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Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 03:17:00 )
He ran over and picked up Kaito. So thats what the anomaly was. Something was wrong with his brain probably.

He put Kaito in the clinic bed and hooked him up to several IVs. He had to use magic. He sat with his brother in the corner. His brother was having a bad day and needed his brother at all times.

He scanned Kaitos body and frowned. Great. He'd wait till Kaito woke up before he did anything

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 03:37:33 )
Headaches, he was used to since he didn't really sleep or eat probably, but blackouts were new.

Kaito didn't wake until the following morning, and he still had a headache. The first thing he noticed was that he was back in the clinic bed. When he went to put a hand on his head, he noticed the IVs and stared at them. What the hell happened? The last thing he remembered was being called inside for dinner.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 03:57:40 )
Fjiore was sitting next to him. He was leaning forward, hands folded under his chin. His whole body's demeanor was very grim.

"I do not have good news for you" his voice was very soft as to not wake up the sleeping demon in the corner, but also, because he hated giving bad news out. His voice wavered when he spoke again.

"You have...a tumor in your brain...and even with magic, it wont be easy to get out, but if...i leave will die" he wanted Kaito to know everything but that how to proceed was ultimately his choice.

"You should keep your voice down. Valern is sleeping in here" he was practically whispering. it was evident he hadnt slept in a day either.

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 04:10:34 )
Kaito blinked when he noticed Fijore sitting next to him, and slowly lowered his arm. He didn't like how grim he appeared either. It pretty much told him he was either worried, or the something he found in his lab yesterday wasn't good. Or a combination of both.

When he heard Fijore speak though, and before being told to keep his voice down, he didn't really have much to say. What was there to say? He had a tumor in his brain that would eventually kill him, unless he let Fijore try to get it out, which could also end badly. How did that even happen? Unless it happened sometime after the accident. He never went to a doctor after that, so it was possible, right?

..Valern? Was that the name of the other guy?

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 04:25:53 )
"What happens up to you...ill...give you some time to think it over while i make you something to eat." He got up. "Oh and i guess you should know that he is my younger brother." he sounded incredibly sad.

He liked Kaito. He felt himself had opened up some while he had been there for only two days. "He's...really senstivie so...dont look him in the eye if he wakes, and dont be alarmed if he started crying, yelling for me, or trying to run out"

With that he walked out of the room to give Kaito time to decide.

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 04:58:38 )
Kaito listened quietly, and glanced at Fijore when he mentioned that the other resident, Valern, was his younger brother. That was close to what he was thinking. He nodded lightly to his words and moved his gaze up to the ceiling.

Now what? It was completely up to him and he didn't know if he cared enough to let the man attempt to remove the tumour. No one would miss him if he died.. Fijore was probably the first person in years who seemed to care about him, even if as a patient.

He wasn't afraid of dying..
He was afraid of not finding a reason to keep living..

Anytime he ever got close to anyone, bad things almost always happened..and he felt like he was slowly getting closer to Fijore.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 05:03:39 )
Fjiore didnt like Kaito's odds. It brought tears to his eyes. He didnt have any friends. He needed just one friend.

He didnt want to lose Kaito. He slammed his fist onto the counter cracking it, which made a loud sound. Well that was another thing hed have to replace. It was times like this he hated being a doctor. He was lonely and people he thought he could get close to die, or leave him.

He winced in pain at his now very broken hand and sighed.

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 05:15:28 )
Kaito blinked and glanced off towards the door when he heard the sound of something breaking, both confused and concerned. The sound however, soon caused a reaction from the tumour and his his head began to hurt despite any painkillers Fijore might have put into IV, if any it all.

It felt like someone had just put his head through a concrete wall, and his reaction was to put his hand on his head and close his eyes as he tried to will away the pain.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 05:22:30 )
He came back and was going to fix his hand but saw Kaito and sat by him. "Hey...theres not much i can do for you right now, but, if i were you id risk the operation." he kept his voice low and soft.

"Your death will be slow, and agonizing. You will be in more pain than you ever have been. And you will die slowly, in a bed, in pain, wasting away. And honestly, i dont want to see that." he looked up at him.

" very i dont have life...alright?" he knew that came out stupidly awkward but he really wanted to be friends with Kaito.

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 05:40:47 )
Kaito opened one of his ruby eyes when Fijore came into the room, and even in his current state, still noticed his hand. It was definitely broken, wasn't it? Was that what he heard? Did he really break something, and his hand?

Then it dawned on him while he listened to the doctor speak. If he really wanted to, he could leave and go somewhere else to wither away, but he also heard Fijore ask him to choose life. No one had ever asked him to 'choose life' in bad situation, he was usually told to disappear.

After a moment of processing those words, he looked at Fijore. "I'm telling you this as my doctor, okay? Off the record.." He finally spoke, being mindful of keeping his voice down like he had said earlier. "I've got no one.. No friends, no family, and no where to go. I'm pretty much a stray cat, stealing scraps of food every day and night." He said quietly. "But, I want you to go ahead with it, okay?"

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 05:45:46 )
He had gotten up to wrap his hand when he froze. He looked over at kaito and was unable to hide his smile. "You dont have no one" he said softly. "Off the record, youve got me now okay?" he went back to splinting his hand.

"Itll have to wait till tomorrow. Its just a simple clean break and with some magic i can heal by tomorrow." he sat down wincing as he held his hand.

"Recovery will..take a few months, and you may experience some memory loss, but nothing too important, just little detail may be fuzzy" he went over to his brother picking up the sleeping young man.

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 05:59:09 )
Kaito glanced at Fijore when he got up to fix his hand, noticing that smile again when he spoke. Off the record. He smirked some at the words and relaxed in the bed.

He listened quietly and watched him get from just having sat down, to go pick up his sleeping brother. Kaito simply nodded, and closed his eyes to try and relax. Sure, he probably needed to eat, but he wasn't in a hurry to do so.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 06:09:41 )
He took his brother to his own room and came back with a small plate of eggs and toast. "I...didnt think youd want anything heavy. Headaches can cause nausea"

He sat down yawning loudly as he watched kaito for a reaction.

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 06:17:32 )

Kaito opened his eyes when Fijore came back, and with a small plate of food. He wasn't nauseous..But he certainly didn't have much of an appetite. He offered him a small smile. "Thanks." He murmured sincerely.

Once the plate was set down, he slowly began to eat.
And like the other offered meals, it was evident that he liked it.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 06:25:17 )
He couldnt hold back his chuckle. "Even my own brother doesnt eat with half as much enthusiasm as you do. Not my food anyways" he sat back in his chair. He was less stiff. it was subtle but if looked for it was visible.

Fjiore was a little surprised Kaito hasnt asked to see his face. Most people did. He was a little grateful but also a little curious as to why kaito hadnt asked.

He fussed with his hair nervously just thinking about it

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 18:47:38 )
Kaito smirked some at his words and shrugged lightly. "What can I say? Your cooking certainly deserves it." He said casually, taking a pause from eating.

He glanced at Fijore when he noticed him starting to mess with his long hair. "Something on your mind, doc?" Kaito asked, going back to slowly eating his breakfast.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 18:54:42 )
"I...uh...i..." he was visibly flustered. "I...suppose im surprised you...havent asked...about my hair. Everyone does" he looked away biting on his thumbnail
I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 19:13:17 )
Kaito blinked, noticing Fijore's fluster as much as he could without seeing his face. His hair? He tilted his head and paused from eating, only really having eaten about a third of the prepared meal. To each their own, he figured.

He noticed things though, that other people probably didn't and he didn't want to make Fijore anymore uncomfortable than he already was. Kaito sighed quietly and the man a small smile. "Why would I ask? You've got your hair like that for a reason, and if you like it then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about it." But, if he did ask what he thought about it, he'd say it suited him.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 19:24:10 )
"I...hide behind it" he admitted. "I cant talk to anyone unless im hiding...behind my hair." his cheeks flushed, not that anyone could see that.

He dug into his bag and pulled out 6 bottles of pills. He was struggling to open them with his broken hand.

I wear many faces

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Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/05/15 19:39:49 )
Given his shyness, that made since. Kaito vaguely remembered Fijore mentioning that he hid, all the time, because of his shyness. Then the man went shuffling in his bag.

Six pill bottles..that was a lot of different meds. But, he was clearly struggling, and Kaito hesitated briefly before cautiously speaking. "Need help? I won't look if you do.." He offered, just wanting to help. Opening stuff with a broken could really be challenging. Even he knew that.

...Not from experience or anything..

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