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Donator — Neko Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 06:57:21 )
You may or may not know me from other websites... I like joining any with super cute aesthetics or ones I just enjoy.

My username is Kawaii Neko Teaa, you can call me Neko though! I also have other usernames like NekoPrincess or NekoPrincess101 so you may know me on other sites from that username. Other than that, just those two. So you wouldn't recognize me by my gaia username because I don't use it for anything else.

Anywho, i'm 19, almost 20. I live in the US, on the eastern side. :')
I love super cute things, pastel, and I collect BJDs. I love avatar sites and have been playing them since I was 11-12. (well, more like 8-9 if we count when I first signed up for gaia). But these indie ones I have been playing since 11-12. I can't believe i'm so old--- >.<''

Anyways, I hope we can all be friends and I meet a lot of super nice people, which I already have (shoutout to @Totalanimefan: ! Thanks for all your help for answering this newbie's questions lmao). I love collecting cute items, so i'm definitely a hoarder. I have already donated $6.01 and it's been like <2 hrs since I joined... oh whale <w>''

Thanks for taking the time to read this, ciao!~

Donator — He Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 07:17:58 )
┌── R A X T O N ──┐
─ ──┤█║█│█║▌█╟── ─

heyy, welcome to Voltra
This username is so familiar hahahha xD
hope you enjoy your stay here


Donator — Neko Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 08:26:37 )
@Bioshock: Yeah same here... Gaia to me is mainly just using my insane amounts of items I own and hoard and make a cute avi. :')

Monster Highs do not count. And depending on who you talk to and what groups your in, neither do SmartDolls or Dollfie Dreams (and Angel Philia). To some BJD means strung, and resin. SmD, DD, and AP are not strung, rather than put together with pegs, and ball joints, and made from vinyl. I have over 15 last I checked, I have sold and bought some though but i'm too lazy to count anymore lmao. It can be very expensive, but that's all about your own personal thoughts on the word. To me the clothing and accessories and faceups are expensive, the dolls themselves are worth it. I have owned Mirodolls and Resinsoul, the cheapest legit dolls on the market ( just opened up too... i'm curious to want to get one). I have owned a SmartDoll, I own a few Dollfie Dreams/Obitsu, and I owned one Angel Philia. My YouTube channel is NekoBJD (well PassionetteNeko now bc I wanna expand more than just BJDs) but my videos are still up of my Angel Philia who I sold this year. I own 2 Leekeworld Mikhailas, some April Stories, and some other misc dolls to name a few (and floating heads/bodies). I know my collection is well worth over $5k. I see them as investments but also works of art and things I find beautiful and like to dress up. I like getting a good deal where I can but I still won't spend much on clothes for them... I think it's ridiculous actually haha. Just PM me if you have any other questions or are serious about getting started! :)

@Raxton: Thank you! I am on Caedon, Sapherna, and previously on Solia, Ernya, Lunae Saga (which this site reminds me of), Syndrome Online, and Crysandrea to name a few. If you brought up a website I could tell you if I had an account on there or not .v.''

@Totalanimefan: You're welcome!!!~ <3

Donator — Whatever Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 10:37:15 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Username seems familiar
Hi ovo

Put ya guns awn!


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 15:23:34 )

NEKO! *glomps* It's MystMist! Hi!

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 15:55:25 )

Welcome on here. I am 30 so you are definitly not to old.

Donator — Trashboat Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 17:42:59 )
@Kawaii Neko Teaa: welcome to voltra dear. Hope you have fun here.

Donator — Neko Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 17:50:08 )
@Totalanimefan: Goodmorning!

@Kitalpha Hart: I used this username on a lot of avi sites :)

@Monorea: Hey!!! I remember you! I just forget from which avi site *u* *huggles*

@vengeance: Thank you, and in retrospect, you are correct lol >w<

@Laufeia: Thank you so much!

Donator — Trashboat Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 17:53:57 )
@Kawaii Neko Teaa: you’re very welcome

Donator — Trashboat Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 17:55:58 )
@Bioshock: I love monster high dolls. I collect those too! They’re my favorite. And I’m poor so, can’t really afford BJDs xD Some of The my little pony equestria girls were good but they keep changing the design like every few months and it’s giving me whiplash...

Donator — Neko Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 17:58:39 )
@Laufeia: I have some Monster Highs and Equestria Girls. I got some as gifts from a fan of mine .u.;;
I tried doing faceups on them but it's harder on those dolls than BJDs I think.

Donator — Trashboat Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 18:32:28 )
@Kawaii Neko Teaa: ooh that's cool :3 do you have a YouTube or something? I feel like I've talked to you on another site. Are you on pantheon?

Donator — Neko Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 18:34:41 )
@Laufeia: Yes, Passionette Neko (it used to be NekoBJD, I think you could still find me if you typed it in idk)
Uh I just signed up for it but never posted or anything yet!
Caedon, Lunae Saga, Syndrome, Sapherna, Ernya, Crysandrea (those are a few that come to mind)

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 18:34:48 )

@Kawaii Neko Teaa: newbie guild on gaia perhaps or Syndrone or both?
It was a long time ago anyways. Nice to see people like you and Kit appearing here shortly after i joined too.

Donator — Neko Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 18:35:40 )
@Monorea: Yeah I think it was Syndrome! <333 I missed you though!!!
Yeah, same here! I see some usernames I recognize ^u^

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 18:37:54 )

@Kawaii Neko Teaa: It's too bad what happened to Syndrome, i had all items. ALL OF THEM! That is so nice for a hoarder.

Donator — Neko Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 18:38:48 )
@Monorea: Yeah ik. I still have that letter one of the mods typed up and told people to save just in case.
I don't think I ever donated to the site, I just had a lot of currency. LMAO.
But yeah that is super nice... that's me on Caedon lmao.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 18:42:27 )

Yeah never donated either there was just A LOT of nice people.
I kept it until the site went down and then i just wanted to forget the issue, too many negative issues.
You have everything on Caedon?

Donator — Trashboat Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 18:42:38 )
@Kawaii Neko Teaa: oh okay xD must be a lot of BJD lovers and people who do face ups on these sites. :3 I really like watching them =3=
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Donator — Neko Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/11 18:44:37 )
@Monorea: Well not since I stopped playing, but I have a lot of the DI's and lots of currency lmao.... and yeah I miss the people the most on Syn, they were SUPER nice!

@Laufeia: Same here, my skills are mediocre. ;w;
Please draw my OCs <3

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