What's up, Volties? Summer sun's out and your ever-faithful Spark is here once again, rising to the occasion to bring you the hottest news and updates straight from the source!
Today, we’ve got a pipin’ hot commons update for all of you wonderful Volties tuning in! Feeling the heat? I bet you’re all just simmering with anticipation, so without further ado, let’s get this beach ball rollin'!
May Commons

Let's not forget to thank our Item Technicians for uploading:
Hadsvich, Valefor and Dipper!

Our monthly Community Discussion is coming up soon! Join us on Monday, May 20th, at 6 PM Voltra time!
Raffle 1
Submit a question pre-discussion for a chance to win the current rare set!
Questions must be submitted by 11:59 pm (Voltra/Central Time) on Saturday, May 18th, to be eligible.
What do you want to know!?
Raffle 2
Join us for the discussion on our Discord server and post your username in our attendance channel.
At the end of the discussion we will raffle off prizes!
:plasma-orb: Summer Plasma Orbs [May 25th]

:crate: New Crates [June 1st]
And that’s a wrap! I hope everyone enjoyed seeing the new stuff we’ve got in store as much as I enjoyed covering ‘em! While I gotta cut our time short, I’ll be back sooner than you think!
Much love and stay safe, dear Volties! Ciao~!