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@Amber Lynne: they are actually also on Caedon I believe, and is doing freebies on here... so... :’3
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@Kawaii Neko Teaa: Shows what I know, lol
I think a lot of people on on multiple sites though, so really? Good luck finding someone on one but not the other DX
(Hell, I was on Cae for awhile. XD)
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let you guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@Kawaii Neko Teaa: Shows what I know, lol
I think a lot of people on on multiple sites though, so really? Good luck finding someone on one but not the other DX
(Hell, I was on Cae for awhile. XD)
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let you guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯

The gold is all yours, I won't change anything. Just take your time!
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@Yandere: Awww, you're sweet~<3
You sure abotu that though?
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let you guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@Yandere: Awww, you're sweet~<3
You sure abotu that though?
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let you guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯

That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@Yandere: That... ok. That's fair. I really can't argue that logic.
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let you guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@Yandere: That... ok. That's fair. I really can't argue that logic.
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let you guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
Amber Lynne:

@Hazer: Ooohhh, can do~<3
♯Take me away upon a plateau, Far, far away from fears and shadow, Strengthen my heart in times of sorrow, Light the way to bright tomorrows♯

@Hazer: Ooohhh, can do~<3
♯Take me away upon a plateau, Far, far away from fears and shadow, Strengthen my heart in times of sorrow, Light the way to bright tomorrows♯
If you're used to drawing stuff based on Tek Teks, and you checked out the Fate shows like Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Zero or Fate/Extra, or even checked out The Persona series in general, could you put this woman in the kind of dress you'd see in the tek tek designs below, or is that too complicated?
Would it be easier to do it traditionally or digitally?
Thank you so much.
Would it be easier to do it traditionally or digitally?

Thank you so much.
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Never played/seen/wahtever any of the Fate series' media.
Persona... the only anything I have with that one is P5. My other half has played it like... 5 times, lol, and I've watched him play nigh on all of it.
Also, instead of tektek, you could just say Gaia XD
Also, I could possibly draw her, but that dress MIGHT be a pain. =(
Oh, and Traditional is just easier for me to do, overall, but I could do it digitally as well.
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they\'ve got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Never played/seen/wahtever any of the Fate series' media.
Persona... the only anything I have with that one is P5. My other half has played it like... 5 times, lol, and I've watched him play nigh on all of it.
Also, instead of tektek, you could just say Gaia XD
Also, I could possibly draw her, but that dress MIGHT be a pain. =(
Oh, and Traditional is just easier for me to do, overall, but I could do it digitally as well.
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they\'ve got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
Amber Lynne:
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Never played/seen/wahtever any of the Fate series' media.
Persona... the only anything I have with that one is P5. My other half has played it like... 5 times, lol, and I've watched him play nigh on all of it.
Also, instead of tektek, you could just say Gaia XD
Also, I could possibly draw her, but that dress MIGHT be a pain. =(
Oh, and Traditional is just easier for me to do, overall, but I could do it digitally as well.
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Never played/seen/wahtever any of the Fate series' media.
Persona... the only anything I have with that one is P5. My other half has played it like... 5 times, lol, and I've watched him play nigh on all of it.
Also, instead of tektek, you could just say Gaia XD
Also, I could possibly draw her, but that dress MIGHT be a pain. =(
Oh, and Traditional is just easier for me to do, overall, but I could do it digitally as well.
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
The woman I just showed is visually meant to be the local 'Saberface' of the Velvet Room People, hence why she visually looks like a more wolf-like Fate/Stay Night!-Saber or the Fate/Extra Red Saber, really.
Yes she's very Sexy in bikinis, BUT at the moment I'd wanna see if anyone's up to put her in a very refined dress as shown in that design, it's essentially her Boss Battle outfit for when she goes 'Bonus Boss' mode more or less. ^.^
If drawing this woman in other outfits is easier, we can talk about it, and Traditional it is then.
Yes she's very Sexy in bikinis, BUT at the moment I'd wanna see if anyone's up to put her in a very refined dress as shown in that design, it's essentially her Boss Battle outfit for when she goes 'Bonus Boss' mode more or less. ^.^
If drawing this woman in other outfits is easier, we can talk about it, and Traditional it is then.
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: I can try the dress first. I'm just not 100% sure about how it'll look in the end. I can sketch it up and you can see kinda thing before deciding on something else, if you'd like.
Also, do you have an offer to go with it?
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they\'ve got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@LupaPrinceRomulus: I can try the dress first. I'm just not 100% sure about how it'll look in the end. I can sketch it up and you can see kinda thing before deciding on something else, if you'd like.
Also, do you have an offer to go with it?
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they\'ve got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
Amber Lynne:
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: I can try the dress first. I'm just not 100% sure about how it'll look in the end. I can sketch it up and you can see kinda thing before deciding on something else, if you'd like.
Also, do you have an offer to go with it?
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@LupaPrinceRomulus: I can try the dress first. I'm just not 100% sure about how it'll look in the end. I can sketch it up and you can see kinda thing before deciding on something else, if you'd like.
Also, do you have an offer to go with it?
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
The better question is, well more like two questions instead of one but one, what will 1K-2K in volts get me, and uh second of all, how do you pay for the art around these parts?
Is it with the Trading feature or something if I may ask?
Is it with the Trading feature or something if I may ask?
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Sorry for the delay, but yeah. Trades are how =)
As for 1-2k, I could easily do a cute chibi for ya for that ^ ^
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they\'ve got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Sorry for the delay, but yeah. Trades are how =)
As for 1-2k, I could easily do a cute chibi for ya for that ^ ^
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they\'ve got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
Amber Lynne:
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Sorry for the delay, but yeah. Trades are how =)
As for 1-2k, I could easily do a cute chibi for ya for that ^ ^
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Sorry for the delay, but yeah. Trades are how =)
As for 1-2k, I could easily do a cute chibi for ya for that ^ ^
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
We can keep talking in the meantime, I don't mind talking while we wait, also how's your day going?
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Eh, my day was all right. I'm ridiculously hungry atm though. //dies
Chibi ok? You never did say anything here nor there abotu that. (If not, lemme know~<3)
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they\'ve got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Eh, my day was all right. I'm ridiculously hungry atm though. //dies
Chibi ok? You never did say anything here nor there abotu that. (If not, lemme know~<3)
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they\'ve got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
Amber Lynne:
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Eh, my day was all right. I'm ridiculously hungry atm though. //dies
Chibi ok? You never did say anything here nor there abotu that. (If not, lemme know~<3)
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Eh, my day was all right. I'm ridiculously hungry atm though. //dies
Chibi ok? You never did say anything here nor there abotu that. (If not, lemme know~<3)
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
Dinner and Dessert can help you out at these times.
I can't say I mind, sounds like a good start to me.
I can't say I mind, sounds like a good start to me.
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Cool~
Would you prefer Digital or Traditional?
(traditional is cute, but Digital for chibis does tend to be quicker and easier. XD)
And I'd eat, but I gotta conserve the food I have for the next few days. I'm down to scraps between now and Wednesday, when I get money and can get more groceries. XD
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they\'ve got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Cool~
Would you prefer Digital or Traditional?
(traditional is cute, but Digital for chibis does tend to be quicker and easier. XD)
And I'd eat, but I gotta conserve the food I have for the next few days. I'm down to scraps between now and Wednesday, when I get money and can get more groceries. XD
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they\'ve got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
Amber Lynne:
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Cool~
Would you prefer Digital or Traditional?
(traditional is cute, but Digital for chibis does tend to be quicker and easier. XD)
And I'd eat, but I gotta conserve the food I have for the next few days. I'm down to scraps between now and Wednesday, when I get money and can get more groceries. XD
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Cool~
Would you prefer Digital or Traditional?
(traditional is cute, but Digital for chibis does tend to be quicker and easier. XD)
And I'd eat, but I gotta conserve the food I have for the next few days. I'm down to scraps between now and Wednesday, when I get money and can get more groceries. XD
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
Traditional can at least help figure out what can be next up, a lot better.
And yeah, the weather at your side sounds pretty whacked-out to me really, no lies about it.
And yeah, the weather at your side sounds pretty whacked-out to me really, no lies about it.
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: The weather here is actually pretty good.
It was gorgeous, warm, but gorgeous earlier when I was out =)
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they\'ve got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@LupaPrinceRomulus: The weather here is actually pretty good.
It was gorgeous, warm, but gorgeous earlier when I was out =)
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they\'ve got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
Amber Lynne:
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: The weather here is actually pretty good.
It was gorgeous, warm, but gorgeous earlier when I was out =)
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@LupaPrinceRomulus: The weather here is actually pretty good.
It was gorgeous, warm, but gorgeous earlier when I was out =)
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they've got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
You don't say.
Also, sometimes I'd wonder what's going on with those I've talked to sometimes, and ever went to Discord before?
Also, sometimes I'd wonder what's going on with those I've talked to sometimes, and ever went to Discord before?
That calm serenity of hers... it belongs to me, now.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: I basically live on Discord. XD
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they\'ve got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
@LupaPrinceRomulus: I basically live on Discord. XD
♯Knock 'em in the teeth now // Never let your guard down // Get some of what they\'ve got // 'Have its' and the 'have nots'♯
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays
Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me
Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.