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Forums Serious Talk the LGBTQ+ acronym

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/21 18:00:41 )

so this is kind of controversial?
let me just start by saying this; u can be whoever and whatever u want. i don’t care. it’s ur life. do what u want, it’s ur choice, this is NOT about that.

okay so, the acronym, i’ve seen people make a whole bunch of different changes, adding and removing letters, but to me it will ALWAYS be LGBTQ+. the + includes everyone. it doesn’t really need any new letters, we are all part of the community no matter what.
the thing is, people are trying to add pedophilia to the community, which obviously is NOT going to happen because it’s f*cking disgusting and is literally a crime.
i LOVE being part of the community, i don’t particularly like being trans (i would’ve preferred to, u know, be born in the right body) but i’m proud of who i am, and people are essentially making the community out to be a joke by trying to add pedophilia to it.
there’s a whole lot i could say about this topic, what do u guys think?

again, i would like to say that i am not saying that any of u aren’t valid, ONLY those who are trying to pedophilia and stuff like that. u are all valid and i just want opinions


Admin — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/21 18:15:20 )
I'll chime in with just a little scenario that took place last week that blew my mind. My brother is a few years younger than me and we have different opinions like all people. He was sharing that "Straight Pride" content all over his facebook. I have a boyfriend, so (as much as I believe labels aren't necessary as we should just be free to be ourselves and not be divided, blah, blah, blah) I suppose that identifies me as a Gay male.

I get along very well with all my siblings and they are accepting of who I am and my relationship, but it rubbed me the wrong way that he went around sharing all this content well knowing it could hurt someone he loves.

So I tried to explain to him that he should probably do some research on why pride month and the parade exist. Long story short, he said "LGBTQ+ " doesn't include straight people.... and... we should all be "equal" so there should be an "=". (YEAH I KNOW.. DEAD!) 1. There is so much inequality in our world even beyond the topic of sexuality and "straight people" have more rights than any minority sexuality 2. the plus is inclusive of all other sexualities and identities.

My brain exploded at this point and I just put my phone down and let it be.

So, in conclusion, I agree the LGBTQ+ acronym is just fine as it is and there's no reason to really extend it. Might as well just be the alphabet at that point. xD
If you need assistance or just want to chat, you may contact me anytime by ping or PM.

Donator — Whatever Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/21 20:28:05 )
Are ya reddy, guyz?!
I would imagine most to all trans peeps would like to have been born in the right body

The problem I have with "the A stands for ally" is that people overall like to use it to erase asexual, aromantic, and agender entirely in favor of allies
Yes it can be used for closeted people but far more often it's cishet people who use it to shout over, well, everyone else in my experience

And if it's a mouthful for LGBTQIA+, there's others that have been introduced like SAGA and MOGAI, though like the first one, each has their own quirks


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/21 22:58:32 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

(There's a few different topics covered in this thread, so I'ma seperate my response by them.)

On the topic of the acronym- people can say it however they want. LGBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQIA etc whatever floats their boats.

On the topic of people shouting "Straight Pride"
How I explain Pride to those who don't get it.

Pride comes from two sources usually.
Either you have pride in something you accomplished, something that was challenging or took a lot of effort.
Or you have pride in something despite it being seen as the contrary.

Straight Pride just doesn't make sense. Most people are straight. Straight is accepted. No one is being hanged for being straight.
Being straight isn't being contrary. It's the norm. To have pride in such a thing is rather silly?
"I am proud to be straight!" Good for you and most of the world? okay. and? Is there more to that? What is the source of this pride, what is the intention for saying this?

The LGBTQ community using the terminology pride, is entirely because it isn't accepted, it isn't the norm. No one is gay for the sake of being different- it isn't a choice. And saying "I take pride in this" is a example of Brave, it's telling the many who are shouting "Go to hell" "don't get adoption rights" "don't get marriage rights" "ew I think he's checking me, a straight male out. disgusting" IDGAF, I'm ME and I won't be shamed for being ME.

On the topic of Pedophiles looking for recognition. I'm very passionate about Psychology and I worked in a adolescent psychward (ages 6-22)
where we had 4 pedophiles. It's equally as true to say the attraction to young children is not a choice as anything else is. That's just a fact.
Those who sexually act on those who cannot consent. absolutely need to be charged as criminals- but it is unhealthy, and entirely counter productive to take everyone who is a pedophile and throw them into a basket of disgusting, universally prison material, hell burning scum. Many are non offenders, and many would do anything in the world, if possible, to NOT be pedophiles.

Anything that affects ones ability to reasonably function in society, for prolonged periods of time- usually falls into the mental disorder category.
Pedophiles are sick and they need some level of societal understanding. By blanket shaming them and wishing the worst on all of them- you limit their abilities to get help. You limit their comforts to open up. You establish a line of black and white thinking and as a whole society that prevents them from getting help. A lack of help heightens the chances of offending.
Pedophiles can't help that they are pedophiles no more than someone with Bipolar can help that they are bipolar- they may have meds. There isn't a pill for pedophiles. (INB4: ;castration- thats pretty inhumane to pressure anyone into)

potentionally triggering material below
Do I think its appropriate they are apart of the LGBTQ title? No. But I can understand with their reasoning for wanting inclusion. It isn't to normalize having nonconsenusal intercousre with children, its so bring awareness that this exists- and they cant help it- they can't choose what they are attracted to. and they need help, and resources that to this day are not well available. 3 of the 4 boys I worked with hated themselves. Multiple attempts at suicide. (older teens). and one of those 3 was an offender to his own sibling. he asked his parents many, many times for help before offending. They beat him. told him to get over it. Instead of finding him help.
He ended up being an offender. His parents took no initiative to get him help or protect the sibling despite being fully aware of his pleas. he still did the deed and he's still at fault, and he's paying the price. That girl may need immense amounts of help to cope....
The access to specifically trained counselors to assist with pedophiles is very small, despite the need for them. Non-Offenders shouldn't get the bad rap of actual offenders...forced into silence and to suffer alone for fear of their lives. over something they didn't choose to have.


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/23 15:56:26 )
Millet, spilling the tea:


-I ageee several if not most corporations have a double agenda of backing up the LGBTQ community from a position of profit and looking market friendly. I don't however think this does actual harm. Group think is a legit thing, so when bigger powers come down in support of LGBTQ movements it helps narrow the margin as well as add pressure. Slowly but surely even some of those whom are religious are starting to display tolerance and that widely comes from how vocal the community is both in expressing their arguments and the large support rallied behind it.

-I disagree that we reached our goal and majority is honkey dorey now. Gay Marriage was controversially legalized in 2015 with much backlash and still present large dense populated groups-and voter base who find it important to dismantle this progress. Will they succeed if elected?No. since we addressed the rights as a constitutional right, and church and state are supposed to remain separated. It's only been 4 years, and hate is certainly still widespread. I know itll always exist in some capacity- but a majority households in the US are Christian (and while there are Christians for gay rights. A majority hold the buble tight and are against it. Gay Conversion therapy still hasnt been founded to be ethically wrong and is still in practice throughout many parts of the country.
To me a "win" for US would be when the large majority of society accepts gays and doesn't sit there waiting for meteors to fly down in their gay weddings. It is still a societal issue until the large majority of society is on board. We might have the legal and powerful champion belt for 4 years now. But 4 years isnt long enough to wipe our hands and call it a job done. And you can vet your butt showing complacency will invite the other side to pull weight more for their bible agenda.

As for the parades- Idk. Regardless of identity I see people as individuals and if people really are hyper sexualizing things in public areas to the extent kids shouldn't be there I agree thats just gross. The peide marches we have in my state are very family friendly - aside from giant a penis balloon ive yet to see anything id not bring a kid around. So I really wonder if that kinda "issue" is mostly in isolated areas with a minority of participants and just being over hyped? Maybe it happens in your area but in quaint new england for US I haven't.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/23 15:57:45 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

(Sorry for typos. Stuck on mobile right now.)

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/25 02:05:45 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

Link 1
Link 3

the LGBTQ community is more largely affected in contrast to heterosexuals, and due to societal prejudice still being
large- practices are still active and allowed that are dangerous and definitely don't affect anyone other than the LGBTQ community.
The weight of corporations- regardless of intent helps push their group think against the other group think 'gay is bad'.
There is still a majority population against gay rights, and while they thankfully aren't changing laws backwards- they are
still creating a hostile environment and spreading hateful ideals. Is that illegal? Not usually. But it is a dense populated mindset that affects the day to day lives of those who are gay. In general, as newer generations arise- they naturally continue to fade out older generation concepts. This can only continue to thrive by vocalizing the importance of this issue. If the entire LGBTQ went silent on the matters, the opposition absolutely would feel more confident in taking measures to ensure their homophobic ethics reign true and remain an accessible influence to the new generations. These statics would climb even higher once again.

By being vocal, available, and funded we create a safe environment to those still unsafe. By speaking out in volumes those who cannot currently get safe acceptance- they can attempt to validate to themselves they aren't wrong for existing, as the drones of people who are just like them are out there shouting to the world they exist, can't be erased, won't be erased and have no shame in the sexuality many were raised to believe will burn them in the firey pits of hell.

Societal influence is almost if not just as important as law. You'll never change everyone, but so long as people still parade against LGBTQ rights, still get funding for institutions to take harmful counter scientific measures to try and condition them into being straight and get belted for any sort of queer expression- it absolutely means the battle isn't over. Gay teens shouldn't need to make go fund mes to be saved from conversion camps before they feel the need to kill themselves.


Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/25 17:56:09 )

oh man u guys went ham on this and SOMEHOW were still very respectful
if i posted this on another game i play people would’ve been so mad
anyway, while i agree with nigel in that respect should be deserved, not immediate, MANY transgender, gay, lesbian, etc, people still get killed or attacked, mostly poc.
millet is right, and Pride is an important part of fighting to have the rights that we should already have, but for some reason still don’t in many countries. Alabama for example doesn’t agree with the LGBTQ+ community so we will stand up for that. even in the UK, a place where we are extremely diverse and accept everyone, people are still quite vocal about how they feel towards us.
while respect should go to those who deserve it, it would be nice to not have to fight for the rights that we should already have.
in my opinion, going back to my main point about the acronym being added to, adding more letters and making up a whole bunch of new genders only makes the community look like a joke which doesn’t help. i’m talking about things such as ‘angelkin’ or the whole ‘polysexual’ thing. i have NO IDEA what polysexual is but it exists because people on tumblr wanted to make new spenders and sexualities, most of which are THE EXACT SAME AS ONES WE ALREADY HAVE.
people can be whatever and whoever they want, but the acronym doesn’t need to be added to.
i, a trans person, thinks that it is stupid, and the amount of hate i have received that mentions all those extra genders just makes it worse.
no, we don’t demand respect, we demand rights that we should have already, regardless of whether people respect us or not. not so we can add entirely new genders, so that we can live without all the hate we still get, and so poc trans people don’t get killed.

sorry i feel very strongly about it oof
also i would just like to say that i respect u guys uwu



Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/25 20:45:21 )

@Bioshock: honestly i’d never even heard of polysexual until this year, i’d heard of others like asexual and pansexual, but never polysexual
also i completely agree with letting people identify however they want, i just don’t really understand a lot of the newer ones since a lot of them seem the same to me
thank u for explaining it tho! i get why people would identify as polysexual rather than pansexual, although there are still a LOT of others that don’t really make any sense to me since they seem to be the same as others just with a new name

HOWEVER i do have no problem with people identifying themselves with whatever gender or sexuality they want, even pronouns, but i remember when i first discovered all these new genders and sexualities back in like 2012, around the time when people were like “tumblr is messed up they have all these tumblr genders” (maybe that was happening before then too, i don’t really remember) and i was worried about identifying with any of them because i’ve seen people say “were u transgender BEFORE u discovered tumblr” and it makes me feel like they don’t take us seriously because of it
tumblr did help me on my journey though, since for a while i did identify as genderfluid and have no problem with those who do, don’t get me wrong, i guess i just don’t understand the whole kin thing and making new genders

i feel like i might never understand it fully tbh, but i do try to considering i am part of the community, and there are many people i know that are


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/25 21:06:29 )
Millet, spilling the tea:

Out of courtesy I try to address people as they want...but I do struggle wrapping my head around
pronouns that go against inherent rules of our language. Such as they/them which is taught since our
youngest years at school- is a plural reference. It kinda complicates language and I don't forsee grammar rules
changing to help the masses get on board with this.

EDIT: after continuing this conversation and doing research, I actually have changed my mind on this. You can read about that on the second page of this thread.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/26 04:38:19 )
@Bioshock: Alright, I confess I've never studied the history of they/them/their- didn't cross my mind to do so- but I did and you are right. Yes, we are taught in elementary school that they/them/their are plural nouns. I can't speak for every elementary school I suppose, but most at least in local areas follow the same curriculum. So for the state of NH in the US, I can safely say a majority of children are taught they/them/their are plural nouns. And with language channels like this one, state it as plural as well: children's video I had read anecdotes like this one in recent history and admittedly not much further.

Funny enough, looking now at my Elements of Style book given to me in high school- it refers to the singular they being used only in ambiguous contexts of the "subject" of a sentence. For example.
"Looks like the robber stole everything from the house." Mary said while sighing in thought at the injustice of the cirumstance. Her husband raised his brow both in frustration and confusion. "Why would they do that?" He asked knowing no real answer could be given without actually being in the head of the offender-something he'd rather not experience.

The thing with this book is, it isn't a book focused on grammar but about the ease of reading what is written. So in this case, a majority of people would not have any problem with the singular they. The subject of the sentence is robber. There is no gender specified here, leaving the husband to respond automatically with they in absence of he or she.

So you're completely correct, that since most people using they as a singular in absence of identifying as he or she does actual make total sense that is literally how it is used in singular cases. (also in cases of ambiguous numerics)

Which left me annoyed with "Then why does it bother me so much in a sentence when I know a person I'm referring to?" So from what I have dug up; the discomfort in using it lies, in the fact that when we see/know someone- we don't comprehend them as an ambiguous subject, and it is inherent to us to want to specify our language-which leaves the inclination of people to assume the pronouns of a person that they physically express the most. It isn't meant with malice or judgement at all in most cases, specifying our words is something we are conditioned and taught for the sake of clarity in writing and speaking. It almost feels insulting to refer to someone with the singular they as if to imply-they (lol there is the singular they again) aren't known enough to be given specification. That's obviously not actually the case, but that is what is pulling at the inherent hard wire.

So thank your for helping me reach this new conclusion, my mind is changed.

Donator — Any Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/26 04:47:51 )
@Bioshock: I might be wrong, but I thought pedophilia being included in LGBT was a misinformation campaign started by 4chan?

Donator — Any Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/26 11:38:22 )
@Bioshock: That's interesting, I shall look into it further! Thank you for the information.

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/26 22:46:29 )

@Bioshock: oh man i remember the rabies thing, someone made a video looking into it and basically debunked it as a joke thank god, but there are people on there who genuinely think the things they say and it’s scary
i only use tumblr for sims CC and otherwise avoid it because of its bad rep, and how people use it as a reason to hate things, although it has had some weird things come out of it considering how people can be on there
with labels i can see why people would want one that makes sense to them, although there are just so many and its hard to keep up, u know?


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Donator — Any Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/30 19:55:18 )
@Bioshock: Ah yes, that's a tactic I've seen in other unsavory movements. I didn't doubt that there were at least some pedophiles trying to include themselves, but I knew I read something about wanting to make it look like LGBT largely supported their inclusion. I did manage to find the archived 4chan thread and it jogged my memory.

Thank you again, friend!


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