook the thought from his mind. Before he knew it, he had gotten dizzy and lost control of his flying pattern as he quickly began to descend back towards the ground.

The next thing he knew, he was riding in the back of an and with a splitting headache and one of his wings hurt like hell.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 03:08:08 )
Fjiore had noticed the man plummet and had taken him to his home, which was his clinic. The guy could have been seen so he had to act fast. Fjiore was a ridiculously shy man, unless he was working.

Fjiore had put him in the clinic bed, patching the strange man up. He was working on the wing when he noticed Kaito was awake.

"'re awake." his voice was a little harsh, but melodic and soft, if a bit tired sounding. "You took a pretty nasty dive back there. Want to tell me what happened?"

His blue-black hair covered the majority of his pale face, leaving only his mouth to be seen. His features and expressions were impossible to see or read, the only clues in the inflection of his voice.

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 03:35:46 )
Kaito slowly moved his eyes around to get a look of the room his was in, which, seeing how he didn't often wake up in a clinic, he wouldn't have guessed that's where he was. Until he looked at the male who spoke. He sounded like a doctor who was either overworked or having a bad day.

What did happen? He remembered flying, and then getting dizzy, but the rest was unclear. It made since if he crashed, and since the guy had seen him crash, and he was working on the injured wing, he figured he might as well tell him he was flying. "I was out on a morning flight, just to clear my head.. I got dizzy and I must've lost control of my wings." He murmured, his head foggy and his quiet voice made it clear he was still connecting the dots.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 03:42:21 )
"Perhaps dont fly when unwell then" Fjiore stated. "You hit your head so just take it easy." he pulled out a syringe from his bag and drew out painkillers and looked at him. Well, his head turned to Kaito.

"This will sting but its painkillers, should help keep you awake" he started to empty it into the the saline iv in Kaito's hand.

The room looked like a bedroom, with a dresser, chair, and a bookcase in the cozy room. There was another door, which was a bathroom connected to the room.

Fjiore yawned once done and stood. "Just rest, ill see if theres any underlying illnesses from your bloodwork" and with that, he left the room.

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 04:01:02 )
Kaito moved his eyes to stare at the ceiling. Usually, he didn't crash when he went out for flights to clear his head. He saw the syringe from the corner of his eye, and the IV that he hadn't noticed before, and listened to the man as he spoke. Well, he didn't say anything about a broken wing so that was a plus. His eyes drifted once he noticed Fijore leave the room, and he once again stared up at the ceiling.

He didn't feel sick.. Maybe he was pushing himself too hard? He didn't really get sick, so maybe he just didn't know what to look for?

Once Kaito understood what he said by 'this will sting' once the painkillers started to take affect, he closed his eyes and waited for the stringing to pass., but he wasn't anywhere near asleep. He was in a strangers home while being treated like a patient by a stranger who had seen him, wings and all.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 04:20:30 )
After a while Fjiore came back and sat down. "Blood looks good. Its most likely overexertion." he nodded as he spoke.

He then put down the papers. "Fjiore" he stated. Normally such a statement would have been backed up with an outstretched hand to shake, but not fjiore.

"My name is Fjiore Exelsis, and dont worry. Im a doctor for the supernatural, though i mostly deal with demons"

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 04:43:45 )
Kaito opened one of his eyes when he heard the other return to the room, then opened his other eye and turned his head some to look at him as he began to speak. Oh good, his blood was clean. He felt better, somewhat, since he wasn't in any pain thanks to Fijore.

When the man spoke again after lowering the paper, then fully introduced himself. So then, he was a doctor, he kind of figured, but it was nice to hear the confirmation. "Kaito." He murmured, still a bit uneasy but he couldn't help it, even if he was sort of grateful that this guy had found him and not someone else. "There aren't many supernatural doctors around.. How'd you find me? I wasn't exactly in town, that would be reckless."

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 04:50:22 )
"I was...headed home from another call." he was looking over some things. His clinic itself didnt see many patients so he only neeeded room to house one or two.

He also had a little pager on his belt. Pagers hadnt been a thing in forever, but fjiore had it so his brother could beep him if he needed anything. Valern rarely left the bedroom he stayed in for various reasons, so Fjiore needed a quick and simple way to have Valern let him know he was needed.

"Id like you to stay for a few days to rest. Your body can only take so much" he got up. "Do you need anything? water? something to eat?"

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 05:19:41 )
Right.. That made since since he was a doctor and all and this was his house. Now he felt more or less like an idiot for asking.

As for as the other stating that he wanted Kaito to stay and rest for a few days, he wanted to say something, but he didn't as soon as realized he couldn't argue with a doctor and oh, he didn't exactly have anywhere to go to properly rest nor did he know how to. That's what landed him here in the first place, pushing himself.

Kaito lowered his gaze some. "No thanks, I'm alright." He said casually. Not eating was another bad habit, but this guy didn't need to hear his life story, nor was he hungry.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 05:27:28 )
While the other male couldnt see it, he raised an eyebrow. "When was the last time you ate?" He crossed his arms.

Fjiore had a habit of overworking himself and skipping meals too, soo he knew this man was lying. He saw the signs and went to the door. "Im going to make you something light. And i dont care if your not hungry"

He stopped at the door but kept his back to Kaito. "Call it doctors orders if you want" he then walked out of the room closing the door to make something for kaito to eat.

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 05:34:03 )
Kaito remained quiet, it was pretty clear before Fijore even spoke that he had already figured him out.

Well, cripes.

Kaito glanced up at him when he did speak, and watched him head for the door, unable to hide a small smirk that formed on his lips when Fijore spoke again before walking out of the room. 'Doctor's orders?' When was the last time he heard that? He sighed a bit and studied his surroundings now that he could mostly think straight.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 05:49:23 )
The room wasnt large, but it wasnt small either. There was a second clinical bed next to his, but it was empty.

Fjiore smiled to himself as he cooked. The guy was like a clone of fjiore, if...fjiore was a little younger. He sighed knowing that whatever interaction they would have would most likely be over when he released Kaito.

His brother wasnt much company so he had been growing lonely of late.

Fjiore returned with a small bowl of soup and placed it on the table next to Kaito. "I...must admit, ive not seen any of your kind before."

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 06:17:46 )
Kaito bit the inside of his cheek. What was worse then being in someone else's house? Being alone in someone else's house. At least when Fijore was in the room it didn't feel so.. weird..

He got the feeling someone else was here, and it was a little off putting that no one but the doctor has made an appearance. Kind of made him feel just a little crazy.

Kaito glanced at Fijore when he returned and put a bowl of soup on the table, and slowly sat up a little more. A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips when the man spoke. "Sadly, we're a dying breed." He murmured with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, he didn't intend on sounding sarcastic at all, he just didn't really know how to respond to a statement like that.

Most of the dark angels were either in hiding or had been killed off because people often mistook them for demons. "Sorry.. We've been hunted down other the years so most of us are hiding as far away from people as possible." He explained, evening out his voice to sound more casual.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 06:51:21 )
"Ah. Well...its an energy ive never come across. Its interesting but im no scientist" he shrugged and started looking through the books on the bookshelf.

"If you happen to take a walk, i should warn you, theres someone else here whos...not so good with people." he turned his head to Kaito. "I...would advise against being loud, he's very sensitive."

He figured Kaito should know there was someone else there, though he didnt want to say it was his brother just yet. He didnt know Kaito very well.

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 17:25:03 )
Kaito blinked. Energy? He supposed it meant something about the way Fijore treated him, and how different it was from treating a demon. He wasn't the brightest, but he wasn't an idiot either.

He listened to his words carefully, then turned some so he attempt to eat the soup that the doctor had prepared for him, but before he started eating, he gave Fijore a light nod. "I'll keep it in mind, thanks."

At least now he knew he wasn't crazy.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 17:40:37 )
Fjiore was in and out most of the day. There was...a strange chunk of the day where fjiore didnt come in. Fjiore was exhausted, so he had fallen asleep at his desk.

He felt silly when he woke up with a paper stuck to his face and sighed. He got up and went to check on his one patient. "How are you feeling?"

He knew the man needed rest, but he was a little worried about his mental state since Kaito didnt exactly seeem the type unable to get food.

I wear many faces

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Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/13 18:04:12 )
Once he had eaten his soup, he leaned back against the clinic and closed his eyes to rest since he and Fijore weren't interacting as much. The soup was pretty good. Even though it was just soup, it tasted different since someone else had made it. Most of the foods he ate were pretty bland, or stale, depending on where he got it.

And he was feeling more relaxed since he and Fijore had indeed spoken to each other more than once. Kaito had actually dozed off for a short while, until Fijore came back, in which he opened is eyes and glanced at the man when he spoke. "Better then when I first woke up." He's admitted casually.

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