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Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/29 03:51:57 )
Going to pretty it up later.

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/29 03:52:17 )
~ The Gallery ~

Ordered Newest to Oldest

Vyctor and I
Alt versions: Or

White Rabbit and Black Rabbit

[Heartless from Kingdom Hearts]
[My Slytherin Look]
[Shiny Gardevoir]
[Akali in the KDA PopStars music video]
[my version of a Krampus]
[Evelynn in KDA All Out]
[Harley Quinn]

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/29 03:52:23 )
OC Characters

I would like to get art drawn of all of them eventually.
Though I would really love some freebies all my WDR characters the most.

Name: Cykayr, Icebreath
Pronounced: Sigh-car
Nickname: Cy [sigh] or Cyk [psych]
Age: 190
Height: 19 feet tall, 45 feet long | Human: 6'0"
Race: Dragon/Snow Elf
Dragon Form Reference
Snow Elf Form Reference
Other: Younger sister to Ivassar the White (character by Min)
Wears this Style of Clothing:

Prefers being naked to wearing clothing. When she must wear it, she likes things that are loose and minimal, things that are easy to slip out of.
In A Relationship With: none yet. pending Melara. Character by Min.
By Hachi

By Kent

Reference 2
Name: Sophia Rainard
Pronounced: So-fee-uh Rain-arrd
Age: 22
Height: 5'1"
Race: Human with some high elf lineage.
Other: Peasant girl trying to make it as a tailor
Wears this Style of clothing:

Role: Rider
Family: Adopted mother, father, and younger brother. Does not yet know she is adopted.
In A Relationship With: pending. Urishma. Character by Ash.
By LordLucre

By Kairu

Name: Eirdreist
Pronounced: Eair-dryst
Human Form Reference
Dragon Form Reference
Spirit Animal Form Reference
Age: 205
Species: Full Bred Dragon
Gender: Male
Family: Father: Urishma the Mad (yet unknown to this fact) [character by Ash]
Mother: Silvia [a golden dragon] (deceased)
Personality: Reserved in most cases, but willing to speak him mind rather flatly when needed. Needing to develop more social skills. He has a strong sense of loyalty.
Setting: WDR RP, land of Draconia
In A Relationship With: pending. His rider, Luke. Character by Ash.
By Kent

Reference 2 / Reference 3
Name: Sivelle Snowtwill
Pronounced: Siv-elle
Age: 27
Height: 5'7"
Race: Faerie
Other: Rider
Family: Mother - Location missing. Name unknown. Her mother was a free spirit who left her with the rest of the village. She never told who her father was.
She considers Luke her little brother as they both grew up together.
By Acid

Reference 2
Name: Xunmur'ss Kilduis
Pronounced: Zun-mur-ss . Kill-do-is
Nickname: Xun
Name Meaning: Xun = Demon, fiend, fiendish | mur'ss = Shadow, spy, witness | Kil = People of | duis = The whip
Age: 300
Species: Dark Elf
Gender: Male
Family: None. Was ripped from his home at a young age.
Physical Description: Many scars adorn his handsome face and body. His marks are a brand from dark elf masters to signify that he is one of them. Can use Illusion magic to make himself appear like a high elf
Personality: Twisted from decades of torture.
Backstory: Dark elf who was originally a forest elf before he was captured. During his re-conditioning, he was given a blood transfusion of high elf blood. He managed to survive it thanks to his own healing powers and those of the other healers the dark elf masters had imprisoned. This was done in an attempt to give more than one power type to creatures. The mixed blood he has in his veins coupled with the twisted methods of the dark elves allowed Xun to manipulate time for small periods. This includes creating a portal that he or another can step through to move short distances. With several years of training and being broken, Xun managed to turn his healing powers outward as a damaging force rather than a healing touch. Also during the training, he and other select members were taught to torture, maim, and terrorize different victims. The sizes of such victims started small, then moved up in degree. Only the most loyal of dark elf servants were able to move up to larger bodies. The dark elves had to trust that their protegees would not turn against themselves and break free. Because of the mixed blood, he is able to maintain an illusion for a degree that makes himself appear as a handsome high elf rather than a scarred. once upon a time forest elf turned dark elf. He is naturally skilled with the daggers and trained himself to have near-perfect aim. Though his favorite weapon of choice is the whip because of its versatility. He spent years in captivity, practicing each of his arts daily, rarely resting. Part of his training was to remain alert, even while asleep. He and his captors never let his body drift into a state of deep sleep.
Ongoing Story: WDR
By Kiwi

*character initially created by LittleWhiteDragonlet*. Revisited, expanded upon, and updated by me.
Reference 2
Name: Edward Deoradhán [Hidden Real Name: Edewindarith Rínmira]
Pronounced: Ed-ward . Dee-or-add-haun [E-dew-win-dar-eth . Rin-mirror-uh]
Age: 142
Race: High Elf/Rider
Other: was once part of a noble family but was banished from their lands
By Purpsy


Face Claim: Amber Portwood
Rayna Davenport
Pronunciation: Rayna (Youtube) Davenport (Youtube)
Nicknames: None
Gender: Female
House: Slytherin
Year: 5th
Date of Birth: October 31, During a blood moon
Place of Birth:
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand: 9", Willow, Dragon Heartstring
♥ Appearance ♥
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Longish hair, down to mid back. She keeps it a dark shade of purple, though if she becomes enraged, it does appear to become more reddish in shade. It can become fiery red when she is really angry.
♥ Personality ♥
Short Cap: Rayna is cunning, curious, and likes to have fun. She can be quite at times, but can speak her mind at other times. She is very amorous, having many crushes throughout her young life.
She is attuned to emotions and can see the beauty in something ordinary.
Bites her bottom lip often.
Nervous -> Fiddles with whatever she is writing with when she is nervous about taking a test.
Hobbies: Flying, Running, Writing,
Wealth: Dwindled
[Not Common Knowledge]
Rayna's grandfather had supported Grindelwald and lost most his fortune trying to aid Grindelwald in his quest to expose wizards to muggles. He died fighting the authorities. Rayna's family is not as wealthy as other Slytherin house families tend to be, but she won't tell anyone about her family's financial struggles though. She doesn't want anyone to feel sorry for her, or to think that she is after anyone for their money.
Her father has regulated their remaining wealth and puts a limit on how much to give Rayna each month. This is why she doesn't buy too much at Hogsmeade whenever they go. She will splurge a bit for very special events, i.e. her Halloween birthday or Lothar's birthday.
Rayna says "one day" at the Firebolt broomstick because she is putting some aside every month to save up for it.
Favorite Things: Flying. Silk. Flower. Gray, rainy days. Being outside. Running.
Animals -> Dragons, Cats, Snakes, Owls, and Butterflies
Colors -> Purple, Black, Slytherin Green, Cerulean to sapphire shades of blue.
Drinks -> Teas, butterbeer, pumpkin juice, and strawberry fizzy drink.
Foods -> Strawberries. Any frozen Fruit. Cheese. Chocolate. Berty Botts Every Flavor Beans.
Hated Things: Falling. most Yellows and Light Pinks. Coffee. Spiders. Chocolate Frogs, they are a mess.
Treasures: Her secret notebook & enchanted quill (makes it undecipherable to anyone who tries to read it besides her). The locket Lothar gave her with her initials on it.
Other: Doesn't know much about Muggles. Had a closed off childhood, and even more limitations after her mother died.
Found in these Locations: Slytherin common room, "secret" locations in Hogwarts: 1) Above the main hall entrance 2) Anywhere with Lothar
Dream Job: Narrowed down to Curse Breaker, Potioneer, or Dragonologist

Happiest Moment: Remembering her mother singing to her at night before bed. Riding on her mother's broomstick when she was little.
Worst Memory: Loosing her mother.

Relationship with Family: Complex
- Her mother died when she was very young (age 7). She still remembers her death though. Her mother's death is her worst memory. Her mother had played the piano and other instruments as well. She was a very musically gifted witch.
- Her father is detached. He cares more about himself and his family name. Was angry at Rayna for breaking her mother's broomstick (age 8) and not at all concerned that she had broken bones. Once his wife died, he had all the instruments in their house burned, all the records broken, and forbade music in the house from that point onwards.
- She was closest to her grandmother (mother's side), even though her grandmother did not come to visit often. She is the one who taught her how to dye her hair purple with a spell. She passed away shortly after she started school. Oddly though, Rayna has not needed to redye or make the spell permanent afterwards. Unknowingly, she did have some Metamorphmagus blood.
- Her grandfather (father's side) died before she was born. She only knows about him through his past deeds. Nothing good.
- She does not know what happened to her grandmother on her father's side, but she assumes she passed away.
- Shes does not know what happened to her grandfather on her mother's side. Not much is known about him. Even her grandmother does not know what happened after he left.
- Any aunts, uncles, or cousins she may have remaining had cut ties from them many years ago.

Boggart: (Death at a young age)
Mirror of Erised: unknown
Amortentia: See Liked things
Patronus: Thestral

♥ In School ♥
Best Classes: Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, Ancient Runes
Mediocre Classes: Arithmancy, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy
Worst Classes: History of Magic
Classes Not Taking: Muggle Studies, Divination [If taking, would be considered Worst Classes]
Will Take In Later Years: Apparition lessons (12 Galleons)

~ Familiar ~

Female black cat with moonlight blue eyes
Loves Bacon. "I got her as a kitten before starting school. I held her on my lap as I was eating bacon and she rather viciously snatched a piece of it out of my hands."

By Hyde (on Caedon)

Face Claim: Stefano Masciolini
Finnegan (Finn) Callaghan
Nicknames: Finn (prefers this to Finnegan)
Gender: Male
House: Hufflepuff
Year: 6th
Date of Birth: June 17
Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland
Nationality: Irish
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Wand Hand: Right

♥ Appearance ♥
Skin: (see picture)
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Ginger
Height: 5 foot 10 inches
Weight: 169 lbs
Voice Style:
Sexual Orientation: Straight.

♥ Personality ♥
- He can blurt out things without thinking "Ooh, you have pretty hair!"
- Also very clumsy, so he over-apologizes in a comical way.
- Often babbles as his mouth runs away with him.
- He enjoys playing Chess, though he isn't very good at it most times.
- He enjoys muggle sports, and the Irish games.
- River-dancing is fun, but he is too clumsy to even try it as a competition dance.
- Playing the bagpipes.
Wealth: Decent
Favorite Things: Food! (He'll try anything!) Playing Games. Muggles. Growing plants.
-> Colors: Green, Yellow, Orange, Sky Blue
-> Creatures: Puffskein or Pygmy Puffs, Bowtruckle, Hippocampus
Hated Things:
Found in these Locations: Anywhere he can be! He likes to be 'in the know' and make many friends.

Favorite Quotes:
You should have just carried bread around for Halloween.
You would have been....
The Ginger Bread Man

Dream Job: Muggle Relations or Herb grower (not Herbologist, but the one to grow and sell the plants) :3
Happiest Moment:
Worst Memory:

Relationship with Family: Very good. He loves everyone in his family, even those who are harder to get along with.

Relationship In General: Has had a handful of girlfriends in the past. He broke it off with one girl, but the others had broken it off with him. He has never gone any further than kissing. He prefer to take things slow.

Mirror of Erised:
Amortentia: Lemons, Grassy Fields, and 'Loc' Water
Animagus: No
Legilimency: No

♥ In School ♥
Best Classes: Muggles Studies (Adv), Herbology
Mediocre Classes: Charms, Potions
Worst Classes: Care of Magical Creatures
Classes Not Taking: Everything else

~ Familiar ~

Tempest, Female

Face Claim: Leda Muir
Name: Vi {Violet} Thorne
Nickname: Vi or Viper
Age: 16
Birthday: May 28
Fandom: Harry Potter
6th Year Slytherin at Hogwarts
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Voice: Leda Muir []
Mother - pureblood Slytherin
Father - pureblood Slytherin
Deceased older brother
Deceased younger sister

Personality: Curious, Talkative, Antsy, Sex-crazed, Insatiable, Forward, unable to commit to one person, Determined to get the things she wants.

Vi grew up in a pureblood Slytherin family, knowing very little of Muggles. That did not stop her curious nature from finding any info on them and learning all she could. Vi would often ask about a boy in the few pictures she found. Finally, her parents informed her about her older brother and his death before she was born. At the time, her mother was pregnant with another child. When the time came to have the baby, she was born stillborn. Even though she did not fully understand the situation, Vi was saddened by the loss of her brother and sister.

Whenever she was not exploring, Vi would work on drawing and listening to music. She longed to learn magic, especially apparition, so she could travel anywhere she pleased at any time. The same old sights often bored her and made her feel restless. Her greatest wish has always been to discover everything the world has to offer and capture the best sights in her sketchbooks.

From an early age, Vi's parents often held extravagant parties and made her attendance neccessary. She hated being dressed to the nines and being introduced by the name Violet. She often rebels against her parents by getting out of the house every opportunity she gets. She greatly enjoys visiting Muggle coffee shops and flirting her way into letting the Muggles let her browse the Interent on their computers. At nights, she enjoys dancing shamelessly at the clubs. Often not going home for the night and never leaving the clubs or any party alone.

She managed to convince the Goblins at Girngotts to convert her galleons into Muggle currency only after she told them it would help her blend into the Muggle world without revealing the Magical World. Afterwards, she had someone make a fake id for her so that she could take the money to a Muggle bank. After receiving a card, she was able to make purchases online. Amazon is one of her favorite sites. She just had to get them to ship it to the edge of her family's property so it would not set off any of the wards around the place. It was a lot of running around just to be able to order the things she wanted, but she was very determined to accomplish it. She had a wonderful time ordering clothing, shoes, jewelery, and other odd things.

At School: Vi hopes to bed everyone at the school who will have her. She actually wants her reputation as an insatiable sex addict to spread around the school. She will often slip out of classes if she finds it too boring. Somehow, she still manages to turn in her assignments, though no one seems to have observed her working on assignments.

LIKES: Sex, music, magazines, charms, hexes, jinxes, coffee, exploring, drawing, Muggle Internet and clubs, dancing, satin sheets, revealing clothing

DISLIKES: Being confined, routine, inflexible people, her full first name

SRENGTHS: Good at casting spells, pleasant voice, artistic talent, amazing lover

WEAKNESSES: Can't commit to a single person, Caring for pets (she is allergic to most), skips classes often due to restlessness, too impatient (a large amount of her artwork remains unfinished), can be too direct at times and slightly pushy.

Pet: None, she is allergic
Wand: 10" Elm with a Dragon Heartstring core
Best Class: Tied with Charms and DADA
Worst Class: Transfiguration and Potions because she is impatient
Patronus: A hare
Boggart: Being confined inside a dark space unable to escape
Amortentia: Sweat and natural body smells, honeysuckles, graphite, fresh paper
Best Friend: Tristan St. Claire
Wishes: For a pet snake. She cannot have one in her house because her mother is terrified of them and forbids her from owning one.
Place of Birth: Harwich, England
Nightclubs Liked: Heaven (London, UK), XOYO (London, UK), Club XL (Bath, UK), Crystals Nightclub (London, UK)
By Priestess of Pie

Basic Information
Full Name: Damion Ainsworth
Nicknames: none
Age: 16
Birthdate: March 1
Zodiac: Pisces
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0"
Build: Tall and gangly
Sexuality: Straight
Blood Status: Halfblood
Father - Halfblood Gryffindor
Older Brother - Halfblood Ravenclaw

Personality: Compassionate, empathic, gentle, wise
Likes: The outdoors, looking at the stars, figuring out puzzles, reading and studying, instrumental or naturalistic music
Dislikes: rude or uncaring people, cruelty of any kind: especially animal cruelty, forest fires, pity, criticism
Strengths: Good at figuring out solutions to problems, knows how to live off of the land, swimming, has an abundance of optimism
Weaknesses: Not great at spell casting, often desires to escape reality by letting his mind wander, wears his heart on his sleeve (leaving himself vulnerable to hurt and heartache), overly trusting

Year: 6th
House: Ravenclaw
Pet: None (could not afford one)
Wand: 12" Pine with a Unicorn hair core
Best Class: Astronomy and Divination
Worst Class: DADA
Patronus: Swan
Boggart: (May be skipped)
Amortentia: Pine trees and the scent in the air before it rains

Damion's mother left them when he was only 4 years old. He had a relatively happy childhood with his father and brother, even though it was often a struggle to earn enough to put food on the table. They camped out every night. He enjoyed looking up at the night sky. Damion had thought it was because his family enjoyed the outdoors. He realized later that it was because they did not have a traditional home like other families. He never let his situation make him unhappy. He despised the criticism and pity from others when they learned of his past.

Name: Titania (Tia) Maeve Corwin
Pronounced: Tit-AHN-yuh Mayv Core-win
Nickname: Tia
Age: 15
Birthday: August 25
Fandom: Harry Potter
Grade and House: 5th Year, Ravenclaw
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Undecided
Voice: Smooth, quiet
Family: Tia gets along well with her parents. She has a younger sister, Desdemona. Her parents were obsessed with the poet William Shakespeare, which is how her and her sister's names were determined. Rather than being read traditional children's books at bedtime, their parents would read Shakespear's plays to them. They have 3 dogs: Oberon the Alaskan Malamute, Othello the Golden Retriever puppy, Mercutio the Papillon.
/ /
(Oberon) / (Mercutio) / (Othello)

Personality: She greatly enjoys reading and can retain dates and names easily. Normally, she is quiet and soft spoken, allowing her to easily blending into the background. However, she has no trouble speaking her mind if it is a subject she is passionate about or has a strong opinion on.

Childhood Recap
My childhood was pretty good. We didn't always have much, but we managed. I am four years older than my little sister. We enjoyed rollerskating when we found the skates at thrift stores, kite flying, swimming in friend's pools, and ice skating when the nearby pond froze over. From an early age, I picked up reading. I enjoy it immensely. Both of my parents are obsessed with the works of William Shakespeare, which is how myself, my sister, and our dogs all got their names. I would also cut out images from magazines that would get mailed to us accidentally and create a scrap book that highlighted my favorite clothing, animal, or other interesting thing. We would watch the tele and play board games as a family, often making a whole night of it at least once a week. Once we were old enough to handle the responsibilities of pets, I think I was around 9, we got our first family pet, Oberon. Throughout the years, we added Mercutio and Othello. I can't ever recall exhibiting any magical abilities before I received my letter to Hogwarts.

Hobbies: Reading, ice skating, raking leaves to jump in them, splashing in puddles, scrap booking, crossword puzzles, origami, in-line skating, kite flying, swimming
Favorite Things: Chewing Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum, Dogwood Trees, Tuberose flowers, the large white and red or white and pink begonia flowers
Animals -> Dogs, Bears, Foxes
Colors -> Whites, Browns, and Oranges
Drinks -> Tea, Butterbeer
Foods -> Cucumbers, Crumpets, Lamb, Chicken, Rice Pudding, Cauldron cakes, Vanilla ice cream with sprinkles, caramel, and cherries.
Hated Things: Okra, Shellfish, Lemon things, poppy seed muffins, Beets
Treasures: A bracelet passed down from her great, great grandmother when she was in Africa.
Wealth: Lower class
Wand Hand: Right
Found in these Locations: The library, Ravenclaw tower, on the lawn, etc.

Mirror of Erised:
Animagus: N/A
Legilimency: No talent for it.

♥ In School ♥
Best Classes: Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes
Worst Classes: DADA, Transfiguration
Mediocre Classes: Others
Classes Not Taking: N/A
Will Take In Later Years: N/A

~ Familiar ~ None atm


Name: Cilivren Veles
Fandom: Dungeons & Dragons
Species: Altmer (High Elf)
Gender: Female
Extra: Main Skills: Conjuration, Destruction, Enchanting
By alfiq

Name: Mira Lightwell
Fandom: Dungeons & Dragons
Age: 23
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Occupation: Cleric

Name: Semaj Kirith
Fandom: Skyrim or Dungeons & Dragons
Age: 24
Species: Khajit
Gender: Male
Occupation: Rouge

Fandom: Neverwinter
Name: Kallista
Pronounced: Kah-list-uh
Race: Tiefling
Gender: Female
Class: Warlock
By Vixen

Fandom: Neverwinter
Name: Aerahsi
Pronounced: Air-ah-see
Race: Drow
Gender: Female
Class: Sorcerer

Fandom: Neverwinter
Name: Rozalin
Pronounced: Rahz-uh-lynn
Race: Halfling
Gender: Female
Class: Rouge


Name: Räyna
Fandom: World of Warcraft or Dungeons & Dragons
Species: Gnome
Gender: Female
Occupation: Mage / Engineer
By Wildfire

Fandom: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning [Video Game]
Name: Solenzara Dyrr
Species: Dokkalfar [in game] or Drow
Gender: Female
Physical Description: White hair half-shaved. Dark grey skin tone.
Extra: Wields Dual Chakram
See Combat Style Here []

Fandom: TERA
Name: Emeriss
Pronounced: Em-er-risss
Nickname: None
Species: ()
Gender: Female
Occupation: Priest
Outfit 1 / Outfit 2 / Outfit 3

Fandom: TERA
Name: Myrianis
Pronounced: Mear-E-ann-iss
Species: Castanic
Gender: Female
Occupation: Sorcerer

Fandom: TERA
Name: Sir Purringdon
Pronounced: Sir Purr-ing-don
Species: Popori
Gender: Not Genderized
Occupation: Warrior
Outfit 1 / Outfit 2 / Outfit Padding

By Kent

Fandom: TERA
Name: Chyri
Pronounced: ChEYE-ree
Species: Elin
Gender: Female
Occupation: Reaper
Outfit 1 / Outfit 2 / Outfit 3

Name: tbd
Fandom: Mapple Story 2

By Kent

Fandom: Mabinogi
Other References:


Name: Marama
Pronounced: mA-ra-ma
Nickname: Mara
Fandom: .hack
Occupation: Knuckle Master
Species: Werewolf
Gender: Female
Personality: Eager, Outspoken, Battle hungry
Extra: Her name means "moon" in Maori. In Maori and other Polynesian mythology she was the goddess of the moon and death.
Goals: To be strong to build up a strong team, to participate in every event.

by prezial

Name: Lotta
Pronounced: LOT-tah
Nickname: None
Fandom: .hack
Occupation: Blademaster
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Personality: Grim, apathetic attitude
Goals: Unknown

Name: Kar
Pronounced: car
Nicknames: none
Fandom: .hack
Occupation: Wavemaster
Gender: Male
Personality: Fairly shy and reserved
Goals: To collect different weapons for different spells. To raise a grunty.

Name: Faust
Fandom: .hack
Occupation: Adept Rouge - Scythe
Gender: Male
Personality: out-there, a bit crazy, power hungry, sarcastic humor, naughty
Goals: To have some fun with power.


Face Claim: Milo Ventimiglia
Full Name: Peter Gabriel Crow
Nicknames: Rune
God: Hecate
Age: 17
Eye color: Brown
Birthdate: July 3. Cancer
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Build: Well-built
Sexuality: Straight
Hidden Power:
- Magical abilities, whichever spells or hexes attempted come to pass. However, the magic is weaker in the day than at night. (Peter doesn't realize he can use the magic until later in the story. He only does simple spells in the beginning).
- Feels the presence of the dead. [Able to communicate with them when around Hades]
Family: Aunt Janice (Face Claim: Katharine McPhee)
-- Her Job(s): Late night through early morning shift at IHOP. Then goes to a shift at Macy's. Sleeps in the afternoons and wakes in the evening.

Personality: Peter is withdrawn, choosing not to interact with others unless they first make an effort. He is considered an outcast in the hierarchy of high school. If asked his opinion about something, he will state it bluntly without regard to how his reply might make others feel. He does have a soft spot for those close to him.
Likes: collecting items, working out after school, the unknown, science, rainy and cloudy days
Dislikes: bullies, history, unnecessary shows of affection, most pop music
Strengths: is a good guy at his core, open minded, independent, and patient
Weaknesses: withdrawn, erratic, indecisive, tactless

Peter's mother died in childbirth. His father was not in the picture, so he was raised by his Aunt Janice. Most of his other family has no interest in his life. They spend Christmas at his Uncle Ted and Aunt Olivia's house every few years. When he was in grade school, the other children called him weird and chose to stay away for the most part. It has stuck with him through the years to follow. He has always been interested in magic and only recently started practicing it.

Car: Ford Escort (1980-1990) Black

Full Name: Rajani Shri Chandra (Means dark | radiance/beauty | moon)
Nicknames: none
God: Nyx
Age: 17
Eye color: Brown
Birthdate: May 31. Gemini
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6"
Build: Slender and curvy
Sexuality: Undiscovered (Ace if her parents had any say in the matter)
Hidden Power
- Dark Shield Construction: Nyx can solidify shadows into shields. Strongest at night.
- Night Vision: Nyx is able to see clearly in even total darkness.

Mother FC: Manisha Koirala
Father FC: Mohamed Rela
younger sister
younger brother

Personality: Enjoys being near the center of attention, but not 'the' center of it. She likes being a girl and indulging in chat with her friends. She is a bit rebellious when at school or hanging out with friends because that is when she can be herself. However, she feels the need to obey her parents' wishes and conform to their beliefs and rules whenever it is time to return home.
Likes: fashion, jewelry, makeup, doing chores around the house to earn money, hanging out with friends at the mall
Dislikes: being confined by limitations, dirty or grimy things, the idea of an arranged marriage, talking about her own feelings
Strengths: has a strong perseverance, works well with others, gratitude, and has an appreciation of beauty.
Weaknesses: conforms to her parent's wishes, fanatical in her beliefs, ignorant to the ways of the world, squeamish, and a bit vain

Rajani's grandfather and grandmother came to New York from India. Her father was born here. Her mother came over from India for her arranged marriage. Rajani is the oldest, having a younger sister and brother. Her family continues to stay vigilant in observing the customs of Hinduism. Her parents are overprotective most times. Because of her devotion and adherence to the rules, she received a car for her 16th birthday. Only once did her father take back the keys for a weekend as punishment. She quickly learned not to make the same mistake again.

Car = 2015 Mazda MAZDA3 / Color = Titanium

Face Claim: Hexyl Noir
Ongoing Story: To The Dogs RP
Character name: Hayley Wells
Prounounced: Hay-lee Wells
Age:[/b ] 17
Height: 5'4"
Species: Human - Werewolf
Gender: Female
Mother - addict
Older Sister - in college
Father - left when she was only two. Sends court-ordered child support checks.

Bio: While she enjoys the unconventional and throws some clothing together at random, Gothic style fashion calls to her the most. She is a Wiccan. She doesn't care what others think and will always be true to herself. Aspiring to be a writer, she loves getting first hand experience, even if it might get her in trouble.
She is not picky when it comes to what she eats, which is usually what she can scrounge up. She often has to take care of her mother whenever she is home, though attendance is spotty. She never knew her father. He left when she was two years old. She has an older sister who is already in college.
Wolf Form:
Favorite Color: Blood Red
Least Favorite Color: Anything Pink
Kind of Clothing" Gothic Style or Unique Style
Hobbies: Writing and illustrations. Strives to be an author.
Mode of Transportation: 1998 Honda Accord Sedan, white
Music: Rock, dark, metal

Name: (Liliana / Lily / Analii) Desmont
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Illness: Dissociative Identity Disorder (AKA Multiple Personality Disorder)
Bio: Born as Liliana Desmont, she had a fairly standard childhood. Her parents both worked, so she was often left to be watched by a few different baby sitters until her mother got off work. She would often talk about Analii and Lily to her family. Her parents just thought those were two of her imaginary friends. It wasn't until she was sixteen that they started to think of it as something more. They walked into her room to find her cutting herself. When they tried to talk to her about it, she kept shouting that she was not Liliana, she was Analii. They took her to get checked out. The doctors asked her a lot of questions, but she was reserved within herself. The only clear thing they could get from her was that she was Lily. When they asked further if that was a nickname for Liliana, she seemed to have no idea who Liliana was. They kept her in holding for a couple hours and witnessed as she seemed to talk to herself and change personalities. She was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder. She was given medicine to help, but she refused to take it. When she failed to stop hurting herself, she was sent to Troubled Waters.

Twilight Eclipse (MLP)

Reference 2
Full Character Name: Mordai Venihr
RP: To Free A Man (Beauty and the Beast Recant)
Gender: Male
Orientation: Pansexual
Age: 27
Race: Tiefling
Sexuality: Pansexual
Family: Parents who were also thieves. Long since dead.
Personality: Mordai likes to remain silent, sticking to the shadows until the opportune time to strike. He thinks very highly of himself and his skills, even boasting about them to whoever might be listening. He is slow to trust others. Because of his infernal ancestry, there is an unsettling air about him that often causes others to be wary of him. Mordai strives for power at any cost, even killing for it.
Bio: Coming from a family of thieves, it was in Mordai's blood to become one as well. He grew up learning to pick locks, pickpocket, and trained with daggers. When he was in his teens, he had no qualms holding citizens of Calimport at knife point. Those who resisted emptying their pockets, he eliminated, stripping their corpses bare. He sold whatever he did not want for himself. He was praised and congratulated by his family and the other thieves in the guild. He rather enjoyed that moment where the light left their eyes, showing his smiling reflection like a mirror. It was a feeling of power that he wanted to hold onto forever. Wanting even more power, Mordai chased after the legend of the castle. With his wish, he would demand to be the most well known throughout the realms. With that kind of power, others would bow before him. They would pay him tribute, or they would pay with their lives.

In his own mind, Mordai has a deep seeded "need" to kill. Leysa accommodates him by supplying animals for him to take his need out on. However, when she feels he has overstepped his bounds, she stops supplying him, preferring that he would stop his ways all together. Throughout the years he has been here, he has shown a change in the amount of killing. It has become more of a sport for him now and less of a need.
Thanks to his Infernal heritage, he is naturally resistant to fire. However, he is not completely immune to it and dragon fire would indeed hurt. Another trait from his heritage, is superior vision in dark and dim conditions. Sadly, these are only in shades of gray rather than colors.
With much practice, he perfected his stealth and dagger skills. Over the years, he has preferred to instill fear into his victims more often than killing them, dragging it out as more of a sport or game. Besides English, he knows how to speak Infernal and loves to see the confusion on other's faces when they do not know what he has said.

Strengths: Resistant to fire
Languages Spoken: English and Infernal
No Siblings. No Close Friends.
Never wants to get married or have kids.
Wears: A couple rings, earrings, and nose piecing.

Full Character Name: Viktor Faustus Stein
RP: To Free A Man (Beauty and the Beast Recant)
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Age: 26
Race: Human
Personality: Viktor is excitable when it comes to different parts of the body. He has an obsessive personality when it comes to learning and anatomy. He doesn't take negative criticism well and often lashes out with anger. He has an exceptionally brilliant mind, but is not the best with social interactions. He loathed the parties his family would host and forced him to attend.
Bio: He was born and raised in Germany. At the age of 17, while on an errand for his father to find some new books on anatomy for his father's lab, Viktor chanced upon a book that would change his life forever. As he passed by a particular shop, he left a strange pull. He knew he must investigate. The pull beckoned him behind the curtains to the backroom of the store, clearly somewhere he was not meant to be. And yet, he felt compelled to be there. His eyes instantly alighted on a sealed glass case. He could feel the power emanating from it from across the room as it continued beckoning him closer. He marveled at its odd but simple binding. Knowing he must have it, he smashed open the case and picked it up. It had an odd texture not common to books. As soon as he opened it, a voice whispered melodically in his mind, promising great things if he accepted its deal. Besides, who really needed a soul anyways?

After reading the binding agreement on the inside cover aloud, the deal was sealed. Try as he might, he could not remember the events of the rest of the day. How had he gotten the book out of the shop? How had he returned home? Upon waking up the next day, he could feel the changes coursing through his veins. Deciding to test out these new powers the book promised, the headed down to the lab to experiment. He discovered he could embed life into creatures with his own hands. He replicated the process, this time on a cat, to be sure his theory was correct.

When he showed his father, his father was afraid of him and called him an abomination. In anger, Viktor picked up the scalpel from the table and sliced his father's throat. He then went to work, using parts of his father's body and parts from other recently deceased bodies to make a flesh golem. He then discovered he was able to pull departed souls out of the Underworld to embed into his golems.

He started collecting even more lore to feel his growing curiosity and search for even more abilities. When he discovered the legend of the castle among the books in his collection, he set off to find the fabled wish in order to gain his own magic and become godlike himself. He did not want to rely on the powers that were given from the voice of the spellbook.

Powers and notes:
- Pulls souls of the deceased from the Underworld to bind to his golems.
> Being in the castle, he can only give the golems artificial life. They can not think or act on their own, only follow simple commands. "Dig! Carry me! Walk forward! Stop!" etc
- He could talk with the "deity" inside the book.
> In the prison, he cannot hear anything but silence. This upsets him, making him keep mostly to himself. He only comes out to eat and scavenge when he thinks the others are sleeping. Because he keeps to himself, he can be easily forgotten.
- While he has been able to construct a few pieces of equipment for his lab, he continues to ask Leysa for better tools.

True name: Viralise
Nickname: Vira
Gender/Sexuality: Female, Bisexual
Age: 475
Fae Form]
Hurma Form

Element: Cold
Court: Dark
Personality: Vira indulges in her desires. She loves bringing home items she takes from the humans, even if she might not have any immediate need of it. She has need to gather more power and find a way to improve her abilities. She does not like having weaknesses. She will not divulge her secrets willingly, but rather answer in a way that may be puzzling.
History: Born in the dark court, she has rarely visited the light court. She spends most of her time in either the dark court or the human realm. She has brought many humans into the faerie throughout her lifetime for no other reason than "she felt like it". She has hurt others with her abilities, but does not feel remorse for them. She found that butterflies were often attracted to her, but she cannot control their actions.
- can create and form a small amount ice
- can draw power from her surroundings to power her ice abilities, but may cause those things to die as a result. (flowers, grass, insects, etc.)
- can lower temperatures
- can transfer some energy into the butterflies that follow her for later use. When she takes the power back, it kills the butterflies and she has to gather more.
- can scry on the human world or the faerie from the other as long as she has a pool of water nearby or a mirror. Doesn't always work or shows her what she wants. Iron bound mirrors work best, but being iron, it weakens her greatly.

Name: Morrigan Dyanisis
Age: 183
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Bio: Morrigan is vain. She uses anyone as long as they can give her something she desires: sex, food, information, or a combination of those. She will sleep with anyone: male, female, human, vampire. She does not normally get attached to anyone emotionally. Bennick is the exception. She does actually care for him more than she would like to admit. She does not reveal much about her past. She cannot stand the Elder's views on drinking from blood bags. She has a problem with authority in general.
Voice: Martha Higareda []

Image used is of Badou Nails from Dogs: Bullets & Carnage
Name: Axel R. Vincent
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Hunter
Bio: Axel got picked up by the Organization when he was in his teenage years. He witnessed a vampire murder his girlfriend. When he tried to defend against it, he was wounded and lost his eye. He vowed to take revenge against these 'fowl creatures from the abyss'. He is a bit crass, with harsh edges. He gets really involved with his work, preferring it to anything else. He does not have any social life, nor does he want one. Ridding the world of these creatures is his only goal. He does have some hidden soft spots though, but they are buried deep.
Preferred Weapon: Gun

Name: Iliana Vestess
Age: Looking very good for her age.
Species: Master Vampire
Gender: Female
RP: Evil In The Night

Character Name: Ruby Reed
Gender, Age: Female 18
Race: Human
Background: From Portland, Oregon. Ruby had lost her mother 6 months ago to a strange creature. Her father and herself had returned home to the scene of her mother being devoured. When her father's gun had not seemed to kill it, Ruby paniced and grabbed the closest thing she could find: a can of hairspray. As the creature advanced on them, she shot out a stream of spray, using the lighter she had in her pocket to make it a flamethrower. The creature was killed, but she had no idea what it was. (Rugaru.




Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/29 03:52:29 )
Art I Have Recieved


(Links to the Larger version)









The Boss Family


(ignore the foot)






Stick Mini Army:

Cute Jars:

Birthday Gift

+all the Among Us beans











Rolled a drawing with the pen in the mouth:













Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/29 03:52:39 )
In Memorium

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/29 03:52:46 )
Art I Have Drawn












Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/29 03:52:50 )
This Is Just Too Cute!

By Ghost

By Ghost

By chai

Art from the Wonderland Event

By Miss Kitty

By Gizzie

By Vladimir

By Mica

By Saeyra

By Shadami

By yoen


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/29 03:53:14 )

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/29 03:53:19 )
Links or such

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/29 03:53:34 )
Open for posting!

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 06:38:10 )
Once I get even more things added, I will add spoiler tags. ^_^

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/02/11 06:18:12 )

If anyone drew art for me and I don't have it listed in the "Art I Have Received" Section
(or the "This Is Just Too Cute!" Section),
please ping me and re-link it here!
Thanks! ♥
Some might have gotten lost in event threads which concluded.


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/03/18 09:28:17 )

Finally updated the gallery part of it.
Need to update the link to OCs because Charahub closed.
Though right now I just have them in my Evernote.


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/6 00:15:12 )

Awww, thank you very much, bum! ^_^


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/6 00:18:14 )

Yeah, Charahub closed down.
I have to move them to another site at some point.


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/04/7 00:42:51 )

Yeah. I won't pass up any opportunity when it comes to art. ^_^


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/25 20:47:48 )
Open for posting!

So I take it you checked out Madoka Magica or The Dresden Files too.
Even if not, it's good to meet you too.

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 00:58:58 )

@LupaPrinceRomulus: I have not. Why do you ask?


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 04:44:24 )

@LupaPrinceRomulus: I have not. Why do you ask?

It isn't often you find a fan of the Harry Potter series or the Dot Hack universe around these parts, that much I can tell easily enough.

So it's an honor to meet you.

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 17:33:16 )

@LupaPrinceRomulus: There are a fair few Harry Potter Fans on here. but not too many dot Hack fans.
I am a fan of a lot of worlds.


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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.