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Forums General Chit-Chat Can't come on as much.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 07:38:36 )
Slow internet = slow voltra.
like every 20 seconds it'd quit trying to load any page on voltra.
specially the forum sites.
i don't know wtf is going on, but i had them here today to fix the internet,
but voltra is still extremely slow for me. idk when i'll be able to come on daily again.
its a pain to take like an hour just to change my avatar. :x


idk how i even got this jacket in my inventory. i got some dad item too. (hat/hairy legs, etc)

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/18 08:36:31 )
Oh yo yeah that sucks! Hopefully your internet gets better!

And the Dad jacket is an item granted to everyone in celebration of Father’s Day!

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/20 09:29:45 )
@totalanimefan: i did though. i mentioned that they came exactly when i posted this to fix it, and yet...nothing is fixed :/ it never is. every time i call...


@kiwi: thanks guys~ i was like .... the internet didn't screw up the daily gift/gacha right? i've never seen these items- lolol.

Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/20 09:34:22 )

Ah yeah internet providers who don’t do sh*t and don’t fix anything... got to love those.
I had 1 before and, after a while, was so fed up with them that I got myself a new provider (that was also cheaper). Then they came with “oh but we will fix it! And give you better internet! And for less! And give you some extra!”


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/22 13:02:57 )

@tuijp: i have spectrum. they constantly come to my house for the past two to three years. they've had to replace so much equipment. its all free but it just shits out a few weeks later. like hi? this sucks.
they said this time that the equipment was faulty and they replaced the modem or router or some shit. i wanted so badly to mouth off. because how many times are they going to keep replacing it??

@koneko: its not that i don't want to come on. i literally have no patience for the slower than a dead snail internet so there's no point in even trying half the time to log on. i lose patience. just waiting for certain pages to load.

Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/22 13:21:29 )

@Rubix: sounds familiar. In 1 year, I had about 5 new modem. They changed all sorts of wires and shit.
Then, with the new company, they sent over a mechanic and he tested everything and replaced a few things until everything worked.


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/29 04:55:37 )
@tuijp: ah
@totalanimefan: sorry..

i'm sorry guys......... i just haven't felt like replying. been real lazy. lol.
plus playing my ds.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/30 15:07:02 )
@totalanimefan: i tried to play acnl at first. failed and got bored. then tried story of seasons. i got the sudden urge to play the second one instead, after trying to play the first one. lmao.
the second one...i got real far on my file, but then it started working my brain too much, and i got that weird moment again where i want to play but its just too complicated, so ....
i saved and started a different file, so it can be easy again, but i can always go back to the hard shit if i'm feeling masochistic. jkjk. no actual pleasure there, but i couldn't think of another word. i kept playing that file even though it was so damn complicated. it was indeed painful, but i kept playing it. lolol.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/1 19:15:10 )
@totalanimefan: mhm. i had gotten to the point where i was going for the battle after the wolf guy was released.

the one thats really quiet and kinda rude. i think. i think the battle after that was in the snowy mountain area, but again its been ages so idr.
but the data for that file was erased somehow, idk how and idr how.

so i have to start over and i'm just too lazy atm lol.

RF3 and Frontier is also really hard. but for F4 i remember getting as far as lv. 60 maybe? and the snowy mountain area was still hard at level 60-ish. :c so i was like meh. and then left it alone for ages til now, and idk what happened to that file :'( so upset.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 03:58:20 )
@totalanimefan: i have to save months for a switch. and then ac for switch. and then sos for switch. and then maybe RF5.

i'm not gonna buy RF4 when i already own it, let alone never beat it :/

i don't even know how close i was to beating it the first time cuz apparently there's like 4 arcs to it, and i was only toward the end of the first one i think. idk and idr.

the only RF game i have been able to beat is 'tides of destiny' aka 'oceans'. i beat it like 5 times.

its only hard if you don't earn affection with the love interests. all of them. if you ever play it, you'll see.
i don't want to spoil it. there is lag though. but thats most older games. :) and its only at one part of one of the dungeons.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 15:51:44 )
@totalanimefan: at this point everything is a maybe for me.
i am still in a situation in life that i hate and can't afford the expensive prices of games or systems. greedy companies.

anyway. do you remember how far i was in RF4? i'd like to have an idea. i was around lv. 60 and i remember trying to fight the monsters near the snowy mountain area, right after beating and saving the wolf guy villager. i know there's the little butterfly girl, the ghost girls, and there's the wolf guy and one other guy i think.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 19:43:22 )
@totalanimefan: maybe the first arc then cause apparently its a really long game from what people have told me :/

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/2 19:46:53 )

"Rune Factory 4 has three arcs. The first ends when you rescue the four Guardians, the second ends when you defeat the emperor of the Sech Empire. I haven't beaten the third arc yet but if I had to guess I'd say it probably ends with you bringing Ventuswill back. "

i got curious i guess thats it then. ^ i googled and clicked on someone's question on yahoo answers.

edit: so i had 3 out of 4 guardians. so my guess was right :c its a long ass game. smh.

edit again: wait- i may have had the 4th one too. damn. he looks so familiar. and i remember the stage of his battle. i wonder if i had him too.

last edit: here: this is the last guardian battle location. i remembered it as snow, cuz its all white but maybe its not. but i remembered 'mountain' because it was high in the air.

i DO remember the talking fox statues, but idr if i beat or not. but i remember TALKING to leon. idk if i saved/beat him but... meh. i DID tell the truth about having a hard time with the monsters in this area but my memory sucks.

but yeah. i did, at some point, have a tough time and apparently my memory jumped to that instead.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/3 02:43:30 )
@totalanimefan: all RF games are beaten after the final boss. but if you wanna get technical, the games are officially beaten after you marry and have kids. that was the point of RF games. action/rpg/harvest moon.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/3 23:26:24 )
@totalanimefan: i played as a girl for the level 60 one. i triggered heart events i guess? cause the prince was like in love with me. lol.
i'm bi so i have fun playing as both genders, and i found the glasses prince adorable.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/4 20:29:33 )
@totalanimefan: he's quite easy tho.
his fave gift is glasses/spectacles which is quite easy to make i think if i remember correctly just iron and scrap.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/4 20:30:09 )
@totalanimefan: also an easy loved item of his is onigiri. a rice ball.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/5 15:33:50 )
@totalanimefan: the other one i liked was the red haired half something (idr what he was half of, maybe elf?)
and he was complicated because you had to beat the plot to a certain extent to get his affection up. :c that made me sad.

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