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Donator — Troglodyte Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 00:38:34 )

To do art.
I have responsible art things to do, but I keep doing the leisurely art things.

I don't have the energy or drive to stick to the responsible things.
Motivate me. I want to do responsible things, but every time I try, every last bit of everything in me fizzles out so quickly.
I feel so drained and I'm not entirely sure why.


Donator — UWU/ Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 02:04:44 )

-gives candy floss-
月の兎 ☆★☆ 鹿の光

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 04:15:44 )
@vermii: I need...
to tell you that I love your avatar!
/slaps some motivation on you.
THERE. that should last you at least a good 3 minutes.
Please ping! I get distracted easily.

Donator — Troglodyte Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 14:55:02 )

Im not real big on cotton candy but i appreciate it none the less.

Thank you very much, i appreciate it.

Unfortunately, i think i slept thru those 3 minutes.


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 14:58:20 )

Does responsible art comes with moneys? If so think about that!

Donator — Troglodyte Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 15:42:12 )

I am! That's what motivates me to start, but then I also get stressed out super quick and have to stop and wait to pick it back up again.

I have a few things i gotta do.
I'm trying to work on the least stressful thing first.

It's not so much the task itself that stresses me out. I think i'm in one of my art ruts where everything i do looks like garbage to me. Which is the other reason i've taken to "leisurely art" to try and work on what i dislike about my art currently and improve on that a little. Get back to a place where i feel satisfied with my work.

Lot's of refs and anatomy studies yes yes.


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 15:43:51 )

@Vermii: I am sure your work looks fine. Don't be to hard on yourself. In the other if the person paying for it thinks it looks good it's all that matters.

Donator — Troglodyte Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/5 15:47:59 )

While I agree that I'm my own worst critic, I do think that when I end up falling into this headspace it really is because I'm due for some buckling down.
In the best way possible.

That little pumpkin seed rolling around in my head has surpassed my hand and now i need to train my hand to catch up.


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