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Forums Hangouts any other world builders?

Donator — he/him/his Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/25 20:40:52 )

> i'm kind of obsessed with developing OCs and building different worlds. i've had a sci-fi/cyberpunk-themed kind of thing bouncing around in the back of my mind for a while. i've still yet to really get it out on paper; it's more or less a post-humanity, AI-world, but because of my love for fast-paced, chat-style (yet still formal? i'm really not sure how to get my rping style down in words), it's literally like... a social network; text is the only way they can communicate.

> i dunno if i'm really looking for any more ideas or interest in this, but do any of yall like world-building as well? do you have any fully fleshed-out worlds youre pretty proud of?

Voltie — Moon-Cat Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/25 21:48:06 )
@ukurtlele: I do some world-building with one of my best friends, because she and I roleplay together fairly often, I'm not sure it's terribly fleshed-out, since the roleplay is more focused on action, but I do like building up a world with history behind it to play in. c:
...And with that, he was gone.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/25 22:40:12 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

oooh i do this for my OCs too, I love thinking up roles and world surroundings. i'm much better at that than i am designing their personalities and characterizations lol it's really fun imagining different worlds, apocalypse scenarios, etc.!

@ me tho. | Hangout. | OCs. | Avatars.
looking to buy: ARIES

Donator — Whatever Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 05:19:00 )
Are ya ready, guyz?!
Yeah I have a whole blog for one
It's small, a large Island, and kinda cuts into the middle of history, but I haven't developed anything earlier
I don't see it as very useful unless I expand outside the Island, which I have no plans for

Put ya guns awn!


Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 13:40:53 )
I love world-building. It’s the best part. The locales, the rules, even different laws of nature. People are meh. Worlds are awesome.


Oh my love, I know you are my candyman
And oh my love, let us fly to bounty land~~

Közi (“Kouji.”)

Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 23:44:29 )
@ukurtlele: I love doing world-building, especially in terms of roleplays. I have a whole like, alternate world within the modern world thing I've been working on for the last year. Making up my own lore, my own like, stories, and whatnot just to be able to get started on a book series I so badly want to do. But I doubt I'll ever do more than ponder on this other existence. I'm a horrible started when it comes to solo projects.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/31 20:27:20 )
World-building is always fun, no lies about it really.
There's many ways one can deal in World-building as well, too.

Donator — he/him/his Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/2 01:27:56 )

> @Scribartz: mood! i need more friends to develop my worlds with :(

> @LupaPrinceRomulus: e x a c t l y. i've really started thinking about this world and i think i could really flesh it out more, which is what i wanna do.

> anyone else interested in post-apocalyptic worlds where AI-bots can only communicate over a social media website that was originally developed as an experiment to watch them build their own personalities and backstories? lmao

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/2 01:28:59 )
@ukurtlele: 389 posts left for me on something, but to answer your question, that sounds like fun to picture right there, really.
Are there still humans and other flesh-and-blood life in that sort of setting too?

Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/2 01:33:33 )
@ukurtlele: FIND A GROUP ON HERE! It'd be super dope if like, i could find a group of people where we all literally just got together and talked about our worlds and helped develop stuff or just did a random RP group or something. It's be so cool. Or doing exercises where we write from prompts but do it in a specific person's world they are developing.

Donator — he/him/his Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/2 01:37:08 )

> @LupaPrinceRomulus: that i'm not sure about. i would think so, but their access to internet-using devices might be a bit few and far between - although i would find it interesting for them to be 'catfished' for lack of a better term, by the AI. the humans might be on the website desperately looking for other survivors, while the AI don't really fully grasp that they're,,, really in 2 separate worlds.

> idk, does any of that make sense?

Donator — he/him/his Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/2 01:39:42 )

@ukurtlele: FIND A GROUP ON HERE! It'd be super dope if like, i could find a group of people where we all literally just got together and talked about our worlds and helped develop stuff or just did a random RP group or something. It's be so cool. Or doing exercises where we write from prompts but do it in a specific person's world they are developing.

> this!! is!! all!! i!! want!! i'm so bad at finding others who share my love for this kind of stuff, plus im shy and socially awkward as heck, but i would absolutely be down for this.


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/2 01:43:35 )
@ukurtlele: 385 for me if I'm not mistaken.
Yeah, TRUE Spam-bots and the like are sadly a thing on the internet, and Spam-bots that'd aim to get you killed are even worse, still.

Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/2 01:45:38 )
@ukurtlele: xD Found one! I'm sure there are others on here. But if you ever want to talk world building, feel free to seek me out. xD I may have a few other socially awkward folks [me included] who'd love to be dragged along and tied into something like this. Sure it sounds like a hostage situation, but are they hostages if they are willing to join, but need the right motivation? [totally a joke.]

Donator — he/him/his Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/2 01:52:36 )

> @Scribartz: i am more than down for this. socially awkward world builders unite!

> right now i'm looking for a website builder or even a tumblr theme i can use to make the fake website since i'd like to think i have a decent knowledge of CSS and HTML, and then i'll also have a good place to sort all of my lore and characters in that verse.


Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/2 01:55:53 )
@ukurtlele: Yessss! Let's see if we can hunt down more people for this too. xD Since I'm not doing anything of import right now.

I would be hesitant about that, because it'd be easy for people to steal your ideas. A discord server or something like a journal program might be better, just because you know that someone would have to really put in some effort to get your ideas.

Donator — he/him/his Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/2 02:08:35 )

> @Scribartz: you're probably right. maybe i'll look for an open-source web developing tool and just make it on my desktop before i upload anything. smart!!

Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/2 02:11:10 )
@ukurtlele: mhm! A lot of people like to snort at my 'people will steal it' comments, but it happens every day. Some animes that are well known are even shrouded in that kinda scandal. You never know who might be in a writing rut and think, hm. That's a good idea. And then next thing you know, you're being sued for stealing when they saw your stuff and stole it. /.\ I sound so paranoid, but that's why trusted people in writing groups are so important to me.

Donator — he/him/his Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/2 02:34:10 )

> @Scribartz: absolutely, i can't disagree with you there. maybe i'm getting a bit ahead of myself, but i'm already pretty excited for a world-building group of pals

tyson pixel by alexis! RIP tyson

Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/2 02:45:22 )
@ukurtlele: Same ! And don't even worry about getting ahead of yourself. We can slowly find the right folks. I'm sure there's plenty on here who probably would love to join too.
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