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Forums Games LARPing anyone?

Voltie — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/1 03:55:17 )
Does anyone else here play Vampire:The last Masquerade by Mind's Eye Society? If so whats your character name and what setting do you play in?

I play Branwen Lokke a Follower of Set in the Independent Alliance from the domain Blood on The Rappahannock.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/23 15:08:23 )
I played VtM like 20 years ago. More than anything, I liked reading through the rule book, for writing inspiration. I did join an actual LARP group but I was terrible at it. I'm very shy and being around so many people - many of them professional actors - made me feel more inadequate than ever. A friend of mine invited me to join her group, and it turned out that another friend of mine not only LARPed with that group, but she was the prince of their city!

For the most part, I'd stay close to a friend of mine and chitchat while watching everyone else act out their scenarios. It was just hard to join an established group when I didn't know anybody, in real life or in the game, and I didn't understand the mechanics whatsoever. They rented out a section of a park to play at night. There was a cabin so we had a bathroom and a kitchen to use, and we would walk the block and pretend we were feeding and prowling around. Some of it was cool but they really weren't teaching me how to play the game and I couldn't figure out from the book what all the hand gestures were supposed to do and stuff, so eventually I just quit going.

It also bothered me that nobody dressed up, really, but this one lady kept encouraging me to cosplay and flattering me about how good I would look in black and with this or that kind of jewelry. I was starting to get into the idea, then realized she was trying to squeeze money out of me by having me commission her for costume and jewelry creations. Which would have been fine, except nobody else was dressing up so it just seemed like a con.

I wish I weren't such an introvert and could make friends easily. It was neat how they'd game from sundown to midnight, then go to one of their houses and have a sleepover and brunch with cocktails the next morning. But I was shy, didn't know them, didn't feel accepted as a member of the group, didn't know how to play, and was underage. lol

So, not a great experience for me, but I loved the book. I still have it, and others from White Wolf. I've done some writing-based roleplay using them as a base but I would never LARP again.

Oh! And I played a Nosferatu. Her only disfigurement was a clawed hand (they said I could do it that way) so I wore a single glove to every game.

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