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Forums Breaker Beach 2019 Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 22:18:36 )

Does my face look flushed? No worries, that's just my festival fever! Surrounded by good friends, good food and a heck of a mood!
Welcome to the Daily Lore & Evolving Item thread where you'll get to read a short story everyday featuring your favorite NPCs!
Additionally, at some point while gold fish scoopin' on the landing page you'll receive an egg.

This cute lil' thing has the potential to grow into something amazing! But that folks is entirely up to you and your teamwork!
Tag a friend, make a friend, and chat with them in this thread to get the page numbers up.

Page 10 the egg will hatch. (Complete!)

Page 25 the child will grow. (Complete!)

Page 50 your pride n' joy is all grown up and leaves the nest, while leaving behind a thank-you-for-raising-me gift! (Complete!)

Every 30 pages hit after page 50 will unlock a recolor of this set that you volties can vote for! To vote for round one
Click here!

They really do grow up too fast, don't they?

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 22:20:44 )

Final Lore

Stalls closed up, and the hustle and bustle of the festival fell quiet as now everyone gathered along the shore to watch the finale. The waves seemingly moody as they crashed in at moderate volume and foamed thickly at the feet of Static, Frizz and Spark; their faces pensive as almost the entirety of Voltra stared at them with admiration in waiting. Flames on posts flickered dim under the threat of the harsh sea breeze, as it howled past every ear. The sky became a bleak shade of grey and it was then the guardians nodded to one another.

Spark mightily grinned, raising a fist to the sky before shouting out over the noisy wind:“Are you Volties READY for an awesome show?!” Most of the crowd couldn’t hear him over the gusts, but those that did cheered-- Frizz swiftly bonked him upside the head feistily. “Spark-you dork! This is supposed to be kinda sorta serious in tone!” She puffed her cheeks and released them in a huff, before Static placed a tender hand upon her shoulder. “I think…” Static started to say, but his tone was so soft that Frizz and Spark had to heavily lean in. Static crept a smile in response to his own awkwardness before continuing. “I think it’s okay to be ourselves. That’s how they know us best…” Having said that gave Static the solace that he’d not have to force any insincere words for the sake of a performance. Frizz considered what he said and sighed. “Gah, you’re right! Sorry Sparky, do your thing big bro- but go BIG or go home!” She jabbed Spark's arm as he adjusted his (presently unnecessary) sunglasses. “I hope you know that I love you two very, very much.” Spark said sincerely, reaching his hand out on either side of him-- Static and Frizz reciprocating.

The three held hands and closed their eyes as a warm white aura permeated from the ground beneath them, their hair dancing against the rhythm of the wind. They looked skyward as their human forms dissipated and revealed their true forms as guardians: The spirits of the pig, goat and phoenix. Frizz Bolted down the other side of the shore as she collected a small electrical charge underneath her feet- she swirled vibrantly, drawing a magic circle in the sand that lit up a brilliant gold and sent a charge of energy forth back to the opposite end of the shore. There to catch the fast running bolt, Static captured and controlled the immense power between his horns. His head rattled from the intensity, but was able to harness the erratic power and turn it into a grandiose orb of light that lit up otherwise grey and soon-to-be storm-ridden beach with a humming warmth. Static raised his front legs up and whipped the orb out into the ocean. In the distance thunder clamored and rain had began to drop, leaving a chill on the spines of everyone in attendance.

It was then the illustrious phoenix Spark swooped in to retrieve the charged orb, flying in fast circles creating a rift in the sea that arose up and over both his head. A ginormous cyclone grew from the wind of Sparks flight and onlookers began to recoil in fear-unsure if this presentation was truly under control. But just as it seemed the terrifying force was going to progress forward, splits of electricity illuminated the hovering entity and eventually it shattered; dispersing back into the sea. With the explosion came a blinding white light, and everyone rushed to cover their eyes.

After several moments of silence, they lowered their arms and bore witness to a clear night sky--the waves now benign and the wind a gentle caress. The guardians gracefully floated back to everyone and with smiles gave a bow, hands reunited in each others once again. The crowd broke out in a flurry of approval-cheering and shouting over one another to deliver their admiration to the guardians. Children leapt up to show off their own animal attire, pretending to be just like the guardians that watch over Voltra and all the other realms. Spark, Frizz and Static beamed bright smiles surrounded by the admiration and gratitude of Voltra.


Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 22:24:54 )
"We can't let them have all the fun, can we? Let's play a game! I'm going to ask you questions about what you just learned, and for every right answer, I'll enter you into a raffle! We'll do this once a day, and if you answer them all... Wow, that's a lot of chances! You don't want to miss out on that, right? Well come on! Let me think of a good one..... Hmmm.... OH! I got it!"

11. What did the guardians conjure during their ceremony?

1. What did Berinhard do to the mask?
2. What was Velvet trying to convince Io to do?
3. What is the third meal Virgil ate?
4. What did Constance drop into the garbage?
5. How many points was the last duck worth?
6. What is on Milly's phone case?
7. What is Vontell's zodiac sign?
8. What did Violet give Vichard?
9. How much did Vyctor wager against Valentina?
10. What was Ran wearing on her face?
11. What did the guardians conjure during their ceremony?

• Each day the trivia question will be updated and will be about the newest story
• Under a spoiler, type in your answer (include the number of the question)
• The wording doesn't matter as long as you have the right idea
• Previous questions can be answered at any time!
• Each correct answer = One entry into a raffle

Three event bundles will be given out!

sunny: 1
goblin: 6
bioshock: 10
kent: 10
peachy: 4
raxton: 2
tsundererra : 10
xnovax : 7
nabuca: 6
totalanimefan: 5
mystical74: 1
snakeweaver: 10
teatales: 10
littlewhitedragonlet: 10
saerya: 10
kiwi: 1
kiri: 10
hachi: 3
synthetic nature: 10
fielkun: 6
laufeia : 2
shadami: 4
vii: 2
espy: 3
kairosama: 10
deaa: 5
alexis: 1

Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 22:26:07 )
Day 1 Lore

The mask was strange, featureless. Forever shifting. No matter when or how you would gaze upon it, the porcelain would remain without a single blemish. Perfection in sameness.

The girl danced around a fire before wild eyes locked onto a spectator. She snaked towards them, lunging forward in a fluid motion. And from behind the visage that concealed her face, she whispered: "And yet in all my arrogance, godly as can be, I couldn't see the threat before me," she took a step back staggered, as if struck, fingers slipping beneath the mouthpiece of the mask.

The mask fell away, an afterthought. Suddenly, a massive man separated from the breathless crowd, and crushed the mask underfoot. He reached out, then, and giant fingers wrapped 'round the dancer's slender leg arced from 'neath an emerald dress, painted toes pointed in elegant form.

"Twas a fool to not be seeing the love of the family," said the Strongman, aglow in soft firelight. Gently, he scooped the beauty into his strong arms and held her 'gainst his chest. "And the sacrifice of a father true. The end of the nightmare, yes? Beginning of the living for us."

Arika caressed his face, then, and gave her sweet Berinhard a kiss that echoed the fireworks in the distance. The crowd roared in approval as all throughout the boardwalk, a festival was on. Veles was long dead for the Cirque, and now was an era of happiness.

Their return was in time for a Breaker Beach celebration, and what a joy it would be, night sky contagious with color.


Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 22:27:54 )
Day 2 Lore

The last time he set foot in Voltra, the city was filled with screams of terror. Two seasons had passed since then, and to his relief, the bustling city was now alive with the sounds of merriment and joy. Despite this, Io the Oracle sat on a lone bench, doing his best to stay off anyone's radar. This of course didn't last long, and without provocation he responded to the approaching figure, "Hello, Miss Wattson."

"Oh!" Stopping in her tracks, Velvet sounded in surprise, "How did you know it was m- oh,” she laughed sheepishly, “Right, right. Psychic."

"I'm sorry, I know that can be... off-putting," Io shrugged in a faint gesture of apology, "I'm surprised you approached me..."

Velvet gave a soft, playful huff as she placed her well-manicured hands onto her hips, "Well, I mean, you nearly helped destroyed our city and steal our souls... But hey, you looked lonely. Would you like some company?"

The oracle hesitated, before shaking his mop of hair, "I wouldn't be opposed but I'm..." He seemed to struggle for words as the young woman took a seat next to him, watching as his fingers intertwined, "After everything I've done to you and your friends..." His usually calm voice wavered slightly before he caught himself, quietly adding on, "I wouldn’t blame you if you ran me out of town, honestly. I'm sorry, for all the trouble and pain I've caused..."

“Well, I can't say it was fun but... It's not like you had much of a choice right? I'm just glad to see you're alright..." Deciding to change the subject, Velvet let out a haughty huff, "But honestly, what are you wearing right now? You're at a festival and you're dressed in three layers too many for this weather!"

Io's heavy sleeves dangled as he lifted his arms, "Ah... But this is what I always wear... It never really crossed my mind to wear anything else…” He tilted his head slightly as he considered it, “It never mattered to me, since I can't see how I look. And it is comfortable. That's enough, right?"

Velvet gasped as if the comment offended her, "You don't need to sacrifice cuteness for comfort! No way, this won't do at all! You need more confidence in yourself, and the first step is looking the part! It's a festival! Everyone should be out looking their best."

The oracle swallowed silently from her words before letting out a soft laugh, "Ah. That's... a foreign concept... I'm not sure if it's possible for me to-"

Tutting her tongue, Velvet swiftly cut off his words, "I won't hear it. Come on, helping others look and feel their best is kind of my forté. Come back with me to my shop, I’ll doll you up and have you looking marvelous! That is, if you trust me…”

After a moment of hesitation, Io slowly nodded his head and offered her a warm, genuine smile, "I do trust you, Miss Wattson... You have a kind heart, one that will help you achieve great things in your future."

Hopping to her feet, Velvet tugged Io up to follow her, "I'll take care of everything then! But in exchange, I want to hear more about how incredible my future is looking!”


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 22:28:51 )
Day 3 Lore

To Virgil, expertly avoiding the need to mingle in merriments came as naturally to him as breathing to those around him. With the festival going on, he’d have preferred to stay indoors where he could save his energy for more crucial activities. Unfortunately, his hunger coupled with Violet’s pestering proved detrimental to whatever objection he could have presented.

With less reluctance than he’d initially put up, Virgil made his way out, making sure to take his camera with him. “What a drag…” he muttered, scratching his messy mop of hair before pulling his beanie back on. The walk to the main event area took much less time than expected, even when Virgil took the scenic route for some practice camera shots. After arriving at his destination, he made his way to the nearest food stall for his first purchase: a grilled buttered potato. After paying, Virgil walked off while nibbling on the steaming hot potato. Every bite he took was flavorful, the somewhat sweet taste of butter mingling with the soft, fluffy texture. Resisting the urge to lose himself in the delicacy, he settled with a whispered “…Hm…not bad.” before the delicious aroma of grilling meat beckoned him to the next stall.

“Chicken skewers? They look pretty singed, but they smell nice…” He bought one and cooled it with a few breaths before quickly digging in. The taste was something else, he surmised, and he was still chewing when he bought another two skewers. It was while paying that he noticed Vregory in the distance, his rat compatriot Eugene sniffing at the air. The pair hadn’t noticed Virgil yet, something that elicited a sigh of relief from him, their focus on finding edible leftovers being paramount as Vreg’s eyes roamed. They stopped at a trash can every now and again, fraying Virgil’s nerves whenever Vreg came close to spotting him. He quickly hid behind a rather large rock, nervously peering out every now and then, making a break for it once the coast was clear. As much as he disliked the outdoors, the myriad of flavors almost made up for it. He felt a sense of elation within him rise up with the thought of getting to taste even more good food, and he idly patted himself on the back for bringing a good bit of money with him.

Shortly thereafter, Virgil found himself paying for a small carton of fried noodles, only to see yet another familiar face walking towards his general direction: Vyctor, who by the looks of it was walking slowly while carrying a plastic bag in each hand.. Virgil couldn’t care less to socialize, wanting to enjoy his meal in peace more than anything else. His eyes paced back and forth, scanning for a convenient escape- with time running out he had no choice but to lunge for a cardboard box and tuck under into. He peered out from the handle hole until Vyc was no longer in sight, after which he slurped up the noodles and wiped what remained of the oyster sauce from his lips before disposing of the carton.

Virgil was in the process of removing himself from under the confines of the box when it was lifted off of him by someone else entirely. Reflexively covering his eyes from his sudden return to brightness, Virgil looked up to see a girl staring down at him while holding the box. Her face was covered by a partly-broken porcelain mask, framed by long, silky purple hair. The black coat she wore contrasted with the slightly stained white apron tied around her waist.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds, with neither saying anything to break the silence. Virgil stood, patting himself off. The girl simply shrugged at him, after which she flung the box at a rather sizable garbage bag she had behind her. “...Huh.” For his part, Virgil watched in muted bewilderment as she walked off, dragging the garbage bag behind her. He wondered for a moment who she was, but shook his head and thanked his luck that he managed to avoid any unnecessary interactions during the festival.


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 22:30:01 )

Day 4 Lore

Having engorged herself already of a steaming variety of festival food, Constance was struggling to finish the fish shaped taiyaki that stared up at her from the plate. She glared at the trash bin in contempt of how wasteful others are with food, while waiting for her stomach to digest; knowing she’d never lower herself to that level.

A passerby discarded their partially eaten burger, which infuriated Constance. She stormed right up to confront the wasteful offender but as she raised a lecturing finger ready to call them out in a storm of carefully chosen words, a hand suddenly lurched out from behind the bin!-- startling her backwards in a shriek. She sat mouth agape for a moment, as she observed the hand rummaging through the bag, and like a predator snatching its prey-- it arose with its victory kill: The partially eaten burger.

Constance rubbed her eyes confused before stumbling to grab the taiyaki she had dropped. Approaching cautiously, she let her hand hang over the trash bin for a few moments. Then, bluntly released the confectionery into the crinkling bag with a 'thud'. The sound which apparently summoned the hand once again to peruse the contents of the trash and retrieve the taiyaki; before snapping its hand back behind the bin. “...Is a tasty find…” she could hear a man's voice, followed by the sounds of several mouths crunching.

“Curiosity killed the cat... but not the Constance!” she gulped and thought to herself as she jutted sideways of the bin to catch the trash picker before they could try to flee in shame. Instead of running however, several beady eyes raised their gazes to her-- and with them a young man with crumbs strung along his lips, simply accepted her presence.

“Who are you?” She asked, feeling more fascinated rather than concerned. He slowly blinked a few times as he thought about the peculiar question. “Me?... I’m me.” then nodded to assure himself. The larger rat of the pack leapt from his head to his shoulder, standing in order to reach his ear. “Ah, Eugene says you want my name...mmm." His head began to slowly tilt--seemingly distracted in thought. The perched rat gently patted the young man's face to snap him back to the present. "Oh, sorry! Vreg." He smiled warmly before pushing forth an array of discarded festival food. “Want some? very good.”

Constance fervorously shook her head, but continued to watch endearingly as the pack of rats turned piles of waste into nothing. “One dude’s trash is another’s treasure…” She crouched beside Vreg and smirked. “That's what I used to tell my peers at the orphanage!” Constance said with a mischievous snicker. Vreg listened attentively while taking a few more bites, being sure to properly dispense pieces among his rodent friends. “...Where is the orange?” He asked, sounding a bit confused. Constance laughed to the point of spitting-- but without judgment continued to converse at a pace more comfortable for Vreg.


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 22:30:52 )
Day 5 Lore

An enchanting plush cat hung from the top tier prize rack of a stall. Its predominantly purple fur shimmered with a holographic star pattern. Vivienne took a deep breath and gritted her teeth. She needed that plushie - it was so impossibly large, fluffy, and galactic! A prize so equally cute and unique in nature that Vanora would swoon for it! This was the only stall that offered this variety of plush so all bets were on this intense game of….rubber duck fishing...

Vivi, unintentionally displaying her passion-- slammed down ohms on the stall game’s counter. “One rod, p-please!” she stammered nervously, though her eyes still shone with determination. The stall man raised a brow before casually shrugging and supplying her with two plastic fishing rods--one presumably for each hand. She took a step back and focused intently on the toy ducks floating around in the triple-layer fountain. Each duck had points allocated to them, but she'd only see how much each one was worth once she managed to catch it. This was entirely luck of the duck.

She looked up at the plushie again, seeing it was worth 300 points. The ducks before her held point values between ten and a hundred-- and she only had two minutes to swipe as many as she possibly could.The stall owner began the timer, and she blinked as the birds traversed around the fountain with surprising speed. Throwing the line in, she tried to hook some of the ducks, but she was clumsy and they slipped by. Fifteen seconds gone.

"Oh, hey, what's happening here?" a vaguely familiar voice called out, almost tauntingly. Soon slipping an arm over her shoulder and she distractedly turned to see Lin. The stall owner's eyes widened in horror, and began shooing him away. Lin smirked, "A quick tip, before I get accused of cheating again…” He playfully smirked at the nervous man. “Think of the fishing rod as your scissors - I've seen how well you work with them." He displayed the cutting motion with his fingers and with a wink, he scurried away-- still in sight but too far to be lectured. In his arms he carried a similar plushie to the one she had her eye on.

"" Vivi wondered what he meant, before snapping back to attention. 45 seconds gone, only a minute and 15 seconds left. She tossed both lines again in a fervor, and as one crisscrossed over the other, she realized what he meant.. As she aimed for a little green rubber duck, she imagined herself cutting hair with precision, deftly holding her scissors in one hand and cutting exactly what needed cutting, no more and no less. She yelled loudly in success as she reeled in a duck worth 20 points. 50 seconds left.

After she figured out what to do, the rest was a blur. She reeled in duck after duck, fighting the clock for the plushie. Vivi was woken from her thoughts as the buzzer sounded for the end of the two minutes. She looked down at the ducks she'd collected in surprise. Did she have enough..? 50 short… Her heart fell as she double checked the bottom of each duck for their point allocation.

"Ah hey, you dropped this one!" Lin was back, bending to pick up a duck that had fallen on the ground, rather than in the bucket of ducks she'd collected. "Eh?" she watched as Lin looked at the bottom then plonked it in her bucket. "50 points! Lucky!" he grinned, then jumped up and grabbed the plushie for her. "That's 300 points in total, yeah? Don’t mind me, you were mumbling the numbers aloud!~" Vivi was stunned. She actually did it? She did it! Her eyes lit up with gratitude and intensely hugged the guts out of a puzzled Lin. "Let me get you something to eat! Please? You helped me so much!" Straining a smile under her tight grasp, Lin could only manage a thumbs up before Vivienne darted ahead, prompting Lin to follow behind her. "Later stall man!~" He shouted before disappearing into the crowd.

The stall owner blinked at their sudden departure, then looked down defeatedly at the ducks. While picking them up, he realized there was one too many of the 50 point ducks possible to obtain- and the marker wasn't even the same color he had used to write on them. "LIIIIIIIN!!!" the store owner roared.--scaring children waiting in his line as they frantically escaped.


Npc Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 22:32:47 )
Day 6 Lore


Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 22:33:53 )

Day 7 Lore
Vanora eyes remained locked on the night sky, as her feet were tickled by the blades of grass that looked over Breaker Beach and all its festivities. The stars were wonderfully shimmering tonight, hardly a cloud to obscure their brilliance. Her gaze roamed...searching for something... until they finally latched onto Viraeli. One of the brightest stars in the sky, found between the constellations of the Eternal Wolf and the Mourning Siren. It was her favourite star considering it was in between the two zodiac signs she had been born on the cusp of. The Wolf: loyal, determined, and oh so stubborn. Then the Siren: passionate, curious, and quite the spectator. Both their personality traits clashing within her, like Viraeli's light glowing between them now.

The earth shifted softly beside Vanora, alerting her to a new presence that she didn’t bother turning her head to see. “Beautiful, are they not?” a voice murmured melodiously, soft as to not break the silent beauty of the night. She nodded in agreement, finally turning to her side to pat the ground and prompt Vontell to sit beside her.

"It's so magical. It seems kinda simple to just lay here with our thoughts but we're really sort of embracing something beyond our planet by looking at the stars, you know?" She took in the crisp air with a deep breath. Vontell stroked his chin while also panning the sky for constellations. "You are the sort of person to find the brilliance in anything. I’ve always liked that about you, but I cannot say that I am as equally enamored with things as much as you are. I can however, appreciate the grandiose of space and the potential poetry it inspires...Though I can’t seem to find my own constellation up there. Hmm." He peered his eyes more sternly, determined to find it for himself.

Vanora giggled and pointed upward. "Look, there's yours! Right there!" she pointed at Vontell's zodiac sign, the Forgotten Dryad. But their visual perspectives differed, so he had to shift himself a bit closer to see the view from hers. "Ah, wait. Yes okay, NOW I see it." His voice now taking on a wistful tone. “And maybe beyond our galaxy, another realm on another planet is seeking out their own constellation.” He tilted his head, feeling like such a discussion could lead to inspiring a new plot for his book- then dismissed it as too cliché.

“Knowing that someone who is a complete stranger to us, probably also sat on this same hill, and looked at these same stars. That's interesting to think about too.” Vanora stood and stretched, sore from laying down-- when a strong gust swept through and tossed her hair directly into her mouth. This caused her to flail her arms over face, and spit out the long locks. Vontell busted out in laughter.

“And perhaps they too, were fed their own hair from mother nature’s gust.” He said while taking his glasses off to cleanse. Vanora playfully stuck her tongue out. “Sorry, hair gel doesn’t work for me like it does for you! Maybe in a different dimension it does.” Vontell nodded. “Touché. Though even I will be needing to pay a visit to your beloved soon. Need to get my overgrown ends trimmed up and well... Vivienne does it best.” Extending a hand, Vanora helped Vontell up to his feet as he patted off grass and dirt from his pants.

“Speaking of which, she shooed me away a little while ago. She was insisting she had to do something alone- But it's been long enough, I should check up on her.” Vanora and Vontell gave a hug and parted ways from the calm of the hill and back to the energy of the festival.


Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 22:35:57 )

Day 8 Lore

At the edge of the boardwalk, Violet sits on her wheelchair while gazing up at the stars. Mich, Vichard’s mini-mech drone, sits on top of the closed book on her lap. “You know Taro, the breeze over here is quite nice. Why don’t you join us?” Violet’s amusement shows as he walks closer, leaning against the wooden rails beside her. Vichard watches on curiously as Violet plays with Mich, the little drone happily beeping away as she pokes at it gently. He grumbles “…chard…” under his breath and Violet stops playing with Mich to look at him inquisitively. He pouts and points to himself. “My name is Vichard, not ‘Taro’.” He clarifies, pout still very much in place. Violet just grins at him, eyes twinkling. “And here I thought your real name was ‘Ham’!” She teases, laughing at Vichard’s indignant squawk.

He covers his face in embarrassment, the redness of his face reaching well up to his ears. Vichard had sought her out, curious as to why she was so friendly towards him, but he wasn’t averse to showing off his apparent ingenuity. “Ah! Are you curious? You must be, for on your lap…having taken somewhat of a liking to you…” a brief look of dissatisfaction at the 'traitorous' little robot crosses his face before it disappears “…is one of the most highly advanced pieces of robotic technology in the land!” he finishes, self-satisfaction clear on his face. He taps on the device’s screen a few times…and keeps on furiously tapping for a few minutes more when it doesn’t respond.

Vichard’s frustration grows until finally, the gadget’s screen lights up to display a diagram of Mich, detailing some of its parts. Violet finds the embarrassed emoticon on its screen adorable. He scoots closer to Violet, showing her Mich’s ins and outs as she listens attentively. Soon, she’s holding the display as he continues his explanations. “…And Mich only needs a few hours’ worth of charging to last an entire day?” Violet asks. Vichard confidently nods, chest puffed out with his hands on his hips.

“Indeed! With my vast knowledge in robotics, I’ve created a power supply capable of sustaining my creations for quite some time!” Though while saying this, Vichard deflates a bit “…A-Although my first few tests would often blow up…or drain at a rate of 10% per minute…o-or just stop working altogether…” His voice weakening as he continued, as though a dark cloud grew over him. Violet hums and takes the book she had on her lap, presenting it to Vichard after noticing the troubled expression on his face. He blinks, taking it from her and flipping it open. “I never really did get to share a book with you before, right? Fortunately, I brought one of my favorites!” Vichard’s cheeks flushed hot, his thoughts and heart racing at just how just how extraordinarily kind Violet was to him. She filled in some details: it’s the second book in a trilogy about a bumbling mechanic making their way through the world, making friends and foes as they go. He finds it vaguely familiar but doesn’t know why. “H-How dimwitted…and to think they possess such keen intellect…” Violet stares blankly at him for a bit before bursting out into laughter. Vichard blinks, unsure of the reason to her laughter.

She eventually stops, wiping away a tear. “Y-Yes…yes they aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed…but I’ve heard that they do get better later.” Violet resists the urge to laugh as Vichard ponders on this information. “I will be sure to find a copy of these books then! If indeed he does get better- “ Before he finishes, a flash of light erupts in the sky, signaling the start of the fireworks. The two take some time looking at the display lighting before their very eyes.

” …They are quite beautiful, aren’t they? Such stunning colors…” Violet’s words somehow wake Vichard from his stupor. His mouth starts running before his brain can catch up. “I’m certain I can do better. In fact, with my robotic knowhow, I-I can make something that can launch an even wider variety of fireworks in larger quantities than this!” Vichard met Violet’s inquisitive look as though he was a deer caught in the headlights, ”N-Not…not that I’m doing it to prove anything! I just think fireworks displays ought to be as grand as possible!” Violet covers her mouth, stifling a giggle, and smiles. “Really? Well, I’ll be sure to look forward to that." Vichard puffs his cheeks in response, arms folding as his gaze goes back to the sky. ”Hmph…w-well...good!” Vichard nodded, thinking to himself that all in all, this wasn’t so unpleasant. He wasn’t against this sweet interaction lasting longer, that was for certain.


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 22:37:22 )

Day 9 Lore

Uncaring of the dismal atmosphere her stall produced as multitudes of festival-goers failed to come remotely close to winning a prize, Valentina happily fanned herself from the summer heat with wads of cash. Despite the bleak response, her large array of mechanical prizes that could enlighten any household, kept the challengers lining up-- determined they could beat the odds.
“So these are tha’ rules…” She danced her hand along the table of plastic cups, pulling a few forward to demonstrate. “Here we got five cups! Four of em’ have large mouths, and one cup has a bitty one.” With her other hand, she flipped a coin into the air as it refracted a beam of light before falling down into a large mouthed cup. “Just like that! Simply get it into any of the four big ones, and BAM! Ya win!”

She rubbed her hands greedily together as each person counted their funds. Despite the variety in size, strength and age of each player, the results of Val’s game were exactly the same. Just as the coin would hover directly above the desired large cup, like magic it would bounce off thin air and whip swiftly into the small cup. Observing from the sidelines with a smug look on his face, Vyctor idled--waiting for his cue. Once the blue hued lights of Val’s stall flickered, he placed himself next in line.

“Oh! If anyone’s gonna win it's gotta be you, Vyc!” She clasped her hands together feigning adoration. Raising a playful smirk, Vyc pushed forward a stack of ohms before leaning forward in a whisper. “Hey Val, I bet ya 5,000 ohms I can get it my first try…” Val grinned so wide she threatened the elasticity of her cheeks. “My, my--Iunno! That sounds kinda risky…. Buuuuuut what tha’ heck! Deal. And with that, Vyctor nonchalantly flicked the coin off his thumb; and without issue it satisfyingly clanged into one of the winning cups.

For several moments Val seemed frozen in time- completely unmoving, aside from her jaw having dropped in disbelief. Vyctor chuckled-- "Huh, well would ya look at that, you were right! I won. Thanks for believing in me Val!" Vyc spoke kindly and gave a wink as he collected the funds, but a hint of sarcasm lingered in his tone. From behind the stall, Vaughn surfaced and snapped his wire cutters down on the counter. “Gimme my reverse charge magnets back, ya damned thief!” He impatiently tapped his fingers against the wood while staring her down.

Val cackled, realizing she had been duped and slapped down a button on her chair. The ground ferociously rumbled and the stall shook apart in pieces as the chair jolted her straight up and far into the sky--echoing into the dark of the night. Vyctor couldn’t help but laugh. “Heh. She acts like you don’t know where she lives…” Vaughn groaned while lighting up a cigar. “Unfortunately mate, that’s with me...”


Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 22:37:54 )

Day 10 Lore

Those desiring a break from the blinking neon lights of the festival stalls, but not exactly keen on getting their feet wet, found themselves sitting around a large bonfire; where they could converse the beautiful summer night away. Mid several laughs or venting tirades of the eclectic audience, the nearby stage lit up and beckoned attention as silence fell over the onlookers one by one. The curtains pulled open, and hanging down from the ceiling of center stage was a beautiful pair of navy blue silks that reached the floor. The lights dimmed to a gentle shade of red, and a young cloaked maiden elegantly strutted one leg out; the metal bangles wrapped 'round her ankle clanging in rhythm to the entrancing hymn of an ocarina.

She danced slowly yet passionately towards the center stage, and anyone passing by the area were stopped in their tracks finding themselves completely bewitched. As the maiden approached the silks, the cloak dropped to her ankles and the graceful sky dancer Ran was revealed. In place of any applause was the in tune “awe” that washed over the audience. She donned a butterfly eye mask, fitting both of her and this festival theme--her eyes flickered 'neath the mask as she curled one leg across the silk under first her knee and then the arch of her foot. Ran stepped up and into the air, secure by the silk and twirled cutely round like the fairy from all our childhood dreams.

The song of the ocarina crescendoed and with it she arched her back, bowing backwards mid flight and reaching behind her to demonstrate a myriad of complex poses-- each finishing with an intensity that would rivet each and every heart bearing witness. Then, as the music calmed and Ran without moving, descended the ropes-- the final clang of her bangles as she reached the floor rang out, and she snapped a bow.

Taking several moments to process the intricacy of the performance the audience was delayed in applauding, but they would compensate for that by a unanimous standing ovation that echoed throughout the entire breaker beach. This was something those not in attendance would have to mourn they missed. The curtains closed and among the crowd of cheering and tearful Volties, was the city's beloved Mayor Volkan. “Ho-oh, how absolutely breathtaking that was…” He said before rubbing his own eyes.

Determined to meet and thank Ran personally, and curious himself if he could learn to do something so mesmerizing-- he struggled and pushed through the departing crowd. It proved pointless for a while, so he patiently waited for everyone to find their direction before making his way to backstage. Which to his dismay, seemed already closed up and abandoned. “Hello? Is anyone there?” His voice called back to himself in confirmation he was indeed alone. Volkan sighed in disappointment. As he walked to the stage- a few floor lights kicked on from the motion sensor. Which gave him a tempting idea as his eyes noted the silks still hung.

“Hmm...a move or two shouldn’t hurt, right?” He crawled into the corners of his mind to validate himself, which was a pointless endeavor- he was going to try aerial silk dancing regardless. He attempted to mimic what Ran did, but failed to hook his foot. “Perhaps I just need to make this my own thing!” and like a monkey he climbed the silks high, wrapping an arm around one and twisting a leg through the other into a sad knot. He chuckled, thinking he was successful-- but then he released the silks and came tumbling down them halfway- finding himself stuck within a silk cocoon and anxiety ever rising. “S-someone help me!!” He shouted nervously, flailing about until his wriggling finally loosened his knot and he safely but harshly fell to the hard stage floor. He groaned in a slight pain, huddling himself up. “I suppose a ‘don’t try this at home’ disclaimer wouldn’t hurt for future events...” He thought to himself before graciously leaving his temptations behind..


Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 22:39:59 )

Finale on July 30th

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 23:33:12 )
    Fifty pages here we come!

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 23:37:20 )

Yes we can do 50 pages!

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 23:40:51 )

Now more people need to come in here.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 23:41:59 )
    yes I can't wait to see what the lil thing looks like when its evolved

currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Donator — He Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 23:57:12 )
┌── R A X T O N ──┐
─ ──┤█║█│█║▌█╟── ─

Ohh so excited for this


Donator — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/20 23:59:38 )

    gogogo !
    Time to get posting. c:
(ง •̀_•́)ง

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.