so this ones a bit more serious than when Burns died, of course i was sad when he died, but i didnt have the same connection with Burns as i did with this rabbit
so, yet another rabbit has died. this time, it was my own bunny. his name was Tiny, and he lived against all odds since he was born LITERALLY TINY hence his name.
he looked pretty much like that all his life. his fur was slightly curly and it was so cute~ he would sit in your lap and just fall asleep, he was a very good boy!
the most i'll say for now is that, i saw him dying. i couldnt stop it, because it was sudden and he was fine the day before, but i made sure he didnt suffer alone. i was with him until the end, and im glad we kept him. he was the cutest little baby.
i can talk a bit more about his death now; i dont know how quick it was, all i know is that it was sudden. i found him at around 5:30am, he was already on his side, but when i got down there he turned to face me before he died. nothing gruesome, no blood, nothing. just sudden death, literally.
we THINK that the house behind us put rat poison down and it got to the rabbits that were at the back of our garden, since Burns was also living at the back of the garden, and none of the girls at the front have died recently. if it wasnt poison, then we dont know what it was or how Tiny or Burns died.
we THINK that the house behind us put rat poison down and it got to the rabbits that were at the back of our garden, since Burns was also living at the back of the garden, and none of the girls at the front have died recently. if it wasnt poison, then we dont know what it was or how Tiny or Burns died.
i didnt take pictures of the burial, but he is at rest with Bunny now.
rest in peace Tiny, you were the sweetest little bunny