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Forums Breaker Beach 2019 You Can't Get a Suntan On the Moon || Raffle!

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 20:27:19 )
@Mousy: I feel you 100% with staying indoors. xD The sun is evilllllll.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 20:30:52 )
@tsundererra: I'll go outside and just immediately feel like all of the energy is sucked from my body. That's probably more from the heat here though.

When I first moved to this area, my rearview mirror melted off of my truck. MELTED. Ridiculous.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 20:33:03 )
@Mousy: Holy bananas, where do you live?! In the middle of a desert? Like my area is hot, but never hot enough for that. xD

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 20:37:18 )
@tsundererra: I'm in southern-ish Texas.
This year, my windshield cracked from the heat.
I must have blasted my AC too high after turning on the car or something idk.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 20:39:06 )
@Mousy: Oof, you guys get bad storms too on top of that heat. I didn’t even know it can get hot like that anywhere in the U.S. (except for Death Valley).

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 20:42:20 )
@tsundererra: We haven't even reached the hottest part of the summer yet I don't think. either that or we're getting up there.

It rains nearly every day from like April to August, but they are random pop up storms that don't even show up on my weather app until after its over. We're in the middle of hurricane season too. So, that's always fun with all of the tropical storms blowing in. XD

Voltie — Moon-Cat Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 20:49:48 )
Honestly I think my favorite thing to do during the summer is stay indoors with AC. I don't hate being outside or anything, but I much prefer fall and winter. Should probably move farther north, tbh.
...And with that, he was gone.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/21 23:53:56 )
@Totalanimefan: I wonder what’s going on in my area then, because each time they build newer housing, it feels like the poor get pushed out. /: Maybe there are other factors at play that I’m not aware of.
I’m up for anything that gets housing costs down. It’s ridiculous that our generation can’t even afford to live alone most of the time:

The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

Art by the rightful Mayor, Kiwi

Donator — A.I. Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/22 06:26:33 )

Sorry folks I totally fell asleep last night xD didn't realise how late it had gotten.

@Totalanimefan: That's definitely true -- public transit in most US cities is pretty limited, most likely because owning a car and being "self-sufficient" are a huge part of American culture. In most cases, if you live any deeper than right on a surface street you're SOL and/or have to walk/ride a far distance to get to a bus stop or train station etc.

@Tuijp: Hissing at the sun is a general favourite activity in general, amirite?

@Glume: Well I hope you like the smell of sunscreen xD I know I always did lol. Thankfully I was blessed with olive skin so it takes me a while to burn but it does happen, and the resulting leopard-peel skin is certainly not pleasant, though it does look kind of cool. |D

@Dragonus Luciferius: Just stay away from the dayside and you'll be fine c': /gives you a parasol/

@Mousy: As a total hermit, 10/10 can relate. It's too hot and too bright to go outside, and for some reason people seem to get progressively stupid around here as the temperature rises -- for instance, everyone drives like 10mph under the speed limit when it gets really hot out, and I'm sitting there melting in my car with no A/C like "why are you going so slow?? don't you want to get home???" smdh

@Garrister: I feel you. People always complain about the gloomy weather in places like Seattle, London, etc and I'm just like "that sounds so lovely tho". xD Plus I love wearing hoodies which is uncomfortable in the summertime. Q nQ

@SirLionelNigelConrad: Calm your whoremoans pls, it's not Taco Tuesday yet

please ping me if you need my attention! || be excellent to each other ♥

Donator — A.I. Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/22 07:11:58 )

Raffle and details have been added! Be sure to check out the information on the front page if you're interested! ~

please ping me if you need my attention! || be excellent to each other ♥

Donator — A.I. Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/22 08:29:11 )

@Totalanimefan: It's pretty sad because unless you're in a huge hub like New York, where everything is connected to everything else, it's incredibly difficult to get a job or get anywhere without a car. Employers are wary of hiring if you don't have your own vehicle, even if you have a reliable ride every day--their reasons are understandable, as they want you to be able to get to work consistently, but it holds some people back. How are they supposed to afford a car if nobody will give them a job?

I did know a guy who walked over an hour (might have been even more; we worked in a huge retirement community) to work every day, and[i] in the searing heat of the summer; he shouldn't have had to do that. Maybe I'm lazy, but I know I couldn't walk in the heat like that and THEN work a serving shift. I'd be ded. It's just not fair.

please ping me if you need my attention! || [i]be excellent to each other ♥


Donator — A.I. Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/22 08:37:26 )

@Lilypoo: Sweet, I'll add you to the roster! :D Good luck!

please ping me if you need my attention! || be excellent to each other ♥

Donator — A.I. Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/22 08:53:43 )

@Totalanimefan: Willpower is certainly an amazing thing! Everything else takes the back burner when determination kicks in.

And I've taken down your raffle number! Good luck! O wO

Have a good night folks, I'm off to bed before I stay up until 3 AM again. xD oTL

please ping me if you need my attention! || be excellent to each other ♥

Donator — she/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/22 12:43:37 )
@Vii: Sadly I also hate sunscreen. I got so horribly burned the last time I went camping that my husband just started putting it on me without even asking lol. I guess thats really the best approach for my dumb self.
Ping me, Devil Daddy, ping me.

0 4 0 1 9 3 9 0 1 5 1 2
Mousy generated a random number between 100 and 1000; Resulting In 401
Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/22 16:00:51 )
@vii: Here is my number for the moon party raffle!


Donator — A.I. Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/24 19:56:45 )

@Totalanimefan: That's a lot of driving xD hopefully you at least had some good tunes and a comfy ride!

@Glume: He saved you from yourself c': ah but that's what companionship is all about.
Strangely, I've always liked the smell of sunscreen. xD

@Mousy: You're on the list! \o/ Good luck!

@SirLionelNigelConrad: Mondays are usually chill for me now so I don't hate them like I used to. c':

RIP getting event items with being so dang preoccupied

please ping me if you need my attention! || be excellent to each other ♥
[ often multitasking unsuccessfully ] | [ I may take a while to respond, but haven't forgotten you! ♥ ]
qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/24 21:41:29 )
whooohooo! Thank you!
Please ping! I get distracted easily.

0 5 2 3 9 4 1 2 1 6 3 4
Amakai generated a random number between 100 and 1000; Resulting In 523
Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/25 16:08:49 )
@vii: I'm surprised more people haven't entered this xD this is such a neat idea.
but I bet you can totally get sunburnt on the moon

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/25 16:12:39 )
Exactly! Talk about ouchies xD
Just a fangirl living in FFXV hell
Multi-shipper shipping: Ignoct & Gladnoct

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