@Totalanimefan: It wasn't completely filled so the most you could do is just sit or wade in it lol. Having a pool is fun! but its sooo expensive to fill it up lord. The water bill is gonna be so high rip
Do you have any admission pools or beaches nearby?
Forums Welcome Committee New rat in town
@Totalanimefan: Ahhh I got you! Im still currently reside in my brewing house so I've still got access to my pool. I'm in central Texas so its quite a drive to a beach (being 5 hours from where I am) so people here have either inset pools (like ours, into the ground) or those little round ones you can build on your own.
Are the mountains nice up there? The closest I've gotten to mountains are just very tall and steep hills in South-Eastern New Mexico...
Are the mountains nice up there? The closest I've gotten to mountains are just very tall and steep hills in South-Eastern New Mexico...
@Totalanimefan: I've got you! I'm more mountain than beach personally (mountains have rain which we do NOT have here in my town. The clouds always divide up before they hit us or are right below/above us >:p )
And Nice !!! I'm curious if you are to tell, but what shape was it? Ours is a rectangle but my grandparents had this odd pear-shaped one when I visited.
And Nice !!! I'm curious if you are to tell, but what shape was it? Ours is a rectangle but my grandparents had this odd pear-shaped one when I visited.
@Ixora: Thank you! And I have been, a lot! I'm certainly more active here than I ever was during my 3, almost 4 years of Recolor!
@Totalanimefan: Ah, okay. Dang, I was really hoping for some whacky pool shape but thats alright! This just means I can ask more people. And Same here! The Winter weather here has been really odd, especially in the latter months, right before spring. We never got snow but we did get a lot of thunderstorms, oddly enough.
@Totalanimefan: Ah, okay. Dang, I was really hoping for some whacky pool shape but thats alright! This just means I can ask more people. And Same here! The Winter weather here has been really odd, especially in the latter months, right before spring. We never got snow but we did get a lot of thunderstorms, oddly enough.
@Howonk: You're welcome! Wow, you were on Recolor for a solid while @.@
I could never get into it just cause the layout and a lot of stuff confused me so much rip XD
I could never get into it just cause the layout and a lot of stuff confused me so much rip XD
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, unfortunately, that was what I thought to be causing it and I was right :( and yes weather has been extremely weird! We're getting double, maybe even triple? the amount of rain we get all year this spring and winter and everything looks so green now! Honestly, it freaks me out a bit - I'm so used to the yellow rip
@Ixora: Ah I was but I never really used it all too much. Tried Roleplaying on there but I was too shy to really make my own thread for it, so now all I do is just post to my art dump thread, post daily on the faction chat I'm in for the little activity thing, and stalk art threads lol. The layout is confusing tbh! Even to me still xD. I'm barely able to figure out which button I'm suppose to press to get to my mentions half the time qwq
@Ixora: Ah I was but I never really used it all too much. Tried Roleplaying on there but I was too shy to really make my own thread for it, so now all I do is just post to my art dump thread, post daily on the faction chat I'm in for the little activity thing, and stalk art threads lol. The layout is confusing tbh! Even to me still xD. I'm barely able to figure out which button I'm suppose to press to get to my mentions half the time qwq
@Howonk: Awww yeah I get that! Duuuude, I am hella shy about making threads and hella shy about doing things online, weird ikr like just today I wanted to join some public discord servers but was too shyyy rip
Ooooh, are you gonna make an art dump thread here too? o:
Don't tell anyone but it tool me at least 10 mins to find the forums on Recolor XD
Ooooh, are you gonna make an art dump thread here too? o:
Don't tell anyone but it tool me at least 10 mins to find the forums on Recolor XD

It probably took me more time than that. You don't really suspect the world button is the forum button.
@Totalanimefan: Yeah, I'm worried constantly about our smaller islands on the gulf. Sleep well! We'll talk again soon!
@Ixora: Nonononono I completely understand youre shyness !!!! I honestly relate back to it !!! I used to be SO outgoing and active in big communities whenever I was younger along (around maybe 4,5 years ago?) but now I'm just a shy squabbling mess qwq I can barely talk in the 1 big discord server I'm in and just tend to stick to my two personal ones rip. And perhaps! I wouldn't mind starting a new one here! I could repost some of the recent art I've finished. and MOOD in all honesty. It took me SOOOO long to figure out how to make the highlight for the world button disappear rip
@Monorea: Your really dont honestly !!!! I thought the chat bubbles on the bottom would lead me to a forum layout like Voltra or Chickensmoothie has.
@Ixora: Nonononono I completely understand youre shyness !!!! I honestly relate back to it !!! I used to be SO outgoing and active in big communities whenever I was younger along (around maybe 4,5 years ago?) but now I'm just a shy squabbling mess qwq I can barely talk in the 1 big discord server I'm in and just tend to stick to my two personal ones rip. And perhaps! I wouldn't mind starting a new one here! I could repost some of the recent art I've finished. and MOOD in all honesty. It took me SOOOO long to figure out how to make the highlight for the world button disappear rip
@Monorea: Your really dont honestly !!!! I thought the chat bubbles on the bottom would lead me to a forum layout like Voltra or Chickensmoothie has.
@Monorea: this. lmao. I was so lost XD
@howonk: duuude like I wanna join some discord servers cause i'm looking for someone to teach me how to be decent at apex lmao
we should be shy discord server friends lmao
Ooooh wow. I'd love to see
RIP like I like how you can change the item colors to your liking but also... it gave me WAAAAAAAAY too many options lol
@howonk: duuude like I wanna join some discord servers cause i'm looking for someone to teach me how to be decent at apex lmao
we should be shy discord server friends lmao
Ooooh wow. I'd love to see

RIP like I like how you can change the item colors to your liking but also... it gave me WAAAAAAAAY too many options lol
@Ixora: Same !!!! i really wanna join some based around my current interests (although basically all of them are either dying out, dead, or I have to wait until fall for them to be revived qwq) and I would love to be shy discord friends with you!!! Would you prefer me to say my name here or Pm you it? :o
Aaahhhh,,, thank you!!! I'll probably start it up once I have at least 4 pieces I can post from this last month or two instead of some from last year (like recolor)
and SAMEEEEEEE. I honestly LOVE decorating my avatar on there. My current one has to be one of my favorites, especially outfits! REALLY made use of those old giftmas clothes they haven't removed yet.
Aaahhhh,,, thank you!!! I'll probably start it up once I have at least 4 pieces I can post from this last month or two instead of some from last year (like recolor)
and SAMEEEEEEE. I honestly LOVE decorating my avatar on there. My current one has to be one of my favorites, especially outfits! REALLY made use of those old giftmas clothes they haven't removed yet.

I mostly use discord for tabletop roleplaying sessions and getting schedule updates from tabletop streamers on twitch.
@Howonk: What are your interests?! Maybe there are some we have in common and we can party in some big and smol discord servers! My discord is Ixora#8005 or you can look for me in the Voltra discord server also! 
I'm excited to know more about your art! I wanna like all the questions but I'll wait until I seeee!
Ooooh. I didn't stay long enough on Recolor to actually dress up

I'm excited to know more about your art! I wanna like all the questions but I'll wait until I seeee!

Ooooh. I didn't stay long enough on Recolor to actually dress up

@Monorea: I use discord to mostly just have immediate contact with friends and to have a quick and easy place to store things in
@Ixora: Maybe !!!! currently my biggest interests are bandori, hollow knight, splatoon, and danganronpa ! Though i have many more (such as ace attorney, bnha, haikyuu, etc.) but I also enjoy playing games and art in general !!!! And alright, mine is Howonk#9462 ! I'll send you a friend request shortly !!!! And gbhfghhrt thank u!!!! qwq thats so flaterring bnjgjnjf and thats valid !!! They have SOOOO many items and im just basically drooling over the amount of avatars i can make on it xD
@Totalanimefan: and hello!!!! You awoke right as I went to bed aaahhh,, how has your day been going ??
@Ixora: Maybe !!!! currently my biggest interests are bandori, hollow knight, splatoon, and danganronpa ! Though i have many more (such as ace attorney, bnha, haikyuu, etc.) but I also enjoy playing games and art in general !!!! And alright, mine is Howonk#9462 ! I'll send you a friend request shortly !!!! And gbhfghhrt thank u!!!! qwq thats so flaterring bnjgjnjf and thats valid !!! They have SOOOO many items and im just basically drooling over the amount of avatars i can make on it xD
@Totalanimefan: and hello!!!! You awoke right as I went to bed aaahhh,, how has your day been going ??
@Totalanimefan: Thats wonderful ! Hopefully that tiredness was just a little bump today. I've been relatively good so far ! I laid in bed a bit longer than I should've of (like 2 hours qwq) but I'm currently enjoying my dinner ~
@Howonk: I got your requeeeest!
I've never.... played a Danganronpa game. I was going to get one when it was on sale last Christmas I think but... idk what stopped me. Also, I love the Ace Attorney games (tho I've only played the first 2 rip)
Lmk if you set up an art dump here! Sometimes I poof from this place for a couple of weeks at a time ; ___ ; I'm trying thoooo
How're you finding Voltra's items and dress up tho?
I've never.... played a Danganronpa game. I was going to get one when it was on sale last Christmas I think but... idk what stopped me. Also, I love the Ace Attorney games (tho I've only played the first 2 rip)
Lmk if you set up an art dump here! Sometimes I poof from this place for a couple of weeks at a time ; ___ ; I'm trying thoooo
How're you finding Voltra's items and dress up tho?
@Ixora: Nice !!!
Danganronpa is a really fun series !!! If I'm correct, theyre on a permanent discount on steam? Its a very fun series ! Its actually extremely similar to Ace attorney in the aspect of them both being murder investigations with a courtroom trial!
Also i ADORE the ace attorney series SOOOO much !!! (i even wasted all of my christmas money once just so i could get the pre-order bonus on the Phoenix Wright Figma figure xD) If you have any questions abt it feel free to ask me! I currently own every single English game and have played the main series !!!
And I will !! I'll even ping you in the starting post if you want me to! And Me. too. I get like that whenever I get really into another device of mine (like my 3Ds or Switch qwq)
And so far I'm really liking them !!! I do wish there was a bigger selection of colors (like with the hue sliders on Recolor) but theres my only thing !!! I understand current limitations and such and so far I'm really like the diverse selection they have !
Danganronpa is a really fun series !!! If I'm correct, theyre on a permanent discount on steam? Its a very fun series ! Its actually extremely similar to Ace attorney in the aspect of them both being murder investigations with a courtroom trial!
Also i ADORE the ace attorney series SOOOO much !!! (i even wasted all of my christmas money once just so i could get the pre-order bonus on the Phoenix Wright Figma figure xD) If you have any questions abt it feel free to ask me! I currently own every single English game and have played the main series !!!
And I will !! I'll even ping you in the starting post if you want me to! And Me. too. I get like that whenever I get really into another device of mine (like my 3Ds or Switch qwq)
And so far I'm really liking them !!! I do wish there was a bigger selection of colors (like with the hue sliders on Recolor) but theres my only thing !!! I understand current limitations and such and so far I'm really like the diverse selection they have !
@Howonk: permanent discount??!?!?!?!?!??! They had a series sale some time ago which is why I was thinking about it.
I played the first two games on DS and I was going to play through the entire series. Lmao. Idk why I stopped. Probs got distracted by other games lol.
Ooooh I never got into collectibles.
Pings don't work on the first post tho! But yeah! That'd be great :D
I think there a dye system being talked about but idk if that's gonna be a thing
Oh yeah, re:discord feel free to message anytime :D
I played the first two games on DS and I was going to play through the entire series. Lmao. Idk why I stopped. Probs got distracted by other games lol.
Ooooh I never got into collectibles.
Pings don't work on the first post tho! But yeah! That'd be great :D
I think there a dye system being talked about but idk if that's gonna be a thing

Oh yeah, re:discord feel free to message anytime :D
@Ixora: Yes if Im correct! Though i think its only individually and not with the bundle pack which is cheaper than buying them separately :(
And you should !!!! Right after JFA (the 2nd game) you get a LOT of backstory for phoenix during his college years in the third game its soooooooo good and you meet a really cool prosecutor !!!!
And thats understandable !! I moslty collect plushes but I do collect figurines for series i like ! I currently have 2 figmas and have another little 8 inch figurine coming in the mail for my early birthday present !
Oooooh ! That sounds like it might be similar to dappervolk then ! (you could get certain items and mix them together to dye certian clothing articles a different color, sometimes even golden !)
and OH YEAH i completely forgot abt that xD ! And will do !!!!
And you should !!!! Right after JFA (the 2nd game) you get a LOT of backstory for phoenix during his college years in the third game its soooooooo good and you meet a really cool prosecutor !!!!
And thats understandable !! I moslty collect plushes but I do collect figurines for series i like ! I currently have 2 figmas and have another little 8 inch figurine coming in the mail for my early birthday present !
Oooooh ! That sounds like it might be similar to dappervolk then ! (you could get certain items and mix them together to dye certian clothing articles a different color, sometimes even golden !)
and OH YEAH i completely forgot abt that xD ! And will do !!!!
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