Day 8 Lore

At the edge of the boardwalk, Violet sits on her wheelchair while gazing up at the stars. Mich, Vichard’s mini-mech drone, sits on top of the closed book on her lap.
“You know Taro, the breeze over here is quite nice. Why don’t you join us?” Violet’s amusement shows as he walks closer, leaning against the wooden rails beside her. Vichard watches on curiously as Violet plays with Mich, the little drone happily beeping away as she pokes at it gently. He grumbles
“…chard…” under his breath and Violet stops playing with Mich to look at him inquisitively. He pouts and points to himself.
“My name is Vichard, not ‘Taro’.” He clarifies, pout still very much in place. Violet just grins at him, eyes twinkling.
“And here I thought your real name was ‘Ham’!” She teases, laughing at Vichard’s indignant squawk.
He covers his face in embarrassment, the redness of his face reaching well up to his ears. Vichard had sought her out, curious as to why she was so friendly towards him, but he wasn’t averse to showing off his apparent ingenuity.
“Ah! Are you curious? You must be, for on your lap…having taken somewhat of a liking to you…” a brief look of dissatisfaction at the 'traitorous' little robot crosses his face before it disappears
“…is one of the most highly advanced pieces of robotic technology in the land!” he finishes, self-satisfaction clear on his face. He taps on the device’s screen a few times…and keeps on furiously tapping for a few minutes more when it doesn’t respond.
Vichard’s frustration grows until finally, the gadget’s screen lights up to display a diagram of Mich, detailing some of its parts. Violet finds the embarrassed emoticon on its screen adorable. He scoots closer to Violet, showing her Mich’s ins and outs as she listens attentively. Soon, she’s holding the display as he continues his explanations.
“…And Mich only needs a few hours’ worth of charging to last an entire day?” Violet asks. Vichard confidently nods, chest puffed out with his hands on his hips.
“Indeed! With my vast knowledge in robotics, I’ve created a power supply capable of sustaining my creations for quite some time!” Though while saying this, Vichard deflates a bit
“…A-Although my first few tests would often blow up…or drain at a rate of 10% per minute…o-or just stop working altogether…” His voice weakening as he continued, as though a dark cloud grew over him. Violet hums and takes the book she had on her lap, presenting it to Vichard after noticing the troubled expression on his face. He blinks, taking it from her and flipping it open.
“I never really did get to share a book with you before, right? Fortunately, I brought one of my favorites!” Vichard’s cheeks flushed hot, his thoughts and heart racing at just how just how extraordinarily kind Violet was to him. She filled in some details: it’s the second book in a trilogy about a bumbling mechanic making their way through the world, making friends and foes as they go. He finds it vaguely familiar but doesn’t know why.
“H-How dimwitted…and to think they possess such keen intellect…” Violet stares blankly at him for a bit before bursting out into laughter. Vichard blinks, unsure of the reason to her laughter.
She eventually stops, wiping away a tear.
“Y-Yes…yes they aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed…but I’ve heard that they do get better later.” Violet resists the urge to laugh as Vichard ponders on this information.
“I will be sure to find a copy of these books then! If indeed he does get better- “ Before he finishes, a flash of light erupts in the sky, signaling the start of the fireworks. The two take some time looking at the display lighting before their very eyes.
” …They are quite beautiful, aren’t they? Such stunning colors…” Violet’s words somehow wake Vichard from his stupor. His mouth starts running before his brain can catch up.
“I’m certain I can do better. In fact, with my robotic knowhow, I-I can make something that can launch an even wider variety of fireworks in larger quantities than this!” Vichard met Violet’s inquisitive look as though he was a deer caught in the headlights,
”N-Not…not that I’m doing it to prove anything! I just think fireworks displays ought to be as grand as possible!” Violet covers her mouth, stifling a giggle, and smiles.
“Really? Well, I’ll be sure to look forward to that." Vichard puffs his cheeks in response, arms folding as his gaze goes back to the sky.
”Hmph…w-well...good!” Vichard nodded, thinking to himself that all in all, this wasn’t so unpleasant. He wasn’t against this sweet interaction lasting longer, that was for certain.