“Would you just look at the leaves … This place is booming with color!
Don’t you all just love autumn? The leaves are turning and showing all sorts of awesome colors, and everything smells just as good as it looks! I’m such a fan of adding splashes of color to a wardrobe, and autumn inspires me in ways that you can’t even imagine. I’m always trying to throw new stuff on Vivienne because she wears it so well, and I know these reds and oranges would go great with her hair! But then there’s the predicament of picking something out for everyone else … I need to see everyone out and about in this weather to get an idea of what accessories they’ll need.
I know! How about you all add your own ‘splashes of color’ to our event with your artistic talents?! We’ll have an art contest! You show me what myself and the others are doing to celebrate the fall season--I have no doubt it’ll be the perfect inspiration for how I’m going to dazzle up everyone’s wardrobe this autumn!”
Welcome to Vanora’s Autumnal Art Contest! The aim of this contest is to depict Vanora and/or the other shopkeeper NPCs celebrating the fall season. Vanora will choose her top three favorites based on the criteria listed below. To submit art for Vanora’s contest, put your artistic talents to the test and upload your final piece to a site like Imgur, and link it in her thread. The contest will end on October 8, after which Vanora will choose her favorites!
Vanora’s top favorite will win 1000 Ohms, a Sweetcake Set, and the ability to choose a recolor for Vanora’s event items, of which they’ll recieve a copy.
Her second favorite will win 750 Ohms.
Her third favorite will win 500 Ohms.
In between event submissions, feel free to chat about the current submissions, your favorites, what you want to enter, etc - Vanora will unlock a new event pose at every 10th page of the thread.
Your current goal is to hit page 10. When you do, you will unlock a second EI in Vanora's name.
Things to keep in mind:
★ Each user may submit up to 2 different pieces for Vanora’s art contest.
★ Vanora will judge her favorite art based on overall execution and originality, how well it fits the autumn theme, and how well the character (or characters) are depicted--so make sure you’ve gotten to know the NPCs! Vyctor’s Trivia and Vontell’s chat thread are very good for this.
★ Although Halloween is part of Autumn, please keep in mind that it isn’t what we’d like to see a focus on just yet, and you may be considered slightly off theme if your entry is exclusively Halloween themed.
★ Art submitted must be created the user who submits it. Submitting art that you do not own will result in a forfeiture of the contest and possibly a ban from the site. Plagiarism and art theft are not acceptable.
★ In addition, art submitted may not contain copyrighted images or copy existing art.
Anarchist Beauty:
Bow to my superior art skills man.

The bar has been set. No pressure. XD

I remember Vanora mentioning how she gets super cold easily!! Somewhere, a few days ago LOL

I drew Vivienne. :D

I have one animation one, and then a non-animated one, in case the animation is annoying. orz.

And done with my drawing!

I drew Velvet having a rare moment of rest, chilling in the autumn wind



I drew Velvet, Vyctor and Vivienne for my second entry for the contest!


Miss Kitty:
My first Entry

Second Entry

Entry 1...and probably only entry. @_@ I did have this as a comic/scene type thing so there's two versions with and without text! :D

Well this was fun hahaha! It's been a while since I've done so much orange... :vanora-sweat:
*click for full size*