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Forums General Chit-Chat buying my first binder!!

Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/11 00:41:36 )

@Tuijp: ahh fun LMAO
thankfully u had someone there to help!
i feel like my hair would need brushing no matter the length tbh

ive only ever seen people have bandages after top surgery, ive never someone with a whole surgical binder o-o


Donator — Winchester Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/11 10:39:46 )

@KairoSama: I’ve dislocated my shoulders a lot, so I already knew how to do things above shoulder height without going over that.
My brother has 3 shifts and, when he works from 2 pm until 10 pm, he brings his dog and drinks coffee here. So it was mostly like “hey, while you’re here, can you..?”
It was also right before the holidays so a lot of neighbours were home.


Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/11 23:49:11 )

@Tuijp: ahh nice, at least people were there!
didnt it hurt tho?
u dont have to wear it anymore thank god~


Donator — Winchester Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/12 10:34:33 )

@KairoSama: waking up from surgery was no bueno. Felt like Santa hit me with his Coca Cola truck.
But soon enough, it turned to “is this it?”. They warned it would hurt and, while it was sensitive, I imagined worse.


Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/13 02:29:02 )

@Tuijp: oh my gosh that is best description of pain i have ever heard
honestly describing the pain as feeling like u were hit with santas coke truck has prepared me for the future LMAO
at least it didnt hurt like that for too long tho, although being hit with a coke truck does sound like it'd hurt


Donator — Winchester Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/13 10:38:13 )

@KairoSama: best part was, I was in a Jewish hospital and it was right before Hanukkah.
Did start with “holy Moses” when they asked how I felt.


Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/13 20:53:18 )

@Tuijp: LMAO OML
“hey how u feelin”


Donator — They/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/13 22:08:33 )

congratz on your first binder!

i kinda want one, but i need to do research, and take measurements,
and figure out what option is best without being too expensive,
and i'm just procrastinating on doing all that. :vanora_sweat:
(Avatar Closet)

Donator — Winchester Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/13 22:24:37 )

@KairoSama: more like “how do you feel?”
“Holy Moses, did Santa just hit me with a coca cola truck? I know he didn’t like me, because I never got presents, but this... oh and I’m switching to pepsi.”


Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/14 02:32:07 )

@Tuijp: pepsi tastes better fk u santa
u never got presents? maybe u should hit santa with his own truck smh
while drinking pepsi
because heck u santa


Donator — Winchester Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/14 10:56:19 )

@KairoSama: nah, I’ll just eat 1 of his reindeer


Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/16 01:00:37 )

@Tuijp: what do u think reindeers would taste like?
i bet theyd taste like cookies and carrots uwu


Donator — Winchester Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/16 09:48:29 )

@KairoSama: they taste pretty much like beef


Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/18 00:33:39 )

@Tuijp: beef reindeers oml


Donator — Winchester Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/18 09:51:46 )

@KairoSama: expensive beef


Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/18 23:58:41 )

@Tuijp: gonna go find a rich person and see if theyve had reindeer bc like they try EVERYTHING


Donator — Winchester Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/19 09:31:17 )

@KairoSama: my parents had it before. My mother had no idea she was eating reindeer and thought it was beef.


Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/19 23:51:00 )

@Tuijp: oh wow i wonder if theyve served reindeer here and said it was beef o-o


Donator — Winchester Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/20 10:45:36 )

@KairoSama: probably not. People are willing to pay more for reindeer than beef


Donator — he/him Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/07/21 01:16:10 )

@Totalanimefan: i am! i have 2 now LMAO
the half one rides up more for some reason but its not as hot uwu

@Tuijp: true, gonna have to get rich LMAO


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