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Escape to Voltra!

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Forums Role Playing Adventures in Space and Time

Voltie — Nayu Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 16:44:48 )
Arty gave him a gentle smile as she was led off, just glad that they weren’t touching him.. at least for now. She focused on learning the hallways.. left, right, left she could find him. Maybe she’d be able to get out of this and get him.

Once they came to the room, they put her on a table and immediately administered an anesthesia to knock her out, that would keep her from fighting. The research they were doing, they had planned on using on a human, but a trial run on an alien wouldn’t be that bad. The boy was taken for his healing abilities, in case something went wrong.. so the girl was just a plus for them.

Jack answered his phone, pizzas in hand as he walked into the visitor center entrance. “Trin? What’s wrong?”

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 16:47:31 )
Lets use all the colors!

"We had a breach, Artemis and Christopher were teleported out." She said as she got her jacket on.

Christopher curled up in the cell crying, "Mommy..daddy.."


Voltie — Nayu Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 16:54:12 )
Jack dropped the pizzas on the counter, heading down to the vault and hanging up the phone. “Do we have coordinates?”

After what seemed like forever, the experiment had finished. According to all of the data on the screen, they had succeeded, and it was time to try and create a hybrid human time lord next. They collected the data from this alien hybrid, taking it into account and sending the data to a secure location. There was only one final test to be sure it had completed properly.. One of the men, hesitant to do it, knowing what it meant, stepped up to take care of it. They would have the Judoon after them, if anyone found out about this.. but they had been careful. Careful and meticulous..

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 16:58:20 )
Lets use all the colors!

Trin and 13 were already heading to the TARDIS, 13 saying, "I got the coordinates from the teleport."


Voltie — Nayu Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:04:31 )
It felt like hours before she had woken up, groggy. The men had left after an alarm had sounded, and were busy making for their escape. Her straps had been undone, thankfully, and she sat up. Why did her side hurt so much? She frowned, looking around before standing up and realizing how wobbly her legs were. Crap.

Artemis moved for the door carefully and quietly. There seemed to still be some activity going on outside the doors so she had to be careful. She looked around, grabbing a scalpel, and heading down the hall once it sounded clear. She found herself needing the wall for support, what had they done to her? She hadn’t seen a mirror yet, so it was really hard to tell.. but she felt sore all over. “Christopher?” She called out, hoping she was going the right way and they hadn’t moved her. She stepped into some shadowed areas occasionally, as she heard footsteps coming her way.

Jack nodded, heading up with them to the TARDIS, weapons ready. He knew the Doctor didn’t quite like that, but he wouldn’t let someone harm the little boy they had adopted.. he was family.. and so was Artemis now.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:12:10 )
Lets use all the colors!

Christopher looked up hearing that, "Awty?" He called out sniffling.

13 didn't say anything about their guns, she hoped they wouldn't be needed but..Someone willing to break into Torchwood, they weren't someone to take lightly. She got the TARDIS going to the place holding on as soon as they landed she was moving to the doors.


Voltie — Nayu Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:14:52 )
She paused at the door, relaxing a bit. So glad to see he was ok. She grabbed a Bobby pin out of her hair, attempting to get the lock undone quickly. It seemed like they used a primitive lock, just in case they had a system failure, which worked in her favor.

Once she got it done she moved into the room. “Come on.. there has to be a way out..”

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:16:15 )
Lets use all the colors!

He looked up at her puzzled but he knew it was Arty so he moved to her sniffling, "Ou otay?"


Voltie — Nayu Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:18:53 )
“I’ll be alright.” She said softly, still sore and a bit lightheaded, but she did not want to worry him. She was focused on his safety first. She gently scooped him up, holding him close. “Need you to be extra quiet.. we might have to sneak around.” She heard more footsteps coming and slipped into the shadows between the rooms, waiting.

Jack was out the doors with the Doctor, already focused on the task at hand. He was moving down the hall before anyone could stop him, looking for his son.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:25:52 )
Lets use all the colors!

He nodded and turned his filter on so he could hide his wings and be hidden more in the shadows.

Trin followed Jack out keeping an eye out for anything a hand near her weapon just incase.


Voltie — Nayu Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:28:16 )
She looked over and smiled, turning her filter on too so he wasn’t alone in that. She moved further down the hall, hoping she’d find some indication for a way out. Although if they were truly on a ship... they may be trapped..

Jack looked over to the Doctor after looking for a bit. “Anything?” He was surprised they hadn’t run into anyone. Was the ship completely abandoned?

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:31:03 )
Lets use all the colors!

She had been scanning with the screwdriver, "Looks like they realized I picked up on the signal...the shit is mostly empty but there are two life forms, I believe they are Artemis and Christopher." She aid picking up the signals of the filters leading them down a hall carefully.


Voltie — Nayu Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:35:01 )
Artemis frowned after a moment, realizing they appeared to be going in circles. “I think they’re gone.. but we’re stuck.” She said softly, leaning on the wall. She had no way to contact the Doctor. “They didn’t hurt you did they?” She asked him softly, wanting to make double sure they hadn’t laid a finger on him.

Jack frowned, hand still on his weapon as he followed the Doctor. They better hope they were all gone. As much as he didn’t want to use it, he would..

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:37:30 )
Lets use all the colors!

"No they's didn't.." he whispered looking up at her still confused by her look but maybe that was a skill she had!

13 led the way carefully before turning a corner, spotting figures in the shadows. "Artemis, christopher?"


Voltie — Nayu Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:40:11 )
She smiled gently, “I’m glad..” and paused when she heard their names. Was that a trick? She looked over and blinked a few times. The Doctor.. and Jack and Trin. She hesitated, wondering if it was a trap before moving out of the shadows, still holding Christopher.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:41:44 )
Lets use all the colors!

Trin immediately moved forward, "Christopher.."

He held his arms out for her, "Mommy!"

13 blinked wait..what? "Artemis?" She said moving forward searching her eyes for a second.


Voltie — Nayu Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:45:11 )
Artemis let him go the moment Trin came up to take him. She turned to the Doctor and blinked a few times, frowning. What was that look for. “What..?” Had she done something wrong? She continued to frown, wrapping her arms around herself now that she wasn’t holding Christopher. “Sorry?” She had done her best to protect him..

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:46:06 )
Lets use all the colors!

She shook her head softly, "Don't be its not your fault, are you okay? Lets get you two back to the TARDIS.." and scanned...


Voltie — Nayu Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:48:20 )
She glanced over at Christopher, he was still within range to hear anything she said, and she didn’t want to worry him. “I’m fine..” She lied gently, “how did you find us?” The TARDIS sounded wonderful, maybe a quick nap would help the lightheaded feeling and her aches to go away.
Ping me for attention. I tend to wander.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/05/27 17:53:46 )
Lets use all the colors!

She frowned and moved to carefully put an arm around her to let her lean on her to walk, she could tell she lied but knew why, "I was able to pick up the signal of the teleport and track it to here." she said softly.

I'm just a crazy person.

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