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Forums General Chit-Chat Post yer pride flags and if you are comfortable- tell your stories!

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 02:24:35 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

I'm not blind I can acknowledge someone is hot or attractive, but I literally do not feel sexually attracted to anyone
unless I've formed a close connection to them. That isn't a pretentious choice based thing, that's just how my mind and body work.
I physically cannot get aroused if I don't consider myself close to you. It's been an issue back when I was single as it seems culture is
very oriented around sex and having sex to determine compatibility but I can't and its been hard to find people that understand that.
I'm in a loving relationship right now though and he was very patient.

I'm also bisexual.Very much so capable of falling in love/becoming aroused with any person of any background or gender once that connection is established. Unfortunately after I had started dating a girl my father's side of the family heavily retaliated against me. Them being heavily catholic. They are no longer in my life for many reasons- one of which they could not accept that I was at the time /seeing/ a girl and I never want them to be of influence or source of shame again if in the event my partner and I don't work out and I choose to be with a girl again.
(I mean hopefully my dude and I make it through but if not ya know. just sayin')

I'm also quite tired of the common belief that all bisexuals are some kinda sexual deviants who aren't capable of monogamy? If someone isn't monogamous that's totally fine so long as any relationship is open and honest. But bi does not equal poly. And through past experiences I've found lesbians who didn't want to get closer to me because I'm bi, and straight dudes who think bi translates to threesomes. It's exhausting and annoying.

Edit: uh, according to an article I read I guess I'm not bisexual but pansexual. Whelp. The more ya know lol.

How bout you?

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 04:06:02 )
Kai says...

honestly im pretty open about my gender and sexuality on here but i dont think ive ever shared my "realisation that i am not a female person" story so here ya go homies

im a trans guy!! so around 12 or 13 i realised that i wasnt just a 'tomboy' and that it was something deeper, but i didnt understand what it was until i was told about 'genderfluid' and 'nonbinary', which is when i started trying to discover who i was. naturally i went through a few phases of names, i identified as genderfluid at one point, and also went by the name 'cody' for like a month until i was like NAH SON and thankfully scrapped that name idea (thank god)

from around age 13 to 17 i didnt really know what i was, i just knew i wasnt cis. in 2016 though, i joined a game where you can make your avatar look however you want, and because i was trying to figure myself out, i made it male. people were referring to me as a male and it felt right, whereas when people referred to me as 'she/her' it made me uncomfortable and i didnt feel as if it fit me as much as 'he/him' does. thats when i realised that i was born in the wrong body, and that i am transgender. thats also when i chose the name Kai too!

i havent come out as trans to my parents yet, but i do plan on it hopefully this year (gonna get my hair cut first, its VERY long rn
i've come out to a few friends and they've taken it well, an ex-friend irl did try and out me to my college friends though (hence the ex part)

im also gay! go figure
theres not really a story to this, but when i was a confused mess i did wonder if i was a lesbian or bi, hint: im not. i also wondered if i was a straight guy? hint: also not. i dated girls but it just didnt work, girls are pretty, im just not attracted to them. around 2018ish i realised that i am a big gay and i really like guys LMAO
ps i wasnt sure which variant of the flag to use there are so many

so ye im a gay trans guy my dudes :^)
also @Hazer: i feel u with ur dad being pervy towards girls, my stepdad does it A LOT and it makes me very uncomfortable :(

Thank you for listening!


Shop | Art Thread | used to be cowboy belphie, buggaboy, kairosama | forum bunny by kouenli

Donator — Whatever Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 04:17:37 )
Are ya reddy, guyz?!

aromantic ace, like yeah I think he looks adorable and he's a dork and I'm 100% down for stealing his socks because who expects that but dating or banging? Naw bro. Especially since he's nearly a quarter century older than me. Friends? Wouldn't mind that
This is the closest I'll get to a "celebrity crush" and some think it is. No, no, you're reading way too much into things and putting stuff that isn't there

Irl I'm not really out, there's a few from my job who have seen an ace pin that I have and recognize it last year it was in the open, this year it's not allowed cuz blah blah blah clones blah blah blah so it ninja mode behind my nametag
Mom's seen almost all the pride merch I have, but I don't think she knows the flag so to her it's just a goofy color pattern
My merch almost all came from an anime con: pillow, large and very warm scarf, multiple pins, a keychain piece
The flag I got yesterday and off of Amazon

Online I put the pride icons, either split or together, in sigs on sites like this one
People either don't notice or don't comment and I'm fine either way

I don't know how anyone will react irl for sure, except for my oldest sister. She's a whole rant in of itself that I won't post here because it's not relevant

Kinda questioning gender. Don't really have a problem with any pronouns, and hell looking male irl means I'm far less likely to be hit on by those who allow their dicks to override their brains
I have a hat that I can shove my hair into, I wear it outside the house hair to my butt is an old goal I wanna make before I really decide on any different haircuts. My avi went from big poofy pigtails to messy short tho


Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 10:53:40 )

I’m ftm trans, bi and pretty much aromantic. Too many flags for me to post.


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 11:46:39 )
I never really thought about what I am, but people have said that I sound Asexual and Pan? I mean, gender was never something I cared about, 'cause I find myself liking lots of people regardless, but I'm quite averse to intimacy and relationships since I get nervous. I often joke about admiring people from afar. XD

That being said, I just fly the rainbow flag since it kinda' includes and stands for everyone. ^.^

Come chill at The Treehouse or visit my Item Trading Thread!
[Pixels by Ghost & DragonicKittens!]

Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 13:46:56 )
I wanted to post here, but i'm pretty sure my post would exceed the maximum character limit. XDD;;;


Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 14:23:42 )

@Kozi: Közi’s big book of pride


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 14:49:03 )

(This is Millet's mule)
Oh, hmm.. If I go off of this link then I'm technically not bisexual but pansexual. I wouldn't have an issue becoming attracted to a trans person and I didn't realize the bilabel implied that.

Glad the article links out to Biphobia (which extends to panphobia) as that's been my experience.


Donator — FluffyBoi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 18:55:10 )
I'm just an ally, nothing too interesting to say. Have a gay brother and though he technically never told me(found out through a friend of his that was visiting asking me how I felt knowing he was gay. I just answered "He's gay? So that's why he would play Barbies with me!"), I never found an issue with it. Sure, he can get on my nerves, but that's what siblings do. I love him anyway.
Lucifer's Pet

Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 20:08:45 )
Ah hell, sure. Why not. XD;;

[I couldn't find any flags i liked because I'm super picky, sorry]
Spoilers because #dark
This thread should really go into the serious crap forum

Kozi is a genetic clusterf___k.
A literal combination of male and female that occurs when one of a set of twins fails and merges too late in the game.
You get a chimera, someone with two sets of DNA.
And, consequently, usually a pretty unhappy individual.
You can go your whole life without knowing you have this, if it doesn't present in a really obvious way.

I prefer male pronouns. "They/them" offends my grammar, as my schooling taught me (incorrectly) that it is always plural.
I am plural enough, and do not need reminders of it.

Romantic Asexual
I am capable of love, greatly so. But sometimes I wish I wasn't.
One coworker likes to joke that I inherited the love of both hearts. Still not sure if it's funny or not.
I love with the whole of me. I want to hug, to hold tenderly, to kiss
(only sometimes and not grossly, just nice ones and keep your tongue where it belongs thank you very much)
But that's where the line stops.
I flirt, but the idea of the actual act fills me with revulsion and fear.
But what do most humans want? ... yep....
*dies alone*


Oh my love, I know you are my candyman
And oh my love, let us fly to bounty land~~

Közi (“Kouji.”)

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 20:46:13 )

Not sure how or where people find those flags... google them or are they n this page somewhere?.... so yea ^^;
This may make me sound super old, but when I was a teenager I kept getting crushes on women, so when I was 17 I decied to get out of the closet to my younger sister ( who handled it pretty well ) and later my parents as lesbian. My father ( who is the oldest, from 1950 ) was fully accepting for it, " You can be with a man or a woman or something in between, I dont care about their religion nor their skincolor, as long they make you happy. " was what he told me, completely relaxed. While my mother just started crying. It followed up with some years where she tried to get her friends, or friends of her friends to date me, all in the fight to try and become a grandmother, as all of those women were mothers already.. >>;; No need to say that it didn't really work out and kinda made me take a distance to her.

But over the years that have past I have realized that I most likely are pansexual. For me gender doesnt matter. It is more how I feel around them. I need to feel safe and happy around them before the attration really happens. Though I never understood people who got celebrity crushes, I can still think : hey he/she/they /sin are cute/pretty. But it wont equal that I find myself as a potential partner to them.

Coming out as pan to my siblings and parents, and try to explain to them what that is, is not something I have done.

I also have a foster parent, that I have not come out to, as I fear how she will take it, as she and her family is rather religious.

As for gender.. I guess I am genderfluid, or agender.. Honestly not entirely sure. But I never felt entirely happy being a woman nor as a man so what I wear and from which store or section I buy my clothes, really depend on how I feel that day.. I cannot see myself as a feminine female, nor as a male... That is just confusing to me... As to what I be called, him/her/they/sin.. I honestly dont care that much

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/19 21:13:35 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

I've read everyones posts! Not sure if it is okay for me to respond to people so I'll refrain just incase but wow what a wide variety of representation we have here. Also learning a bit more about everyone on a stronger personal note adds context for sure. I'm glad so many of you were comfortable sharing.

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/20 01:03:06 )


I am demi-pan. Though not really sure about the pan part, never had a chance to test it out really.

When I was in elementary school an older boy asked me if I was gay. He didn't want to show me the porn he was looking at on the bus if I was. But I didn't know what that meant really. Then I saw the nekkid lady and realized that was interesting to me. Not much else yet, since I was like 8 or 9. By the time I reached 12 I knew for sure that I was definitely not straight. My mom told me to not say that until I was at least 18 though. She didn't want me to get trapped in the Hell that is questioning your sexuality. I'm almost 30 and still pretty sure that I'm not straight. ]


Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/20 10:07:34 )

@Another Movie Addict: that reminds me of when I was in kindergarten (kindergarten and elementary here are in the same building and, together, they’re grades 1 to 8).

A girl in school, who was in grade 8, was my absolute favourite of all people when I was 4 or 5. Her mother was one of the teachers and her brother was also in our school. I liked both, but not as much as I liked her.
Every break, I’d quickly go to her and stay with her until we had to go back to class.

When she left school, I was completely heartbroken. All I could do was cry.

That was the moment my mother realised I wasn’t exactly straight.


Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/21 14:35:54 )

@Hazer: pretty sure that the B and P in LGBTQIAPK are for Banana and Pie


Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/21 14:54:05 )

@Hazer: I saw it even longer than that, but I can't remember all those letters


Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/21 15:03:29 )

@Hazer: make sure that the - is always there though. AZ is also a football club.


Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/21 16:43:18 )

@Hazer: *sneakily adds *


Donator — Troglodyte Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/22 06:46:17 )

these are adorable.

It's been an adventure discovering these things about myself. For me at least, overall it isn't really all that exciting.
Though I only realized it like, four years ago and then it took another year or so to realize I was also aro. Mostly because when it came to sex and relationships they weren't things I actively thought about in regards to myself. If I did, it was mostly because I was tired of it coming up all the time. But maybe that in and of itself should have been some kind of clue lmao.


Donator — Sea Snake Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/22 13:42:14 )
The hearts you made look precious hazar~^^
I'm a male transgender and gay. My coming out came later than it should have due to a number of issues. You could say I was born outside the box and my early years were spent trying to figure out how to get in. To get an idea of how weird I was? My first day of the class thing before first grade. I was in the age range where I shouldn't have realized that not everyone knows what I know. I looked at how none of the kids wanted to be around me, how busy the teacher was and how she had no interest then... walked off. I knew that if I waited for when she wasn't looking, she wouldn't notice. I was right. The teacher called my mom to ask where I was. My mom was upset, the teacher was upset, apparently multiple staff members tried to find me. I was eventually found across the street, hanging out with the schools librarian. I have photophobia(the light hurts my eyes) this causes me to always have what people treat like rage eyes, but also causes my mind to go a bit slower. I had to learn the hard way that the only way I could avoid fights was to always be the calmest person in the room. It's almost weird, like people assuming someone looks upset makes it okay to act as terrible as you want. I say permission because as a child, reacting to it typically got me in trouble. I'm also what people refer to as passing. as in racially mixed but I look white(or 'pass' as white). This means I've been told I'm too white, not white enough, and that I could never understand prejudice. This added to my bullying, as many of the the 'not racist' in my grade school decided that my 'anti social' behavior was from my backfoot, because calling a kid an angry native Americans totally not racist if you say it nicely enough.

I wont go into all the issues I had growing up, only that I didn't start feeling better and healing until I stopped trying to fit in the box, stopped trying to get people to like me, and stopped caring about what others thought. That happened in high school, during that time I tried to figure out very basic things about myself, down to my own emotions. I graduated high school in 2004, safe to say a lot of words and terms that are common now were not back then. I didn't have a word for transgender, so I didn't know others were like me. Not caring about what others thought also let me explore my 'gifts' from both sides, leading me to see my soul. Until then I was subconsciously trying to pretend it didn't exist, i know that now. I thought I was weird enough, that adding anything else might make life hell again. I never asked to be born outside the box, for it is a very isolated feeling position. Instead of accepting it after seeing it, I decided I was going insane and started mentally fighting myself every day. I ended up getting possessed twice by a spirit that tried to kill me each time. Back then I assumed it had to have malicious reasoning behind it, but looking at it now? As an adult I can see that all it was interested in was easy prey. The second time I ended up getting so scared hat everything left my mind outside of the thought of getting rid of that spirit. That horrifying event is when I started accepting myself. I was open about everything with a family friend that's around eight years younger than me and she was the only supportive person i had as a teenager. With how well she reacted i tried to tell my sister... she said no I wasn't, i couldn't be because I'm a fan of hello kitty and sailor moon, and then pretended like that entire conversation never happened. I was in my mid 20's when I came out to my mom because how my sister reacted hurt that much. My mom accepted it and moved on. It made sense to her, and when she looked back on things about my childhood it was like she was really seeing a lot of details in a clear light for the first time. My sister still isn't accepting, but she thinks shes accepting. I'm not sure how she thinks that, but maybe she thinks that because she never started attacking me or cutting me out of her life or anything... despite that she said she wouldn't let me and our mom watch her kids if we told them about my name or pronouns. My one dad wasn't accepting, but I think if he had more time before his death that he would have. My other dad is fully accepting, how understanding and accepting someone is really depends on the family member for me.

Sorry this is so long o-o
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