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Forums General Chit-Chat My favorite season is starting soon...

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 18:34:50 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

Did you think I meant summer? HELL, NO! I hate the heat and the cold never bothered me anyway!

But my favorite DEBATE SEASON!!
For the USA every three years DEBATE SEASON starts. (Yes, I'm going to capitalize that every time like a businessman basking in the broken system of capitalism.)

I love DEBATE SEASON. I love watching people argue their thoughts left and right and watching people climb while others dreams of dominating the podium utterly, and pathetically become crushed under the weight of scrutiny and a lack of eloquence.

It's a depressing world we live in and rarely do the under dogs make any waves- but one can hope things will change eventually-amiright? No- I'm left but that's okay and you're okay.

DEBATE SEASON to me, is football season to the bro chads out there. I watch both parties debates and find them kind of exhilirating, depressingly comical, etc. The one and only time in my life I became black out drunk and needed the emergency room, was last debate season when I decided to play the shot game of HIllary versus Trump. Within 20 minutes, my fiance had to call an ambulance. The shot game was a killer experiment. anywho I don't drink anymore after that. scary stuff.

Just felt like sharing that'll be my passion for the next few months as I continue to wonder if my narcolepsy medication will always cost $3,800 a month and if I'll always have to keep fighting my insurance for coverage every few months with a lawyer until the insurance eventually wins and I rot incapable of functioning like a normal person but won't be applicable for disability because narcolepsy is unknown by the people that make those decisions and I'm young. As my medical debt exceeds my student loan debt preventing me from moving on with my life. :) least I can't say I'm lonely with all those debt collection calls and letters in the mail of interest. That one broken tooth cost $2,000 fix so oh well not doing that. Hahahahahaha

TL;DR It's DEBATE SEASON for the USA. Let the games begin continue.
Click here for the double night line up of democratic debates.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 18:36:20 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

I'm okay.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 18:37:48 )
    I don't know what debate season really is but holy carp I hope your medical issues get sorted soon.

currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 18:41:43 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

Narcolepsy is for life unfortunately. I have a wonderful medication that makes it seem I'm almost not a narcoleptic. But unfortunately it costs $3,800 a month so my insurance every quarter sends me a letter saying they don't want to cover it any longer and I've three times so far needed to get a lawyer to fight for my right to keep my medication.

Without it, at worst I risk going back to sleeping beauty syndrome- which was 18-22 hours of me sleeping every day.

at best I will randomly fall asleep every hour or every other hour or so throughout the day and have random episodes of paralysis from basic stimuli such as laughing or hearing a sudden loud noise. My body will burn in pain most days- through out the entirety of the day.

This medicine is what literally allows me to function mostly normal but its the only one of its kind.
Which means $CHA-CHING$

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 18:43:45 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

It really is disgusting, Total!

But yes, lots of laughs to be made during this season.


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 18:48:08 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

If you guys want! I can write up a play by play here when it starts next week!

Voltie — Princess Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 19:32:04 )

ooooh yes, play by play sounds fun! Sounds like alot of work tho :vanora_stunned:


Always ping me please.

Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 19:35:26 )

Meanwhile, in The Netherlands, with 13 parties just in the second chamber, it’s always debate season.

Can I punch your insurance if they say they don’t want to pay for your meds again?


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 22:38:15 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

ALRIGHT! I shall write up a play by plays highlight moments for everyone xD
Naturally with my own sprinkling of sarcasm and interpretation.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 00:10:00 )
Aww... I hope your meds and stuff turn out okay. Hang in there! /Hugs!

Come chill at The Treehouse or visit my Item Trading Thread!
[Pixels by Ghost & DragonicKittens!]

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 02:51:58 )
@Millet: I don’t like summer either, so I’m glad that’s not what you’re talking about. Btw, I love your parakeet gif.

I used to love debate season in America, but things feel polarized and weird. Too many people have confirmation bias, and are willing to overlook hard facts just to “win”. Words don’t mean anything anymore and it’s depressing to watch.

I’m sorry about your medication costs. It’s messed up that they’d charge that much for medicine that people need to function or even stay alive. When I moved back from overseas, I got a stomach infection that went wrong, and I didn’t have insurance at the moment. I had to pay $300 + $150 for every test they took (I did 3). When I got my diagnosis, they told me I need to take the meds they prescribe or my body will shut down eventually, the meds were like $500-600 for 30 pills. $1,500 total cost just to live. AMERICA. Meanwhile, I never paid more than $20 for both treatment and meds overseas.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/20 20:47:20 )
@SirLionelNigelConrad: I’m with you 100%. I hate how arguing has replaced debates as the new norm. And you’re right about the Republicans behaving like a religion. The Republican Party and it’s supporters are refusing to listen to any side that doesn’t support its beliefs (which is whatever Trump is tells them) and shuts out facts they don’t like. They’ll even turn on their own if they go against their dear president in any way. They use terms like “libs” like how religious people use words for nonbelievers or sinners. And it’s scary to watch how far the brainwashed supporters are willing to follow Trump. Even when his policies are hurting his middle class and lower class base, they’re still clamoring to support him.

At least the debates among democrats will be more mentally stimulating than when the democratic candidate has to debate against Trump. That is going to be a frustrating, anxiety-ridden watch for sure.

The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

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