update: he has unfortunately died, he went peacefully and will be missed

so we have a whole lotta bunnies (no, we do not live on a bunny farm before u ask, i wish we did) and one them, Burns, is dying, like on his side dying. not a good sign but he’s old so i’m hoping it’s just old age and not another bunny massacre like last year (a lot of bunnies suddenly got sick and died for no apparent reason)
he is (was) the oldest of our current buns since the Old Man™ died a few months back (rip Bunny) and i guess it’s his time to go
while we do have like 8 more bunnies it’s gonna be sad, he would run circles around u as u walked to his hutch to put food in, and he would sniff u when he saw u
gonna miss u Burns, u were a good bun
i wasn’t sure where to put this bc like it’s serious but not a “Serious Talk” thing? so feel free to move it if u like