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Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 19:41:46 )
Finally got my avatar decent enough to make my first post~ so hello everyone!

I used to frequent Gaia during the golden years (2003-2009). I quit when they got too money hungry and sold their soul. Even though I’m salty at what Gaia became, I miss the sense of community there. Voltra kinda reminds me of how Gaia was in the beginning so I have high hopes.

Btw, sorry if my sentence structures are weird. I spent like 4 years teaching English overseas in a country that’s notoriously bad at English. ;~;

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 19:46:48 )
    @Tsundererra: welcome to Voltra :) we do have a nice community here.

currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 21:29:43 )
Kai says...

@Tsundererra: welcome to voltra! the community here is strong and i hope u will love it~
also ur sentence structure is great!

Thank you for listening!


Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 21:30:08 )
@sunny: Thank you! The community here seems very friendly and positive from what I’ve seen in the forums. Very happy to have found this site.

@Hazer: Thank you! All the items here are really cute. Feel like I got my money’s worth from the few bayou orbs I got. Bless this site for not being stingy like Gaia. I love your avatar as well. Reminds me of a digital angel of death.

@SirLionelNigelConrad: Thank you, fellow English speaker, for all of your tips. I have enjoyed saving that blimp on the daily!

@Totalanimefan: Thank you, but omgggg your avatar is very cute!!! :o I’m glad there’s someone else on here who’s experienced the OG Gaia. :’)
And yes! I taught in Japan. Have you taught in Japan as well? Or is my weird Engrish too noticeable? You’re right about forgetting what English sounds like or how to properly English when you’re surrounded by Japanese 24/7. Also not a fan of how they misuse whatever English they do incorporate to everyday life, like “Let’s (noun/adjective)!” instead of let’s + verb.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 22:00:13 )
@KairoSama: Thanks! I’m already loving the community here. And you’re so sweet, thank you. I’ve been so insecure since coming back to the US. My friends asked me why I was talking like William Shatner the first month I was back. ToT

@SirLionelNigelConrad: A lot of my unmotivated students said the same thing, and they’re not wrong. Most Japanese people don’t travel outside their country, and if they do, they go to places where there is some language support like Korea, Hawaii, or Guam. But even though my English went to shit, my Japanese skills leveled up, so at least I benefited somehow.
And English is a difficult language with weird rules. I got stumped trying to answer some grammar questions many times over there, and I was an English major.

@Totalanimefan: I feel like you understand the Japanese language struggles as well. :’)
Vacationing and even studying abroad in Japan is muuuuch better than living there for work, at least from what I experienced. Where in Japan did you visit?
And I was the same! I remember I would sneak onto Gaia on my school computers. It’s a good thing smartphones weren’t a thing during that time, or I would’ve gotten in so much trouble. I miss the art arena and guilds. Voltra has so much potential, I just hope they don’t turn to the dark side like Gaia.

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 22:05:31 )
Kai says...

@Tsundererra: i’m glad u like it! and ur english is great, u wouldn’t think u has been in a different country!

Thank you for listening!


Shop | Art Thread | used to be cowboy belphie, buggaboy, kairosama | forum bunny by kouenli

Donator — UWU/ Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 22:51:21 )
heya, welcome to voltra!!!

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 22:52:43 )
@Totalanimefan: Yeeeeep, always seen as a foreigner first and foremost. And depending on who you interact with, it can have perks or unfair downsides. I went in knowing this, but man... it gets tiring to deal with. It felt dehumanizing at times too.
I’m from the US too (east coast). Oh man, you went to all the good big cities! I lived close to Kyoto and Osaka, so those were my stomping grounds, but I loved the serenity of Shizuoka. Btw, if you visit again and are in Tokyo, go to Yokohama in neighboring Kanazawa.
(Omg I posted too soon. My pet parrot kept biting at the screen! My b!)
I miss traveling by Shinkansen, but the times I’ve traveled by train here in America makes me feel like it would be a really bad idea. We need to learn to maintain the railways we have to safety standards before we can have a bullet train, or else it can end badly. I miss the convenient store riceballs and the fancy toilets.
From what I’ve seen from the members and the people working on the site, I feel optimistic. I don’t think I’ve seen any trolling happening on here either. Everyone seems decent. What a concept that would’ve been on Gaia.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 23:02:44 )
@Kairu: Thank you! I am loving your rainbow coat and wings.

Donator — UWU/ Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 23:05:14 )
@Tsundererra: yay ty : D

youre cool blue!!! very pretty!
月の兎 ☆★☆ 鹿の光

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 00:04:04 )
You only joined a few days ago?! Your avatar is so nice and I love the colour-scheme. I never would have guessed! ^.^

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 01:44:38 )
@Totalanimefan: I’m sorry you had to experience that! It’s just disheartening to find out people see you as your nationality first, and treat you based on their feelings/opinions towards the country and not you as a person. I experienced that when I was visiting my family in Paris. Had someone call me “stupid American” when I was trying to practice my French. It’s the main reason I switched to Japanese. :viosad:
Oh wow, Florida to Cali is such a jump! Like instead of hurricanes, you have droughts now. Both are awesome places to live regardless, and they have Disney parks and Universal Studios. If America ever does build a bullet train, it would make traveling to see your fam easier and more affordable for sure. But oof, I haven’t seen any improvements on Amtrak yet, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed.
There’s just so much to do in Japan in general, so kudos to you for being able to hit the 3 big areas within 10 days. If you ever want ideas on where to visit for your next trip, I’d be happy to throw some suggestions. Also, I’m jealous you got a bidet! I’ve been eyeing some online, but I haven’t taken the plunge yet.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 01:49:46 )
@Dragonus Luciferius: I legit dropped $25 in donations yesterday to look like this. Before that I didn’t even have shoes and half my titty pixels were hanging out. My avatar looked like a hobo. I’m glad you like the coloring. I worked with whatever items I got from that bayou plasma orb, and the blue color was what they all had in common.

Donator — Any Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 03:33:00 )
Welcome! Living in another country must have been exciting.


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 10:35:12 )
@Tsundererra: It's very purdy! I struggled to find a shirt to hide my shameful nudity. But at least I have some now! XD

Donator — they/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 12:53:51 )
@Tsundererra: Welcome to Voltra! As you can see, the community is incredibly nice. Loving the avatar, by the way. ♡

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 19:48:58 )
@Bioshock: Nice to meet another old Gaia fan! Thank you for your kind words~ Btw, I love your username! And your English is fine. I can understand you perfectly. I’m glad my English seems ok for now, but I will probably slip up and make the funkiest worded sentence you’ll ever see.

@Totalanimefan: The only thing we can do is to treat others with kindness regardless of where they’re from so we don’t continue the trend.
I live in northern Virginia, but I travel to NYC and NJ a lot for concerts and to hang with friends.
It’s awesome that both you and your husband studied Japanese. It must make traveling there so much easier. Japanese people love it when foreigners speak their language, so it must’ve blown their mind to have a husband and wife both be able to.
And 2021 sounds like an ideal time to go. Tokyo is already crowded during the summer, and I don’t even want to imagine how it will be during the Olympics.
I’m just glad the items I pulled randomly all match. My goal was to get my avatar fully clothed, but the items did that and more.

@Kira: Hello! Living overseas was exciting, and a wonderful experience, but I’m glad to be home.

@Dragonus Luciferius: Thank yoooou~ I was surprised that our avatars came fully naked, and even more surprised that we have to buy our own facial features. That money could’ve gone to more clothes. ;~; But at least we are both clothed now.

@icarus: Thank you! I am in awe of how friendly everyone is. I hope it always stays like this.

@bum: Thank you very much! Your avatar is very cute. I was trying to do a theme with those colors, but I didn’t have enough volts to do it. I have the skater set from the crate, but nothing else I have matches it at the moment. One day~ :viocry:

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 19:54:48 )

@Tsundererra: Welcome to voltra. And nice avi you got there.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 20:37:40 )
@Tsundererra: I quite like it. At least we don't have ugly base underwear. XD

Come chill at The Treehouse or visit my Item Trading Thread!
[Pixels by Ghost & DragonicKittens!]

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 02:09:12 )
@vengeance: Hello and thank you! I like your avatar, you look like a holy skater.

@bum: That’s very impressive! I took a peek at the item museum and I don’t think I could ever try to collect everything. I hope you can accomplish your goal! I only have two past items on my wishlist as of right now, so I’d like to help and donate when I’m better off.

@Dragonus Luciferius: This is true! Not a fan of the saggy grey undies I’ve seen on other sites. I also like how we can change the gender of our avatars whenever we want. So much potential!

@Totalanimefan: Yesssss, you know about NOVA! You must be going to Otakon. I was planning on getting a table at the artist’s alley, but I already made plans on that weekend. :viodead: But let me know how it goes! I didn’t know they got Bradio and the DJ from M-Flo this year! Everyone is going to be dancing their butts off for sure.
Omgggg I LOVE Japanese music. I miss being able to karaoke in private rooms, singing my fav Japanese songs. ToT I’ve been a long time fan of Arashi, AKFG, Oishi Masayoshi, T.M. Revolution, Mizuki Nana, Greeeen, Kalafina, and Utada Hikaru. I got into AAA, Spyair, Ikimono-Gakari, Vocaloid cover singers, and fripside because of my students. There’s a ton more I love, but these are from the top of my head. What artists do you like?
And nonsense, your avatar is wholesome and super cute. Makes me want to go to the beach.

The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

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