Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/28 18:08:12 )
I rarely eat lunch xD just breakfst and dinner is enouhgh for me unless im going traveling to a larp then i gotta bring snacks of some kind.
somertimes i make a meal to eat on the go, but mostly not becaue i have no mental time to do it. LAst time i went to a Drsden files larp i had made a meal-to-bring-and-eat-on-the-go... but i forgot to take it with me so ate it as dinner the next day ^^
we have gotten a ok ariation of vegan and vegetarian 'meat' slices to put on top o bread. some of them though have red pepper in them.. or cellery whih im both allergic to.. but the best find I've mde must be the vegan 'liverpaté' that is mostly based on chickpeas, added some spices to so it taste almost like the actual thing. you can eve heat it and the tast get even better ( a other pate i like is a nutpate )
[251] anyway dinner is ready brb