On the edge of the boardwalk, you're surprised to find a long table completely covered with a wide range of art supplies and mediums. As you gaze up, you can see a display proudly showing off art from a variety of Volties.
"Do you want to be up there, too?" A voice playfully calls out to you, and as you gaze up you notice Violet waving to you with a warm smile on her face. In contrast, Virgil sat beside her, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else. As you approach Violet her smile brightens, "Since Joyful Jamboree is closed during the festival, we thought it'd be fun to host a little activity of our own!"
"I think you mean you thought it'd be fun..." Virgil muttered under his breath, before grunting as Violet smacked him hard on the back.
"Don't listen to him, he loves it! He's been paying everyone compliments on their art all day... And I'm sure he'd like to see yours too! Wouldn't you, Virgil?"
Her twin hesitated a moment as he averted his eyes in silence. After pondering it a moment he shrugged, glancing back over to you, "Depends. You have anything to show?"