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Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 05:32:32 )
@Totalanimefan: It was mostly just reheated spaghetti from yesterdays dinner !! not too bad. I did try some weird orange chicken and rice briefly tho. it was entertaining to watch the cats try to eat it and then react to all the spices in it xD

Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 06:22:39 )
@Totalanimefan: It is !!! I love their faces. And oooooo i could go for some tacos right now honestly ahaha,,,
What were in the tacos???

Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 08:04:03 )
@Totalanimefan: Mmmm~ I love carnitas !! I always get them at my local mexican restaurant... so good ! qwq Also apologies for the late reply! I got caught up in something briefly

Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 10:50:13 )
@Totalanimefan: Ah, as well as I - and I've got to agree. The fact that they're just steak bits (according to my local restaurant's menu) just stuns me! Can't believe thats what they are and they taste sooo good !! ^^

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 11:11:02 )
@Howonk: the thing is... what if I buy the bundle and don't like it ; ___ ; (ALSO... I JUST SPENT SOME MONEY TODAY RIP ME - I bought this really cool Mario notebook that I honestly can't explain what it is but it is so cool. If I can gif it Imma show u!)
Tbh, I want to play the Miles Edgeworth game thingy! XD I'll probably pick it back up later on... It's just.... there's TOO many games in the world D:
What plushies do you have? Are you chill with sharing pictures of your collection? Also, when is your birthday? o:
I know about Dappervolk and I'm looking forward to it's like opening thingy idk what those are called.
But we should talk on Voltra when we can cause Volts!!!!

Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 15:09:21 )
@Ixora: If you dont thats okay!!!! Though if you enjoy the Ace attorney series at ALL, you'll most likely enjoy danganronpa! They're both graphic novels. I could even dm you some screenshots I took from when I played the first game if you'd like! and of course you can just watch playthroughs and such.
and ME TOO!!! Except it was with this 3$ notebook at marshalls that is SO. PRETTY. my GOD qwq it has cranes and flowers and its just. SO PRETTY.
and do you mean investigations? I played it briefly on an emulator but I have yet to touch my actual copy! And I understand. Almost all of the games are apart of the main series (the only spin offs are aai, dgs, aai2, dgs2, and plvspw if im correct)
I have a huge variety! And yes I wouldn't mind! Though I'd have to arrange them on my bed xD. My most notable ones are my 3 pusheen ones (a HUGE black one, a mermaid one, and a small bat one) and my pokemon ones! (a leafeon, rowlet, and popplio to be precise) and my birthday is August 12th ~
and I got you! xD I'm also looking forward to their official release! I absolutely ADORE their npcs!!! Especially someone I cant currently remember the name of qmq
And true true !!!! Electrifying ~~

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 15:26:12 )
@Howonk: yeah so that's why I feel like I should start with just one game for now I've never been one to watch playthroughs lol D:
Oh the notebook I got was cheaper than that! It has a... thingy on the front that is Mario and like if you move it the image moves!!!! I also got a cute panda one that was about 3$! Are you.... the kind of person.... who hoards notebooks but never uses them?
Yes! I couldn't remember the title and was too... lazy to google it rip me. Only briefly?
OOOOH. There is a voltie that loves Pusheen (maybe a lot of volties but I think vengeance is rly into Pusheen... I think... iirc). Those are cute pokemon plushies!!!! Someone recently gave me a Snorlax plushie that I absolutely love and hug while I sleep! oh dude. duuuude. My birthday is on the 8th of the same month!
I discovered dappervolk after it's like was it closed beta(?) ended and I bummed I didn't make it but yeah I don't tend to keep up with stuff so hopefully I don't miss their official release lol
Punny! XD

Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 15:35:31 )

@Ixora: Ive got you; thats why I went ahead and just. bought all the games for myself but xD Its to their own! I do know that steam has all 3 games bundled or depending on what you get, only the first two bundled. I'm not sure about dr2 and v3 though qmq
Ahhh okay! I had a pencil case like that and honestly? its the grossest thing to touch. its PRETTY but GOD it gives me goosebumps everytime i even get NEAR it and yes i am ahaha,,,, i have 4 currently unfinished notebooks and i want MORE
And yes briefly ! (and youre fine with names, I've been into Ace attorney for well over 5 years now so ive basically memorized the game names lol) I picked it up for a second and then right as I decided to get into it more.... AA6/Spirit of Justice was announced and i IMMEDIATELY started speedplaying AA5/Dual Destinies to catch up in time xD
And oooh! I love pusheen as well and I hope to grab another plushie at a store I plan to visit soon while on vacation! They had SOOO many pusheen plushies and japanese candy,,,, it was SO COOL :vanora_heart: And thats me with my dinosaur plush ~! (I say and a lot, I just realized this xD) I named him manual after an anime character and hes SO SOFT I love cuddling him ! (and of course my hug marshmallow owl plush Francesa ~ Cant forget her!) and :o? Really? Thats so cool! I never meet anyone with a birthday in August except for one real life friend and one internet friend xD (fun fact; my internet friend has the same exact bday as me!)
Ah yeah ! I found it through an old RP discord I was in and joined around December ish? but the beta closed right around April so you didn't miss much! ( and sameeee. I won a raffle of theirs and I have to wait until official release to redeem its code and Im just. COME OUT FASTER AAAAAA)
And yes indeed! Puns give me a nice shock of excitement once a while ~


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 15:45:28 )
@Howonk: I know that steam is on sale rn but I'm also holding back because I got a lot of games that I haven't finished and haven't touched and I don't wanna be one of those ppl who own like 238534875 games but have only played 10 of them Altho, I am getting closer to that but I blame the games that I got for free rip. But also wait... all 3 games are on sale plus bundle discount so... that's a big discount but also I only have enough money rn for either 1 or 2.
It makes sounds when you touch it? Is that why?
LMAO. Games stopping u from playing games XD
What I do want to get a plushie of is Gudetama! Named your dinosaur plush "Manual"? o: Rly? That's p funny! The person who gave me Snorlax was also born in August! (a day before u lol)
I am fine just waiting for the full release to experience Dappervolk. I watched some of the art streams tho! Is there a date on when release coming?
Puns r gr8! :D

Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 16:01:48 )

@Ixora: SAMEEEEEE I've had Hollow Knight, Mario Odyssey, Stardew Valley, and so many other different games for a while now and I haven't fully completed ANY of them (Hollow Knight is an exception cause I just suck at that game w/o my bluetooth controller rip.) And thats fine! 3 is actually relatively new being a 2017 release and the first is quite old at least 2013 ish. Hell, there's even a fourth spinoff game (ultra despair girls) and THATS on steam too! But of course the games can wait, take youre time! Theyll always be sitting there beckoning you when you can afford them!
Sort of! I hate how the holographic texture feels on my fingers if I just touch it. and the sound it makes of course like you said lol
and honestly yEAH XD i get SOOO distracted by so many games so easily its so surprising lol
I want a plushie of Apollo or phoenix from the ace attorney series honestly (especially considering I used phoenix's plush as an icon on discord for months lol ) And yes Manual! It's after a BNHA character! hes a really small character but he appears briefly during a big part of one of my favorite character's moments AND i get to call him Manny (like handy manny ahahahaha works out for me >:3 ) And really??? man, so many people are born in the middle of august if theyre born in august ! (my irl being the 14th! Except my mom. She was on the 28th )
Not currently, unfortunately :( I think they would upload a news post if they are to officially announce the release date. I think because of the technical issue the artist had its getting pushed back to the latter half of 2019 instead of spring like they were hoping, early 2020 at best.
And puns are indeed great~ Also! I finally made that art dump thread ! I havent posted any finished pieces yet but I have uploaded wips! I forgot to pink you though, sorry >m<


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 16:09:57 )
@Howonk: I'm currently doing a Stardew Valley run! I saw someone on reddit mention that they completed the Joja Run in the Spring of year 1 so I got all competitive and decided to try it out for myself if I could achieve the same....
Like.... rn I got 50-something games and I've probably only played half of them and not all to completion lol. Like sometimes I leave games and then I leave them for too long and if I pick them back up again, I forget the story or the controls or my character skills but then starting over seems like a complete chore rip ; ___ ;
Ooooh. I don't mind the feel and the sound doesn't really come up unless I intentionally scratch it
Are you looking for their plushies? Or just saving up for them rn? I never watched BNHA, I don't really know why lol. I just realized but I know so many people born in August lol XD
Awww. That's sad but that gives me time to be human and try to keep up with all my online social stuff @.@ and try my best not to forget about my online social stuff
I saaaaaaw! It's okay yo. I saw on the front page :D I haven't checked it out yet tho cause when I checked, you were still on like your first post lol.

Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 16:20:49 )

@Ixora: Nice nice ! My current stardew valley file is actually corrupt from me trying to install mods and then realizing i wouldnt get achievements so xD rip my river farm. Hopefully its going well for you though on youre Joja run!!! Ive always been curious how a Joja run works :o
ME TOO ME TOO ME. TOO. I keep doing that with Overwatch and I keep forgetting how to ACTUALLY play my mains (which are mostly healers with the exception of Dva. Lucio being my top) I dont have as many steam games but I do have a LOT of 3ds games! I've also had that same situation with corpse party actually. Keep resetting my save on it rip
I think the feel is just really bad for my pencil case cause theyve never bothered me before then! But after the pencil case, ive been too afraid to touch anything else so who knows? xD
Ah not currently ! I have the money for them I know that (at least 250$ish in my personal savings from christmas) I just haven't decided when I want to actually purchase them ! (it also depends on their current prices rip) I LOVE bnha !!!! A lot of people have been saying its the "new generation's naruto" and I can honestly see why! its has really cute and likable characters and its paced REALLY well! and the anime has a KILLER soundtrack. I highly recommend it ! A majority of the people I know are born In may (with at least like 7 people lol)
Same !!!!!! Hopefully by the time it official releases, I'll be all set to actually handle managing between my other sites and school !
And ah yeah! I probably should've written out my posts before hand for quick postage but I was a doofus and didnt qwq but all posts are there now if you wanted to go see !
I also apologize if I disappear randomly; I get distracted easily and I accidentally got myself sleeping from 11 am to 7 pm Voltra time ;;;


Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 16:30:02 )

@Totalanimefan: is it? Here, carnitas are just pure steak bits, no pork. I wonder if they change with the region???


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 16:40:31 )
@howonk: I love Stardew Valley and I love mods but I've only ever played vanilla! Joja basically means u pay money for the unlocks instead of collecting items and stuff. I've never actually finished a Joja run before
I've also never played Overwatch. I am awful at PVP and shooters......... rip me..... Awww dude did u ever finish tho?
Awww. Lmao. Yeah some stuff can have that effect XD
Oh yeah. Waiting for good prices? I.... also.... never got into Naruto rip XD I haven't been watching a lot of anime lately. This season, I'm only watching Bungou Stray Dogs.
Lots of stuff going on for you?
Lmao. You can keep that in mind for the next time or also just completely wing it! :D I'll go check l8r I am like on the verge of passing out lmao. I am just powering through cause this thing I'm uploading is taking forever ; __ ;
That is fine yo! No need to apologize for that :D I tend to poof a lot too so is good

Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/3 01:42:08 )

@Totalanimefan: maybe? The restaurant itself calls them carnitas and the description for both the regular and all la mexicana is just steak bits :o

@Ixora: same!! I really love the retexture mods that do special textures for grasses and houses on your farm !! So pretty....
and that’s what i thought it would be !! Though that seems like so much many :0
I’ve got you!! I grew up playing shooters (particularly black ops 2) so I do have a slight knack and love for them. Unfortunately no not yet rip
And I haven’t either actually!!! It’s really hard for me to sit still and watch stuff cause I’m almost always doing something with my hands so it’s a bit tedious for me! And nice !!’ I’ve been meaning to watch BSD for a while but I’m going to watch Haikyuu and Jojo first in hype of HQs season 4!
A bit yes !! Fourth of July is soon so we get to go do that along with planning a vacation.
And sameeee. I passed out after I sent that actually lol.
Alright!!! Take your time, the thread will be there as long as Voltra is here !!!


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/3 06:56:07 )
@Howonk: I'll try modded Stardew Valley later on! You need like 140,000 gold to finiiiish iiiiiiit.
Duuuuuuuude. Teach me your FPS ways lmao My aim is hella horrible.
Always doing something with your hands? Do you also do crafts aside from drawing/art?
I've never seen Jojo but I have finished watching Haikyuu up to 3rd season. I didn't know a 4th season was coming??? Also, yeah BSD is good but it's even better if you know a bit of Japanese literature or willing tor research about it. The 2nd season of BSD has more western literature references.
Where you going on vacation? Or is it a staycation kind of thing?
I sawww but I mostly looked at your DA! Duuude. Idk how people do it - finish drawings. Mine usually die at the sketching stage lol.

Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/3 10:44:57 )

@Totalanimefan: Ruh roh scoob !!!!!

@Ixora: Its a lot of fun !!!! And changing the portraits in the files ~ And ewwww thats a lot of gold >~<
Honestly even if I were to teach you, my aim is also horrible so we wouldnt get very far fast xD
Oh nice !!! As I've said, I plan to finish both! And unfortunately, I know little to no japanese literature so they'll probably pass over my head rip
I am heading down to San Antonio! Its not very far from where I live (approx. 3 hours, give or take) its also a birthday gift me and my mother want to do, plus just a general vacation!
And same honestly, I only ever line my pieces if I really like them or just wanna mess around with a brush lol


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/3 13:15:57 )
@Howonk: I would like to change the Doctor's portrait because his mustache bothers me so much XD
LMAO. But I also have horrid game sense and other stuff tbh. I'm trying tho because I've never really played against other people. I've mostly played single-player games and PvE
I mean it's still good and I didn't know anything about Japanese literature when I started watching :D
Ooooh. Cool. Have you ever been there before?
I.... am not happy with how I line them which is why they stay as... sketches lmao XD

Donator — She/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/3 13:24:59 )

@Ixora: and thats why I went and got fanmade portraits and switched them out w/ the base games B) best decision EVER. Even if emily becomes a block of grey during the spring festival dance.
I've got you! I have some game sense but not the best (mostly from playing coop zombies on black ops 2 w/ my younger cousin lol)
I've heard its good all over my twitter ! Though I've also heard it's gotten some graphic things in it :o (isn't one of the characters based on edgar allan poe?)
I have indeed! I've been there on both a school field trip and personally! I've mostly ever seen the riverwalk though. I hope to explore more of downtown this time!
Sameeeeeee. My lines never come out how I want them and I have SOOOO many wips that couldve been finished by now xD

|| Ping me for the fastest response please! ||

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/3 13:44:12 )
@Howonk: I'll deal with the Joja Run first before I mod mine because I'm recording it for yootoob. Just Emily?
I feel like I've gotten better at it over time but my gameplay still isn't noteworthy lol.
Oh yeah! Edgar Allan Poe is a character! The characters are mostly authors and uh
their powers are related to their most popular work

That sounds exciting! I hope you have fun :D
Lmao. Tyt! Or like also, let go XD I, on the other hand, need less letting go lol

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