Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/23 14:54:47 )
Sounds like you had the jelly-controlling-girlfriend issue that I had some years back AMA. I'm sorry to hear that.
Got the same connectin with my best friend. We are so close that his siblings and family more or less have adopted me as some sort of stray cat.
When I moved in to live with him and hi grlfriend at the time becuse I couldnt keep affording the rent in my old apartment, the girlfrind very quickly got jelly, tried my best to not be in the way to clean the apartment, and do their dishes, buy food and catlitter for their cats too while paying her rent.. but in the end she kicked me out of it ( after having gone trough my personal letters >>; ) ended up being homeless for half a year after thatuntill I ended in th c*****y apartment I got now.
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