Let's chat about it here! I have seen a lot of users who love it already.
What are your favorite versions? 3rd Edition? 5E? Homebrewed classes?
What classes do you love to play?
What was your best or least favorite character you made? Someone else made? etc.
Do you play on a site (like Roll20)? Traditional table top? Both?
Any other things you want to discuss about D&D here!
@dragoness129: I was going to make a D&D topic earlier today!! But alas, I don't play because my husband and I have no one to play with.... T^T Also, we've only played once with people who really did not want to take the time to teach us. We have a lot of 4th Ed. books and things, but they are for some higher level characters and I've been told (by the people we played with before) that no-one plays 4th edition and our books are useless. T^T
I would love to maybe form a group and play online? (That's what I wanted to make a post about.) But I honestly don't know how or where to do so.
I would love to maybe form a group and play online? (That's what I wanted to make a post about.) But I honestly don't know how or where to do so.
I love D&D though I am only familiar with 5e, I am always open to learning other versions but it is a bit of a time sink. It's A LOT to learn!
I love playing a bard...but I gotta be super comfortable with the group. My second favorite is archer then druid! Oh crap, there's cleric too... I really enjoyed my flirtatious cleric. :D
My favorite character I believe is the first one I made, which is a bard. A whimsical kind of half-elf, awkward and blunt. Because she was my first, she was the hardest character to play the way I imagined/wrote her, since her talent is music and kind of that celtic folk-like song...but I have no effin' talent to pull it off! I don't really have a least favorite, at least in terms of my own. :D
I always play online though, through skype and in another group skype + roll20, fun map thingies. Cause I don't know anyone IRL that plays DnD. :vanora_xd:
I love playing a bard...but I gotta be super comfortable with the group. My second favorite is archer then druid! Oh crap, there's cleric too... I really enjoyed my flirtatious cleric. :D
My favorite character I believe is the first one I made, which is a bard. A whimsical kind of half-elf, awkward and blunt. Because she was my first, she was the hardest character to play the way I imagined/wrote her, since her talent is music and kind of that celtic folk-like song...but I have no effin' talent to pull it off! I don't really have a least favorite, at least in terms of my own. :D
I always play online though, through skype and in another group skype + roll20, fun map thingies. Cause I don't know anyone IRL that plays DnD. :vanora_xd:
Apparently out of a gig. --v
RLC Commissions always available! PM me or add me on discord: micami#8341

RLC Commissions always available! PM me or add me on discord: micami#8341

@Valyndria: There might be some people playing 4th edition on Roll 20
I have not played that myself or looked into it. There are a few people we chat with on Discord who have tried it but hated it. So far, 5th edition is easiest to learn in my opinion. There are so many people playing it too and the most game types for it on that site. You can join and make your own game on that one as well. It is for all kinds of table top games as well, not just D&D.
My husband and I have been playing on that site and talking with our group of players on Discord.
I love playing magical classes. My favorite are sorcerers. Though my Warlock is pretty broken. In a lot of the campaigns, Monk and an archer Rouge have been the most broken when it comes to dealing damage.
There are a lot of homebrewed classes that sound amazing. The list of them is so very long!
With the Unearthed Arcana expansion, I have made an Artificer gnome going with the Alchemy branch of it. It is pretty interesting so far!
I have not played that myself or looked into it. There are a few people we chat with on Discord who have tried it but hated it. So far, 5th edition is easiest to learn in my opinion. There are so many people playing it too and the most game types for it on that site. You can join and make your own game on that one as well. It is for all kinds of table top games as well, not just D&D.
My husband and I have been playing on that site and talking with our group of players on Discord.
I love playing magical classes. My favorite are sorcerers. Though my Warlock is pretty broken. In a lot of the campaigns, Monk and an archer Rouge have been the most broken when it comes to dealing damage.
There are a lot of homebrewed classes that sound amazing. The list of them is so very long!
With the Unearthed Arcana expansion, I have made an Artificer gnome going with the Alchemy branch of it. It is pretty interesting so far!
I literally just started my first DnD based game. It's 4th Edition for the base, with a few edits to make it more to our tastes. Never done DnD before, never really been one to tabletop games, overall. So this is a new thing for me.
I just gotta chuckle, that I find this thread the same day I try my first. XD
Oh yeah, I run a changeling Sorcerer[ess] that specializes in lightning. Yay?
I just gotta chuckle, that I find this thread the same day I try my first. XD
Oh yeah, I run a changeling Sorcerer[ess] that specializes in lightning. Yay?
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays
Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me
Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me
Hi there, I also enjoy D&D. Admittedly, I've only ever played 4th edition, but I devoured all the books. The few games I got to play were always enjoyable. I know that there are many people who started with 3.5 or earlier don't consider it "real" D&D, but I like it just the same.
My favorite classes are Paladin and Sorcerer - although Swordmage is pretty cool. I don't know if I could pick a favorite character of mine, although the last one I did - a wise-cracking shardmind (living crystal person) sorcerer - was pretty fun. My least favorite characters were probably all the other players' Chaotic Stupid ones.
I played a few on an actual tabletop, and then a oneshot on roll20. For the tabletop, sadly, I was usually the GM. Yay, cat herding...
@Valyndria: While it is true that 4th edition tends to have a much smaller player base, it does exist. In addition to looking on roll20, I would point you to the "Giant in the Playground" forums. They have what is probably the most active base of 4e players in the internet, and could probably give you suggestions of where to look to find a 4e game. As a note, I've found that anyone who was introduced to D&D via 4e tends to love it. So, don't listen to those people who say your books are useless. :)
My favorite classes are Paladin and Sorcerer - although Swordmage is pretty cool. I don't know if I could pick a favorite character of mine, although the last one I did - a wise-cracking shardmind (living crystal person) sorcerer - was pretty fun. My least favorite characters were probably all the other players' Chaotic Stupid ones.
I played a few on an actual tabletop, and then a oneshot on roll20. For the tabletop, sadly, I was usually the GM. Yay, cat herding...
@Valyndria: While it is true that 4th edition tends to have a much smaller player base, it does exist. In addition to looking on roll20, I would point you to the "Giant in the Playground" forums. They have what is probably the most active base of 4e players in the internet, and could probably give you suggestions of where to look to find a 4e game. As a note, I've found that anyone who was introduced to D&D via 4e tends to love it. So, don't listen to those people who say your books are useless. :)
OH MY GOD. Dungeons & Dragons is the shit and honestly my favourite thing to do right now.
My favourite edition is 5th because honestly it's the only one I've played, but I'd be open to trying 3.5 since a friend recently got me into playing Pathfinder and they're basically the same thing.
I've played a lot of homebrew classes so I'm not sure if I can narrow down which one is my favourite, but I can say that Middle Finger of Vecna is for sure my favourite place to find homebrew. They're pretty good about making and posting things that are legitimately balanced and actually super interesting to play.
I love playing spellcasters in general, but my most played class is definitely Wizard. I've had a handful of Divination Wizards. But I think the most fun I've ever had with a class was when I was playing a Horizon Walker Ranger from Unearthed Arcana- Distant Strike + Winged Boots = the CHEESIEST of cheese ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
My best character for combat I made was my Changeling HW Ranger I mentioned above. By the end of the campaign they were 12 Ranger/8 Rogue and was very effective and very hard to catch. Only issue was that when something finally hit them it usually fucked them up pretty bad, but that's the price to pay when you choose to be a glass canon. I think my best player in terms of roleplay was a male Aasimar Grave Domain Cleric.
I play on Roll20 mostly and it's pretty great, but I'd love to be able to try out Fantasy Grounds some day.
My favourite edition is 5th because honestly it's the only one I've played, but I'd be open to trying 3.5 since a friend recently got me into playing Pathfinder and they're basically the same thing.
I've played a lot of homebrew classes so I'm not sure if I can narrow down which one is my favourite, but I can say that Middle Finger of Vecna is for sure my favourite place to find homebrew. They're pretty good about making and posting things that are legitimately balanced and actually super interesting to play.
I love playing spellcasters in general, but my most played class is definitely Wizard. I've had a handful of Divination Wizards. But I think the most fun I've ever had with a class was when I was playing a Horizon Walker Ranger from Unearthed Arcana- Distant Strike + Winged Boots = the CHEESIEST of cheese ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
My best character for combat I made was my Changeling HW Ranger I mentioned above. By the end of the campaign they were 12 Ranger/8 Rogue and was very effective and very hard to catch. Only issue was that when something finally hit them it usually fucked them up pretty bad, but that's the price to pay when you choose to be a glass canon. I think my best player in terms of roleplay was a male Aasimar Grave Domain Cleric.
I play on Roll20 mostly and it's pretty great, but I'd love to be able to try out Fantasy Grounds some day.
@Daddy: Man, you actually managed to make it to the end of a campaign? Jealous. XD
@DataNinja: Haha yes, I've made it to level 20 in 2 campaigns.
I have finished others but none of them were over level 15 sadly
I have finished others but none of them were over level 15 sadly
@daddy: It's my goal to either run or be in a completed tabletop campaign at least once in my life. (Right now, two years and counting on one...) How did you manage to do it? (Besides great amounts of patience, I assume. :P)

Please ping when responding to me, to make sure I see your reply!
I love D&D, but I have to confess that I only recently got into it because of Critical Role. XD
Before that, I was curious about the game but never really had the group to pursue it. Then my friends got the idea to try it out, and one of them liked the idea of DMing. The stars kinda aligned then.
... but uh, coming from a background heavily focused on text RPing makes it so hard to create a character that's playable in a D&D setting. I put waaaay too much backstory into my first character which was/is a Drow rogue. He's fun, but his story is too complicated. XD
Since then, I've made a few other characters I've enjoyed immensely; a noble Elven mage, a young sorceress who's a prodigy, a boisterous and 'good' bard... but at the end of a day, I learned I'm more of a DM.
I like creating a world, making NPCs with accents, and just trying my best to make sure people have a good time. ^^
Before that, I was curious about the game but never really had the group to pursue it. Then my friends got the idea to try it out, and one of them liked the idea of DMing. The stars kinda aligned then.
... but uh, coming from a background heavily focused on text RPing makes it so hard to create a character that's playable in a D&D setting. I put waaaay too much backstory into my first character which was/is a Drow rogue. He's fun, but his story is too complicated. XD
Since then, I've made a few other characters I've enjoyed immensely; a noble Elven mage, a young sorceress who's a prodigy, a boisterous and 'good' bard... but at the end of a day, I learned I'm more of a DM.
I like creating a world, making NPCs with accents, and just trying my best to make sure people have a good time. ^^
@DataNinja: Yeah unfortunately it rarely happens because most campaigns fall apart even before level 15.
Running a game all the way to 20 is very time consuming and requires a lot of dedication as a DM. You will run into tons of issues along the way and this is unavoidable, but in the end as long as you're DMing for a group of players who are understanding and get along well with one another it makes the process a lot more simpler. I found that the biggest problem I had when I was DMing a full campaign was pacing. At the time I was really new to DMing and I didn't know what speed was best suited for the campaign, but I ended up getting the hang of it eventually.
If you don't plan on DMing it will be really hard to find a DM willing to run a campaign all the way to 20. The time to get to that point will usually take a year or more, even if you have weekly games. But anything is possible and I'm sure you can find someone willing to do this.
Running a game all the way to 20 is very time consuming and requires a lot of dedication as a DM. You will run into tons of issues along the way and this is unavoidable, but in the end as long as you're DMing for a group of players who are understanding and get along well with one another it makes the process a lot more simpler. I found that the biggest problem I had when I was DMing a full campaign was pacing. At the time I was really new to DMing and I didn't know what speed was best suited for the campaign, but I ended up getting the hang of it eventually.
If you don't plan on DMing it will be really hard to find a DM willing to run a campaign all the way to 20. The time to get to that point will usually take a year or more, even if you have weekly games. But anything is possible and I'm sure you can find someone willing to do this.
I love D & D! i have played 3rd, 4th and 5 editions but not as much as i'd like
I like to play as a rogue because i like being sneaky. if not a rogue then a Mage because magick is awesome
My least favorite character was a Halfling rogue i played on a 4th edition campaign because i got turned into a were rat XD.
i prefer to play Tabletop but would not be adverse to playing online with people ;)
I like to play as a rogue because i like being sneaky. if not a rogue then a Mage because magick is awesome
My least favorite character was a Halfling rogue i played on a 4th edition campaign because i got turned into a were rat XD.
i prefer to play Tabletop but would not be adverse to playing online with people ;)
ive only played 5e so far, im playing through my first campaign currently! its super homebrewed though, but its super fun. my favorite class, if you know about my username this wont be surprising, is wizard. i just...really love all the spells i get!! i honestly have a bunch of characters, my fav 3 are an....elf...named paari whos an evocation wizard, high elf necromancy wizard named dixy, and high elf rogue named alaan (i love them all so much honestly. if ur interested in them i have them up on toyhouse here) and my group has been just playing over discord and using dicecloud for our character sheets. also, fav race if it wasnt obvious, elves? i love them so much?

well i have played 3.5 ed and above and i have liked dnd since i found out about it haven't been play it since have no group . my favorite character have seen is a dragon monk and man let me tell you that was beast. the class i like to play the most is rogue/archer . The character was so ridiculous because he was so good at hiding but not sneaking so it was fun moments also was decent in combat but the fun moments where my rogue would not fail but forget to say " oh hey there's a trap there by the way." man i would love to play with a group.
DnD was my introduction into nerd territory. I've played 3.5/Pathfinder exclusively, and I've dabbled in 4th Edition a little.
I prefer 3.5 because it facilitates my love for "nerd math". I like to crunch numbers and get the most bang for my buck, so to speak, and I feel like 3.5 is great for that. It's ALOT to learn though, and probably not the best for new players.
I prefer 3.5 because it facilitates my love for "nerd math". I like to crunch numbers and get the most bang for my buck, so to speak, and I feel like 3.5 is great for that. It's ALOT to learn though, and probably not the best for new players.

I started playing Dungeons and dragons reading the Advanced dungeons and dragons books and roleplaying in the yard with sticks and costumes before I knew what I was even playing. i was 7 maybe. My brother cousin and I were really into it. Soon enough the books belonged to me, gifted to me by my grandmother. Than I got invited when was about 14 to play an actual game. I finally had my first tabletop game with dice and we were playing 1st. Oh my lord... That first game has never left me. I had so much fun.
Since I've played 2, 3.5, and pathfinder (?!? maybe it was) I skipped 4 entirely, but when i went to play 5 the entire campaign fell apart after the "yeah we're gonna play" which seems to happen alot to me.
My favorite class is cleric of course because i'm a healer naturally. :D But i'm one of those people that wants to play lots of classes to try everything but I've never had a group run long enough that I could play anything but a healer.
Since I've played 2, 3.5, and pathfinder (?!? maybe it was) I skipped 4 entirely, but when i went to play 5 the entire campaign fell apart after the "yeah we're gonna play" which seems to happen alot to me.
My favorite class is cleric of course because i'm a healer naturally. :D But i'm one of those people that wants to play lots of classes to try everything but I've never had a group run long enough that I could play anything but a healer.
Probably after the first of the year im gonna get to actually writing stuff for a campaign for here im just lazy

I have almost an entire campaign made. its so complete with even the daily movements of the pirates in it that i can pretty much just make characters and use it to write a story. xD
Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.
@Shadami: cough- you wanna dm -cough-
Dressed as goblins!
Do it all again!
See the friends all again!
Do it all again!
See the friends all again!
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.