I'm not active enough on here, plus my art shop is dead (RIP), so I'm just gonna bump here. Feel free to chat with me if you want to. Though I think I'm just gonna end up posting random gifs that I find or saved. Chances are, it will be random memes or videos that I find.
If anything, I'll just post some random doodles. Nothing special.
Edit: I'll probably even post some of my art collection that I have gathered over the years. I apologize, I don't remember the names of any of the artists that did this for me. The rest won't be by me unless I claim it as mine.
Edit 2: I mostly just dump doodles that I'm quite proud of on here now, or just doodles that I happen to do. Again, feel free to chat with me. If you do, you are most likely to get a random doodle from me. But you gotta be constantly talking to me. Just remember to say thank you if I do a doodle for you. If you don't, I'm most likely not going to doodle for you again. Sorry, its just something that urks me.
Edit 3: Just made my first two Voltra Based OCs. Mint Chocolate and Sodium Chip. Both names and back stories are very WIP. If you want to read more about them, either look around in this thread or check this post for more information about them. If the link doesn't work its on page 2 and its the 2nd post.