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Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:10:11 )

26 damage!

Everyone has things they don't know how to do


myotis rolled a D10 1 times for; and 1. Totalling: 1
For a grand total of 1!
Voltie — smol she Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:10:55 )


Yuppp, I work in a shop and see way too much of it!



Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:11:22 )

I get rebellious with those people


myotis rolled a D10 1 times for; and 8. Totalling: 8
For a grand total of 8!
Voltie — smol she Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:13:57 )


It's super scary thoughh... x-x;; especially if you get someone mean... everyone usually just understands and wants to help!



Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:15:17 )

43 damage!

...yeah the French are complete new deal


myotis rolled a D10 1 times for; and 7. Totalling: 7
For a grand total of 7!
Voltie — smol she Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:17:12 )


Oh my word I wanna visit canada so much but yeahhh we sell kitchenware so everyone just thinks they know everything while mistreating their stuff and I feel like I wanna hurt someone 90 times a day!!

But also... yes pacifist yes...



Hadsvich rolled a D10 1 times for; and 2. Totalling: 2
For a grand total of 2!
Donator — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:19:23 )

Pretty sure this is @Kozi: 's car

-punches beetle-

So many death eaters in this thread.

Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:20:07 )

52 damage!

You work with kitchenware: you take a pan, you show it to them and quickly turn around.
"Did I hit you on the head? Oh I'm so sorry!"

It's a magical thread like that, Hadsvich


Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:21:26 )

Same thing in Belgium, only with less space

56 damage done


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:21:28 )
@kozi: and @myotis: Yes LARP can have a toxic environment and some creepy/oddballs that stand out. Its about finding your herd amongst the people is what I've found. The people that used to scare and make me nervous have funny enough turned out to be the friendliest and most helpful people ( especially when my asperger got a sensory overload followed with a meltdown ^^; )
@tuijp: Thanks I guess. Thought I tbh oly like my face from one angle, I find it to be uneven and my nose way to big/wide ^^;

Also changing banks: do research and get in contact with those banks you want to change to, hear about their plans, what they can offer you and such, no need to explain yourself to your old bank if you decide to hange bank. ( yes I studied a lot about banks when I made my blind larp character as she used to work in a bank ^^;; ) thats the more fun thing about larp: you get to learn new stuff and get new skills ( like me learning to read braille the right way * with fingertips * in an old LARP that had its very last campaign aruptly in January I learned some ASL because my character 'namesister' were unable to speak. the player herself are fluent in ASL so she used it when not using her phone )

Yeah just went down to buy groceries with my dad that deided to drive out to the northern most part of the city.. unortunately I did for once not have my TeaTales namesign with me or I would have used the tme there on taking photos even though they wouldnt have ben sharp thanks to him driving constantly. but it was a nice and mussle-smelling seabreeze =u=b


Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:22:50 )

@TeaTales: shut it, you're cute. I decided and my word is law.


TeaTales rolled a D10 1 times for; and 10. Totalling: 10
For a grand total of 10!
Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:25:20 )
God allmighty Tui, excuse my language but thats a weird *ss law


myotis rolled a D10 1 times for; and 9. Totalling: 9
For a grand total of 9!
Voltie — smol she Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:25:40 )


Whatever Tuijp says is the law - I'm a hobbit now apparently. IT IS KNOWN!!!

Wooow what the heck I've heard of the whole... French are rude cos of accents and language and stuff but that just sounds so silly... major xenophobia???
I'm kinda glad I live somewhere so mixed... but people are still rude sometimes... my shop is in the fancier part of my city so I get a lot of unemplyed rich ladies... they're always... fun???? notatall



Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:26:44 )

75 damage done!

Hey, I haven't made this law! ...wait, I did. Oh well.

Everyone from New Zealand is a Hobbit


myotis rolled a D10 1 times for; and 1. Totalling: 1
For a grand total of 1!
Voltie — smol she Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:28:42 )


We are usually smol kiwis! But I guess we are also hobbits.



TeaTales rolled a D10 1 times for; and 6. Totalling: 6
For a grand total of 6!
Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:29:59 )
Kiwis, hobbits; whats the difference? they are both small, hairy and fluffy <3

Im from Denmark... Cute viking, or valkyrie...? guess that counts for something...? |D

Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:30:47 )

Hobbits > kiwis

Cute bicycle vikings

82 damage!


myotis rolled a D10 1 times for; and 6. Totalling: 6
For a grand total of 6!
Voltie — smol she Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:31:28 )


That'salso trueeee XDD

Ahahah bicycle vikings??



Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:33:30 )

90 damage!

Yes, bicycle Vikings. There are a lot of bicycles in Denmark.
Next to bicycle vikings, there are also Ikea Vikings (Sweden), frozen Vikings (Iceland) and the ordinary Vikings (Norway)


myotis rolled a D10 1 times for; and 7. Totalling: 7
For a grand total of 7!
Voltie — smol she Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/26 15:33:46 )


What the actual HECK... all the signs at a freaking hospital!?!?
What about like... tourists and stuff??? Are you gonna have to take a French test to go there now ahah... that's nuts!



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