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Forums Games A game you could never beat?

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/23 15:17:12 )
Is there a video game you have never been able to beat, no matter how hard you tried?

I have two. One was Castle Quest, an old NES game. You have to go through this huge dungeon. I think there are a few enemies but I can't remember. The thing is, it's a huge puzzle. There are all these different locked doors and you have to run around trying to get the correct key for each door. And there's a point in the game, several hours in, where you can't jump high enough to get to a ledge you need to reach. For me, I just had to give the game up there. Every time I played, I got stuck at that point. And you couldn't really save your game back then, so any time I replayed I had to start from scratch. My cousin taunted me over it and bragged that she could beat any game. But, you know what? She couldn't beat Castle Quest. LOL!

The other was Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. (I think that's the name...) Like usually, you have to defeat Dracula at the end. It was pretty challenging, but I did it. However, after that--without being able to resupply or save your game--you have to fight Death. At that point I have always exhausted my resources and have not been able to beat that final boss.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/23 15:34:13 )

There where 3 sega games I could never beat. One was called Castle Of Illusion, then there was Mickey Mania and the other one was called. Quackshot.

Castle of Illusion is a side-scrolling platformer in which the player takes control of Mickey Mouse as he goes inside the Castle of Illusion in order to rescue Minnie Mouse from an evil witch named Mizrabel, who wants to steal Minnie's youth. Upon meeting and conversing with the castle's true owner and king, Mickey is told that in order to defeat Mizrabel he must find the Seven Gems of the Rainbow.

Quackshot: The player, as Donald, ventures through a variety of side-scrolling levels. Generally, each level is divided into an overland part and a dungeon, such as the Maharajah's palace or the temple in which the Great Duck Treasure resides.

Mickey Mania is a platformer in which players control Mickey Mouse as he visits various locations based on his past cartoons, ranging from his debut in Steamboat Willie to the more recent The Prince and the Pauper.


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/23 15:57:47 )
Probably the original Final Fantasy II*, simply because of the horrific grind.

I'd also wanna say FF XI, but that doesn't really count, since it's an MMO.

(*not the US version of FF IV.)
See what conventions I'll be at next

Final Fantasy XV: Worst. Bachelor Party. EVER.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/23 19:50:36 )

Oh boy can't even remember the games i couldn't beat, i tend to be stubborn, a grinder and a completionist so most games give up before me. Unless there is bugs that are so bad i just cant bother with them. I have completed a lot of hard games and a lot of hard achievmenets.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/23 20:11:06 )
Fallout 4 and Skyrim even though I play them all the time. I just keep starting over.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/24 02:51:18 )
@vengeance: Those old Disney and other cartoon games were no joke!

@Bioshock: Games used to be harder in general, I think. Well, of course, there was no "save point" and definitely no handy "autosave" feature. By the time you got to the end your thumbs hurt so bad you just wanted to quit. lol

@Monorea: I have this one game, I forget what it's called...for Xbox 360. I bought it used and started playing and I LOVED it. It was one of the most fun games I'd ever tried. Then I was talking to this NPC who was supposed to progress my story, and I turned around and he was gone. He just vanished. I left and came back, I reloaded my save. Just...gone. I did a Google search to see where I was supposed to go next, and read that the game was glitched so that sometimes quest-required NPCs would just DISAPPEAR, leaving you unable to progress any further in the game. And I bought it years after it came out, and they never put out any patches or fixes. I was devastated and never touched it again.

@macsen191: I don't know if those can be beaten, or if they just go on forever... I haven't played a lot of Fallout but I know even once you complete the main quests in Skyrim, there are radiant quests that just keep respawning in the guilds.


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