Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/18 04:46:12 )
I'll give just about anything a go and force myself to continue reading it even if it kind of sucks.
And I mean anything.
When I was in college, I'd read tons of free kindle books and wowzers... some of those are TERRIBLE.
Can anyone publish something on kindle? because some of those books were just... There is no way they had an editor. XD
I will also have a hard time with books that are trying too hard or books that really cater to the trendy teen audience. A lot of the supernatural topics have been overdone and some seem like they were written just because the author went "Hey! Them whippersnappers like Vampires. I'ma write the same exact story that everyone else has with new names and put a sexy guy on the front."
I tend to enjoy YA because it can be like potato chips for the brain. Some turn out amazing, others not so much, but I didn't need to think much or analyze anything. *shrugs*
Dystopian is my fav.
Please ping! I get distracted easily.