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Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/13 02:05:39 )
"He's been asking about you. when he learned youd be staying he wanted to meet you" fjiore said. Valern just sat there and didnt seemed to be moving. "Looks like thats as far as hes coming today" fjiore sighed
I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/14 03:03:22 )
Kaito glanced at Fijore when he spoke and slowly sat back down. "Well, I'm not going anywhere." He said with a small smile. "I'd like to meet him too, when he'd ready."

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/14 03:26:57 )
He looked over to valern. "Keep the candies kaito. Hell warm up to you some" Fjiore got up and started cleaning up. Fjiore held his head a little feeling a little off.
I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/14 03:30:10 )
Kaito nodded lightly to his words and tucked the candies into his pocket, then noticed Fijore holding his head as he began to clean up. He was worried and slowly stood up again. "You alright, Fijore?" Kaito asked.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/14 03:38:10 )
"Just uh...just a little dizzy..." he tried to put on a reassuring smile. He saw a black butterfly and sighed. "Listen valern knows how to work a microwave. dont worry about him just be slow and gentle. I have to go" he grabbed his doctors bag.

"Ill be back hopefully soon but i could be gone a while." he put a stack of money on the table. "In case the food runs out." and with that...he was gone with a puff of black smoke.

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/14 03:52:40 )
Kaito went to say something but Fijore was gone before he got the chance. Right.. Slow and gentle. He sat back down on the grass for a moment before leaning back and looking up at the sky.

He wanted Valern to know he wasn't going to try and rush him. It would be a process and he didn't have any problems taking it slow.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/14 04:02:38 )
Fjiore was gone a long time. Days turned to weeks. It was almost an entire month before fjiore came home. He looked worn, tired, and very pale. He didnt looked very well. Whatever he was dealing with, it looks as iif he might have caught it.

He sat down his hands shaking. Valern had retreated to his room after a few days of fjiore not being home.

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/16 22:20:59 )
Kaito had gone flying after Fijore was gone as long as he was. It felt so good to fly again! He enjoyed the feeling of the wind in his feathers above all. Of course, he returned to the guest house each night and checked to see if Fijore had returned home a few times, as well as remembering to take his own medicine that the doctor had given him. They were really helping him and he was glad to be sleeping somewhat normally.

After nearly a month had gone by, Kaito hadn't been by the house in a couple of days. He left a note on the door reading;
'Hey Fijore,
I'll be back in a couple of days. In case you return before me, just know that I'm not running away or anything, I just needed some time out of the house.'

He had gone to one of his old hang out spots, in the woods by a small creek.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 02:20:03 )
Fjiore saw the note and sighed. Who had been taking care of valern then? he hadnt planned to be gone so long. He couldnt even think about himself now as he ran upstairs. He had a hard time dealing with Valern. Fjiore sighed. Maybe he wasnt clear enough but now he was angry. His brother could have gotten hurt or starved. He bit his lip hard enough to draw blood.

He came downstair his wrath side quite clearly taking over. "I cant believe i trusted him..."

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 02:37:24 )
He had tried to take care of Valern, really he did. How could he not? They were friends, and he did care about Valern. Kaito wasn't the best cook, but he did so what he could for the boy, which wasn't easy. He wasn't gonna let his brother go hungry though.. He couldn't do much otherwise. Kaito really hoped Fijore knew that. Even when he left, he came back just to check on Valern. He just wasn't sleeping in the first house.

(I can't believe this wasn't in the previous post Dx my tablet must've glitched on me again.. I hope Fijore knows Kaito isn't like that x.x)

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 03:57:20 )
(lol its fine. fjiores is half wrath remember. he doesnt always have the best judgement)

He sat down pouring liquor into his coffee, not caring he was most likely sick. Drinking was...always a bad idea for him. It always made him hostile. He didnt particularly care at the moment however

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 13:24:25 )
(Right ^^)

It was about the time Kaito had been going back to the house to check on the younger brother, so he got up and stretched his wings. He wondered if Fijore had gotten home yet, as he worried some. Before he got the chance to take flight, he felt something hard against the back of his head and his world went black.

When he came to, he had no idea where he was. The room was dark and he could feel bindings around his wrists, but he was pretty sure he was standing on solid ground. "Hey!" He called. No one answered. "This really isn't a good time, I've got somewhere to be!" Again, no one answered, which angered the black winged angel. Damn it, what was he supposed to do? He needed to go to the house and check on Valern.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 15:02:28 )
Fjiore began tapping his finger. No kaito for several hours. He got up figuring he'd have to find the man. "Right find him and throw him out." he growled. He was furious by now. The only thing he could do was track kaito's energy
I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/17 19:29:49 )
Kaito started to get the sinking feeling a very angry demon was looking for him, but he wasn't physic or anything. It was just a hunch..and he only knew one guy that was part wrath, which meant he had returned home and Kaito would probably once again be kicked in the ass.

He was pretty sure by now he'd have some minor wounds on him from a demon hitting on him, with another demon in the background seemingly taunting him even though he was ignoring him..and he figured out why it was so dark. He had a blind fold on! Who were these guys? "I wish he'd fight back, it's more fun that way." He heard the one say. "Hmm.. Maybe we grabbed the wrong one? He sure looks like our guy though.." The other said.

While the black winged angel they were actually looking for, due to picking a fight with the bunch of thugs, wasn't too far off. He resembled Kaito quite a bit except for the white streak in his hair and silver eyes instead of red. Well.. What was he going to do about this predicament?

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 01:15:57 )
Fjiore tracked kaitos energy. He caught wind of demons close to kaito and now his anger was turned to what seemed to be captors. He found the building that kaito was being held in and he pulled out his swords. He wielded dual swords as he slowly made his way into the building
I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/22 17:29:23 )
The other 'fallen' angel noticed the man and rose an eyebrow. Well now.. Maybe he wouldn't have to do much after all.. Except find the captive before this guy.

The demons inside heard movement and turned their attention to dual wielding demon and one of them spoke up while the others gathered. "Boss, I don't remember our guy having any friends.." Another shook his head and readied for a fight as did the others. "What business do you have with us?"

Even if he was mad at him, Kaito didn't feel it was worth dealing with these punks. He remembered what Fijore had told him what usually happened when he was angry or didn't take his meds, "People usually end up dead...". It made him cringe a little, or it might've been the force of his bindings being pulled on? He wanted to say something, but he was pretty banged up at this point.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/22 17:42:01 )
Fjiore said nothing. He simply walked towards the demons, a tangible aura of wrath around him. His purple eyes had turned red, and the only way you could have seen that, was the fact that they glowed bright from his hair. He raised his swords as dark red horns began to protrude from his head. In hell, the more red and dark the horns, the more powerful the demon. Charon had completely black horns they were so dark. Fjiore was far behind on the power spectrum.

"You will let your prisoner go, or i will painfully dismember each and every one of you. As for you" he pointed a shining sword at the leader. "I will disembowel you and hang you with your own intestines while i carve out each of your organs" he growled loudly.

Fjiore was not playing around

I wear many faces


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/22 18:18:28 )

These guys were lower demons so the fact that this guy had glowing coming from his long bangs was enough to send chills of fear down most of their spines, but they weren't willing to leave their 'boss', even as the horns grew from his head. This guy.. Who and what the hell was he? A mix breed? Most of them had fled by this point and the ones who hadn't were fumbling around as they went looking for the keys to unlock the bindings.

Their leader wasn't as low of a demon as his groupies, but he wasn't anything big. The only difference between him and them, was he actually had a brain and used it. Plus he could fight pretty well, but he was still no match for Fijore.

The other black winged angel had taken this opportunity to slip through another entrance to the building and while the dumb bastards were fumbling over themselves, used a small bit of his magic to free the captive and caught him as he dropped from the bindings.

Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/22 18:39:28 )
Fjiore didnt waste time. No survivors for him. He killed any of the underlings left and the boss? He did exactly what he said he would. when he was done he stood. He was drenched in blood by now, red staining his clothes and matted his blue black hair.

He walked to the other angel having found him as he held kaito. "Put him down or i will not hesitate to kill you" His fury had faded some, but he was still angry enough to kill anyone that stood between him and kaito.

I wear many faces

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Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/22 19:08:39 )
Gaito picked up Kaito and flew out of the building, not going far so the other guy could easily find them. When he landed, he glanced down at him and removed the blindfold and gave him a sympathetic expression. "Sorry about what they did to you.. It wasn't meant for you." He said quietly.

He glanced up when he noticed the other guy had found them and slowly set Kaito down on his feet, only he stayed close. "You're still pretty angry.. What're you going to do with him?" Gaito asked, knowing he had found his brother, even though he was unaware he even had one.

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