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Forums Role Playing OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/6 04:44:21 )
"My stomach is making growling noises and probably eating itself." The younger one whined. When cake was brought up, Mitsukuni gasped. He was right! What would happen to all the cake? Who would be responsible for eating it and all the sweets? And the strawberries? "You're right Takashi! I have to fight and stay so I can eat all of the cake!"

Mia smiled softly, holding back a chuckle. That was adorable to witness. "Thank-you." She said softly, entering the large room that was always so beautifully decorated. "Haru-chan! Haru-chan! I'm dying!" Mitsukuni whined again. She looked around, picking any table to sit down at. Haruhi smiled at Mia and looked up at Mitsukuni. "Ah, what are you talking about honey-senpai?"


"Hello miss." Kaoru greeted the woman politely. "We know this. And we're not here to take her back to school. We're here just to talk to her as friends often do." He explained and looked to his brother who nodded, agreeing. They could hear the coughing from upstairs and gave a pointed look at the woman. "Sounds like she needs water." Hikaru hinted. "We'll go get her some water now if you don't mind. Actually, we were wondering if you would be interested in playing a game with us." Kaoru said with a mischievous grin on his face. One that Hikaru wore as well while he leaned against the door frame to prevent her from closing the door.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/6 05:08:55 )
Takashi carefully set his cousin down after listening to his banter and what he had said to Haruhi. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "We had a matter come up and hadn't had much time to eat lunch." He murmured quietly, glancing at his cousin before pulling out a chair for him and Mia to sit. Then he'd go get the tea and a cake.


Miranda rose an eyebrow as they spoke. "You boys never change, do you?" She voiced quietly, relaxing some when the coughing from upstairs subsided. It wasn't like she'd leave her daughter without water with her having a hard time today. "She has water up in her room." She said, watching as the younger twin leaned on the door frame after a game was mentioned. "Why would I be interested in one of your childish games?" Miranda asked.

Alice had managed to calm down some after catching the voices of her childhood rescuers, and she lay on her bed. She was focusing on calling down the rest of the way and getting her heart to settle down before she went into an arrhythmia. She had to calm down..

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/6 07:05:19 )
Mitsukuni ran towards the table that had been picked and happily took his seat once his tall cousin had pulled out his chair. "Thank you." He looked at Mia, surprised since they had said it at the same time. She was sitting now across from him. His eyes narrowed and he had a cute pout on his lips. "You still don't want me here do you?" Mia asked quietly, giving Mitsukuni a small smile. The boy looked at her then down at his bunny and shrugged his shoulders. "He likes you and I don't know why." The smaller male muttered.


"We resent that first comment." Hikaru said with a frown. He lit up once more at the mention of the game. "Because maybe there's something in it for you?" He suggested. Both twins assumed that she didn't really know them the way that Alice did. "It's a guessing game. Who is who. You win, we leave Alice alone. You lose, you let us talk to her. Just talk to her." Kaoru explained. Hikaru grinned. "I think we should play the game inside. It's a little warm out here and your house looks really nice from what I can see." He noted.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/6 17:08:00 )
Takashi came back with a cart, on it was a cake they could share and some tea. He casually set the cake on the table, then set the cups on the table and filled the cups with the freshly brewed tea. Takashi listened to Mia and gently ruffled his cousins hair and offered him a small smile before sitting down at the table with them.

He truly was proud of his cousin for trying.


Miranda stood quietly as if thinking of accepting the terms of their game. "You'll leave my daughter alone?" She asked cautiously, seeing how she didn't trust them in the least. If her daughter could tell them apart, how hard could it be? She moved aside and gestures to the living room. "Very well.. I accept your childish game."

Alice could hear them if she focused enough. Her mother honestly thought she stood a chance? It made her giggle quietly as she lay on her bed.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/10 20:31:56 )
Mitsukuni looked at his cousin then looked at the cake. He wanted to get the first slice, but that wouldn't be polite would it? Maybe Takashi wanted to see if he could give the first slice to Mia? Maybe that would make him happy, and he wanted to make his cousin happy. He looked at Mia, "Would you like some cake?" He asked her. Mia smiled and nodded, "I would, thank you." She replied. Carefully, Mitsukuni used the pail to cut out a slice then served it on a small plate with a small fork for her. "Thank-you very much! W-what should I call you?" she asked him. Mitsukuni looked both surprised and confused, muttering something and proceeding to serve his cousin a slice of cake and lastly himself.


The twins nodded. "Alone. We won't visit, we won't call. Nothing. No contact of any kind." Hikaru answered. Kaoru nodded in agreement and when they were allowed inside, he walked in with his twin. They were both very confident. No way that she would be able to tell them apart. "Alright, this game is simple. Which one of us is Hikaru and which one of us is Kaoru. Am I Kaoru? Or is he Kaoru?" Kaoru explained. Am I Hikaru? Or is he Hikaru?" Hikaru added. "It's your turn to guess. Who is who?" Hikaru asked the woman. He wrapped an arm around his brother's shoulders and they both leaned close with a blank look on their face, waiting for her to answer.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/11 01:03:51 )
Takashi subtly watched his younger cousin. He knew Mitsukuni always dived into a cake without much thought, but when he first asked Mia if she wanted some, and then cut her a piece, a small smile came to his thin lips. He wasn't expecting that, or for his cousin to cut himself a piece last. Takashi lightly placed a hand on top of the young boys head and glanced at Mia.

Before he could say anymore, Kyoya had come over after watching the trio. "Ms. Mia, if you'd like a formal introduction, we call him Honey-senpai and his cousin Mori-senpai." He said casually. "I am Kyoya, our lord is Tamaki, the bookworm is Haruhi, and the twins are Hikaru and Kaoru." He said, since he hadn't the time to properly introduce the host club members to her.


Miranda watched the boys as they spoke. Hikaru was always protective of her daughter, but they both were to a point, one of them already knew of her illness. When they put on the act though, it really was hard to tell them apart. How did her daughter tell them apart, even when they did this? They were playing a mind game with her, and she was certain the one asking what their names were, was them-self. If she was wrong though, she'd have to let them speak to her daughter.

She hated being wrong more than anything. Miranda examined the twins who were pressed together under the others arm. This was a losing game the moment she agreed to their terms, wasn't it? The woman concluded to herself. "Isn't that why you're so close to my daughter?" She mused. "No matter what, she always knew who was who, since the day she met you boys." Miranda folded her arms across her chest briefly before turning and heading upstairs and opening Alice's door. The blond girl wasted no time in running down the stairs and wrapping her arms around the twins.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/11 08:28:54 )
Mitsukuni smiled up at his taller cousin. Yay! He had made Takashi happy. This was good. He only wanted to make his cousin happy, it's why he decided to let him befriend this girl. He still didn't trust her completely, but he wanted to give her a chance. What did she have that his cousin seemed to like so much? She seemed so...ordinary. There was nothing interesting about her. His eyes lowered down to focus on the cake and began to eat it in silence.

Mia glanced up at the male who had spoken up. He seemed very calm and polite. Like Takashi. It had to be part of the requirements to get into the club. That's what she believed. "Oh!" She looked at the smaller male who was digging into his cake and sipping his tea. She looked at him, then at Mori-Senpai, then back at Kyoya-senpai.

"Hey!" Haruhi whined, getting Mia to look their way. She looked back at Kyoya and smiled. "Ah, thank you Kyoya-Senpai!" She said politely. "I really appreciate it..." She said and lifted her teacup to take a small sip. "I see that some members are missing. The twins you mentioned and Tamaki-Senpai. Will they not be here today?" She didn't mind, she was just curious.


"Woah, she walked away." Hikaru said. "That counts as a loss. A disqualification automatically. We win." Kaoru answered with a smirk. When the older woman left and opened the door, both twins looked towards Alice who made a beeline towards them. "Hello Alice." They both spoke in unison. "Are you okay?" Hikaru asked. Kaoru leaned closer and whispered in Alice's ear, "We need to go. The three of us. The car is waiting and I'll fill you in when we are in the car. But we are here to take you from here." He said. Hikaru pulled them all into a small group huddle. "We will wait until dark. You will open your window, then I will come, you jump out your window, I will catch you. Kaoru will wait for us in the car. We have to wait until your mom sleeps. Or we can just walk out now."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/12 01:51:31 )
Takashi chuckled quietly as he watched his cousin go back to eating his cake. He took a bite of his own slice of cake when the shadow king came over and introduced everyone. He glanced at Haruhi and offered her a small smile. He knew Kyoya didn't mean anything by his statement, that's just how he was.

Kyoya glanced around briefly before looking back at Mia. "Tamaki should be here any minute, the twins are however running a little late." He explained simply. The dark haired male adjusted his glasses right as the blonde haired male strolled right on through the doors and stepped into his charming character as his flock of customers greeted him. "That is the man who brought us together." Kyoya spoke calmly, a small smirk across his lips.


Alice slowly brought her lavender eyes to meet their golden ones as Kaoru whispered into her ear. Hikaru had huddled them closer together and Alice brought her arms down from around them. He wanted her to jump out of her window? Well, she was thinking it when she first saw them.. They had to be weary of her mother. If they simply walked out now, who knew what would happen. Either way, she was sure her mother would flip once the twins left, which could be used as a good cover. Then an idea hit her.

Alice locked eyes with Hikaru briefly, then she glanced at Kaoru and back at Hikaru. If they staged an argument, and the twins left, Alice could go right back to her room and shut her mother out. The twins could meet at her window and she'd jump right into Hikaru's arms. They werem't the only schemers in the school anymore, after all she had learned from the best. If Hikaru could still read her like a book, he'd know exactly what she was thinking. "Hikaru, Kaoru.." She murmured softly. "I can't stay here.."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/12 03:55:19 )
Mia looked over at the tall blonde male who a bunch of people had gathered around. From where she sat, he seemed like a very good person. Friendly. Clearly since so many people seemed to like him. She smiled politely, it was nice to know that everyone here seemed to be very kind people. She was expecting quite the opposite.

You see, sometimes having so much money made you a bad person. It was nice to know that these people were still very kind and didn't think very highly of themselves. They didn't look like the snobs back in other schools she had been to. "I see. He seems nice." She answered. " all do." She added after a moment of thought. It was true, even though she didn't know them very well yet. It was easy to see though just by looking at them.

Haruhi smiled back at Mori-Senpai and looked at Tamaki who had made his grand entrance as was custom now. She laughed softly and shook her head. It was always amusing to see the prince walk in so lavishly.


The twins listened closely to what Alice had to say. Kaoru was taken aback. "What do you mean? We are here to rescue you. Just like you asked remember?" He whispered. Hikaru chuckled quietly. He knew where this was going. "What do you mean you can't? You're seriously going to just go? You're really going to leave your friends behind? Seriously?!" His voice rose, they had to make this look realistic. They had to make it believable. "You know, we thought you were our friend Alice. All the years we spent together, they didn't mean anything to you?" He asked. Kaoru was catching on and rested a hand on his twin's shoulder. "Let's just go. We tried. Clearly she'd rather make her mother happy than herself."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/12 04:27:44 )
Takashi nodded some to her comment as he took a drink from his cup of tea. Kyoya chuckled and glanced at Mia once more. "He can be oblivious and a bit of an airhead at times, but I've never met a boy so set on making the people around him happy." He murmured quietly before turning away from her.

"It was nice meeting you miss Mia." He said and began to walk back to his laptop.


Alice blinked as Kaoru spoke. That wasn't what she meant at all.. She meant she couldn't stay here, with her mother! Then she glanced at Hikaru and flinched some when his voice rose but she knew he had seen through her, and what he was doing. She looked hurt and Miranda began to approach the trio. "How dare you raise your voice to my daughter." She spoke, clearly annoyed. "It's okay mom, he's right.." Alice murmured quietly with wet eyes. "It's good we had this talk." She added before sniffling and glancing at the twins once more. She then hurried to her room and slammed the door.

While Alice slipped on her bed jacket and grabbed her phone, drying her eyes, her mother was too baffled to even react. Alice peered out of her window a little, just enough so the twins could see her and she could see them. Her mother wouldn't be able to wrap her head around the situation fast enough to stop her.

((edit: stupid autocorrect xc ))

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/12 04:50:11 )
Mia smiled and nodded. "Likewise Kyoya-senpai." She answered. She watched him walk away then looked back at Mori and his cousin, honey. "So, what is it that you all do here exactly?" She asked them curiously. "Do you really just sit and eat cake while drinking tea?" She asked.

At this, Mitsukuni looked at her and shook his head. "Well kind of but not really." He said. "We keep customers entertained. We talk to them, listen to them, have cake and tea with them. It's nice. Everyone is happy. Here, there are no favorites. We spend time with everyone who wants to spend time with us."


Kaoru and Hikaru walked out of the grand house. They headed back to the car and leaned against it for a while. "All part of the plan. Alice is very smart. She learns well and very fast, I'm impressed." Hikaru said and looked at his brother. "Wait in the car, I'll go get her now." He said. Kaoru nodded and got behind the driver's wheel. He waited patiently while Hikaru made his way towards the house again. He noticed her window and waved up at her then stood below her window with his arms out so he could catch her if she did end up jumping. It was a crazy plan, but crazy was all they knew. The twins never schemed something 'calm'. No, it had to seem impossible and it would always work. If not, they always had a backup plan.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/12 05:14:08 )
Takashi nodded some as they spoke. "Sometimes we have a theme and wear costumes but it's mostly to entertain our guests." He said calmly, before taking a bite of his cake. "And here, we are free to be ourselves." He added, smiling at his cousin.


Alice wearily waited, part of her worried her mother would come check on her before she made her escape. She glanced at her door briefly, soon catching sight of the older twin out of the corner of her eye. She looked at him and carefully climbed into her window enough to sit on the outside of it and closed her eyes as she pushed off the ledge. To say she trusted Hikaru with her life was an understatement. Alice trusted him with so much more.. She doubted either twin knew just how much she cared about and trusted them.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/13 01:13:41 )
"Oh really?" Mia began and giggled, that sounded like a lot of fun! "So you have little costume parties? Ah, that sounds like such fun and I bet all of your costumes are amazing!" She commented, taking another bite of her slice of cake. It was so good, very sweet! Takashi's comment confused her though. "Mori-Senpai? What do you mean? Aren't you able to be yourselves everywhere?"


Kaoru waited and would look over at his brother waiting there like a silly lovestruck child. Kaoru smiled and looked down at his phone, their plan had even fooled him. He was impressed. Hikaru looked up at Alice and was a little nervous but he was sure he'd catch her. "It's okay Alice, I'll catch you. You can trust me!" He said to her as he waited for her to jump. It was a big jump, from the second floor but he wouldn't let her get hurt.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/13 02:30:38 )
Takashi chuckled quietly as he finished his cake and took a drink from his tea. " all of our costumes are hand made by the mother of the twins. " He said casually. Takashi glanced at her when she spoke next and briefly lowered his gaze to his cousin, remembering when Tamaki came up to the smaller boy and invited him to the host club.

He glanced back at Mia. How could explain it without sharing that part of their lives? He was sure Mitsukuni wasn't ready for her know that about him. "Tamaki is a charming prince kind of man, most people don't take him very seriously.. Here, there are certain girls that love to be charmed by the princely type, and Kyoya handles everything business related without being looked down on for his seriousness." He tried explaining.


Alice opened her eyes when she heard Hikaru and looked down at the red haired male. She knew that.. She trusted him. What was stopping her? Sure, she wasn't very brave but she knew there was nothing to be afraid of. "Alice?" Her mother voiced from behind the door.

Alice closed her eyes and pushed off of the ledge once more, allowing herself to drop from her window and into Hikaru's arms. She only opened her eyes again after feeling his strong arms around her.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/13 03:55:10 )
Mia listened carefully to every word that the taller one was saying. His voice was so quiet. He had such a calm but serious personality, it was what drew her attention to him from the very start. Of course, she'd never admit to it. He was much too great for someone like her. The thought made her laugh in her head. He deserved much better than her.

Mitsukuni frowned and looked at his cousin under worried brows. This question was one he didn't feel like answering. They didn't even know her! They couldn't be sharing such personal things about themselves with her. The smaller male relaxed when he heard his cousin's answer. It was a good one. Vague which was good. Mia blinked and cocked her head to the side. Slowly she nodded. "Ohhhh..." She said, thinking she understood what he was saying. "I understand what you mean Mori-Senpai." She thought she did anyway.


Hikaru gasped and quickly moved so he could catch her and sighed when he did. He wasted no time in running off towards the car with her in his arms. He opened the back seat and set her down inside then buckled her up and closed the door. Then he walked around to the passenger's side and took his seat. "Let's go before that woman runs after us and takes our plates." Hikaru warned, starting to fasten his seat belt as the car roared to life and Kaoru drove off towards the school once more.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/13 04:14:28 )
Takashi smiled some when she seemed to understand his vague answer. It was the best one he could give at the moment. H


Alice relaxed some once inside the car, then so was Hikaru and the car started moving. She lightly placed a hand over her chest where she could feel her heart racing after the excitement, and did her best to calm down. "Trusting you is one thing that won't change.. And Kaoru.. You're always looking out for me and want to know I understand that now.." She said softly, glancing at Hikaru.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/13 04:45:55 )
So serious personalities were looked down upon by some people? Mia finished her cake and watched Honey-Senpai take another piece for himself. She noticed the pink rabbit on his lap and wondered who had given it to him. It suited him though, his childish personality. She couldn't believe that he was actually Mori-Senpai's cousin. The two were total opposites, but she could see that they were both very close. It was sweet.


Kaoru glanced back at her through the rear view mirror and smiled. "Now we just take you back to school and figure out where you can stay. We wouldn't mind you staying with us though. However, we need to report back to Kyoya first." He said softly. "Right! Should I call him?" Hikaru asked his twin. Kaoru shook his head. "Let's surprise everyone with this." He answered with a grin as he continued to drive towards the school. Glanced back at Alice and smiled softly in her direction.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/14 01:37:36 )
Kyoya got up from his desk after a minute and went over to Tamaki, and his group of girls. He placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned close to the blond as if telling him something. The blonde male glanced at the dark haired male and nodded lightly, then he excused himself and the two disappeared into a room connected to the host room.

Takashi curiously glanced over as the door closed. Something was going on that only certain members knew about, but he couldn't deny being curious.


"Well, it's either I stay with you or Tamaki.. I don't really know anyone else." She murmured with a light shrug. Alice blinked and her cheeks darkened. "S-school? I'm in my nightgown!" She stated, glancing down at herself and wrapping her bed jacket around her tightly. Wait a minute.. Did Kyoya set this whole thing up? She was still a bit flustered when she noticed Kaoru's smile and smiled a little in return. She calmed down some and glanced at Hikaru. "Can I wear your jacket, Hikaru?" Alice asked shyly. "It'll cover much more than this bed jacket of mine.." She murmured quietly.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/16 03:42:00 )
Mia noticed Takashi looking away and followed his gaze. She saw Kyoya and Tamaki had retreated into a room, she wondered if everything was okay. Then she looked at Mitsukuni and smiled. "How can you eat so many sweets without getting a cavity Honey-Senpai?" She asked. She was doing her best to get close to him, but it was hard when it looked like he wasn't too interested in idle chatter. "I take very good care of my teeth. Takashi is always reminding me to brush my teeth so I don't accidentally forget. I will never get a cavity, no way. If I get a cavity, it would mean that I can't have sweets and that would make me very sad." He whined, his eyes already getting big and misty.


"Yes in your nightgown. This is a kidnapping. We didn't give you time to get dressed properly." Kaoru explained. Hikaru looked back at Alice and removed his jacket in the car, then handed it back towards her. "Here you go." He said to her, a smile on his face. Kyoya would be impressed with their devious plan and the success! Kaoru drove in silence, then turned onto the street leading to the school. When they reached the school, Kaoru casually drove into the parking lot and parked in their usual spot before switching off the engine. "Alright, let's go."

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/16 04:00:44 )
Takashi smiled some as Mia attempted to Start a conversation with the smaller boy. He knew how much his cousin loved eating sweets, and playing with cute stuffed toys. One reason why they had joined the club, after Tamaki invited them. If the smaller boy ever got a cavity, he didn't know what he'd do. It was honestly something he often worried about.


Alice relaxed and shook her head lightly. Obviously.. She smiled some when Hikaru took off his jacket and offered it her and quickly slid off her bed jacket. She put on his warm jacket and quickly buttoned it up as Kaoru pulled up in the parking lot and shut off the car. Her heart was beating so fast it hurt. Calm down.. She told herself as she began to open the car door so she could get out.

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