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Forums Autumn Block Party 2017 The Autumn Box [Free Art and Stories!] OPEN!

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 03:16:03 )

10/8/2017: ANNOUNCEMENT:
The event is ending and so our little autumn box will have to come to a close.
We've racked up a buncha requests we wish to fulfill before the next event rolls by.
We'd like to thank everyone who decided to stop by and chat! :D
You've all been amazing and have elevated the experience of this event.
We've had a blast enjoying Voltra's first (mini) Event with you guys!
Thank you all again for stopping by and see you soon! ;)

Because we currently do not have a current hangout, please feel free to chat with us
in my art shop and Dowan's writing shop! You don't gotta buy anything! :D

THE STORY: Beginning
To My Lesser Half,

Iuno why I'm sending you this letter since we kinda just talked a week ago from...
when you will be receiving this(?), but I like letters! I also love it when you send
me letters, and so here we are. F your logic!

When you read this, you'll already know about Voltra's committee agreeing to a
biiig autumn shindig, but what you probably won't know is that you're going to be
part of me and Saeyra's celebration of the event. Surprise!

... no, I'm not kidding. Now get your ass here, 'kay?

No, I'm REALLY not kidding. I have my butcher knife still. D:<

09/27/2017: ANNOUNCEMENT: It's DOWAN'S BIRTHDAY ON SEPT 27! :D Everyone say happy birthdayy!

The Artists & Writer

Hello! Welcome to the Autumn Box a collaboration between myself,
Saeyra, Mallow and Dowan! We're here to set you up with some games to win free
art and fun conversation to enjoy the event. :D

Hello there, welcome to our event! I will be helping Mica make the
prizes for the lucky winners! I hope you all have fun!

*Holds up a sign* Hello everyone.
*Holds up another sign* I have been turned into a bunny for this autumn event by Mica!
*Holds up the last sign* And now I can only draw with my paws.

I write things, and I'm a huge nerd. Nice to meet you. =D


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 03:41:53 )

Ӽ No breaking any of Voltra's ToS!
Ӽ No begging!
Ӽ No drama!
Ӽ Please read the Event post to participate!
Ӽ The art is free and we will try our
best to guarantee the winner a piece but please be reasonable with your
requests. If any of us feel we cannot draw your character, we will let you
know and inform you!

Ӽ Do not steal our art or remove any of
our watermarks! We don't use any bases and start from scratch.

09/28/2017 ANNOUNCEMENT: It was Mica's birthday on September 29!

THE STORY: The Lovers
Dowan sweatdropped upon reading the letter for the third time. It was extremely vague, and there were no instructions on where to meet up with them, but luckily he didn't have to wander for too long. As soon as he departed from the railway platform, a small and mighty force collided with his body. Its arms swung around him and, taking him by surprise, wrung him left and right.

"Hai lovu!" Mica reared her head back and looked up at him with a smile, "Did you like my letter? Of course you did! I'msogladyou'rehere." She squeezed him in a tight embrace which he happily returned.

Dowan raised a brow while keeping his hands on her hips. "You know we talked just last night, right lovey?"

"Right, right," she nodded and waved a hand dismissively. "Anyway, Saeyra and-"


Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 06:22:29 )

Our games are as follows...


To be eligible for free art, you must meet this requirement!

A minimum of 15 posts within the thread. we will count

We will create a personal list for people who have completed this requirement. :)
You can also number your post to make it easier for us. *hint hint*
After that, every 5 pages we will roll a D20 dice and pick a winner.
(We will reroll if the number falls on either of us xD)
You are only allowed to win 2 pieces of art, after that we will begin to reroll you
so as to let others receive free art as well.

The Artist who draws/writes for the winner is determined by random dice rolls by ??


Do you like surprises? Well this thread is chalk full of them!
On top of our page prizes, all four of us have the capability to surprise someone
with a picture or a short story. Talk to us, stick around and enjoy the event with
us to trigger an autumn surprise.
The chances are we will probably draw your avatar.

THE STORY: The Mallow
"Kyu," mewled a creature at their feet. They both looked down to see what could only be described as the fattest, fluffiest, and laziest marshmallowy rabbit-like entity that was ever conceived. After it let out its... apparent greeting, it plopped on its stomach and a soft snoring sound could be heard rumbling from it.

"Good to see you too, Mallow," Dowan bent down and scratched it behind one flopped ear, but there was very little reaction. He let out a sigh despite his grin, and the two conscious members of the group heard fast footsteps approach.


Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 06:22:53 )

This is a gallery of the art/story winners and their prizes. :)

Latest Spotlight - ghost / Roll Art

ghost / Roll Art PG 15

Concentricity / Autumn Surprise

Kaderin Triste / Autumn Surprise

Roll Art Winners

PAGE 5 / Kaderin Triste
PAGE 10 / Concentricity
PAGE 15 / ghost
PAGE 20 / Rainbow Panda
PAGE 25 / Llama
PAGE 30 / dragoness129

THE STORY: The Sunshine
Saeyra emerged between Dowan and Mica, and wrapped her arms around both of them with a broad smile on her face. "Hiii Darkie! It's soo good to see you again," she stared at him and suddenly launched into a barrage of questions. "How's the Ice Realm? Is it as cold there as people think? How's school? How's life on campus? Is it dangerous? Can you walk outside or are there monsters-"

Dowan could barely get out a 'it's good to see you too' before the two were ushered along Voltra's Main Street, but Saeyra never stopped talking. The questions and answers were endless, and Mica could only giggle at Dowan's rapidly crushed spirit so soon after arriving. Giggle in amusement... and with utter malice.

When the three were out of its range, Mallow slowly rolled over onto its back with a flop, and with eyes still fully closed, gave another soft "Kyu" to the air around it.

Voltie — Princess Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 06:23:42 )

THE STORY: A presence
The omnipotent presence watched the scene unfold with a slow, demonic chuckle to itself. "And so the creature was left to its own devices. A man stepped out from the shadows and, upon seeing the creature lying there on the road, stepped on something soft. And thus its demise did come-" Mallow shot an uncharacteristically rapid glance into the sky. It was the first time it opened its eyes and they were half-lidded at best, but the presence somehow knew it was staring right at it. "It did NOT get crushed, as it so happens." The voice concluded.


Voltie — Princess Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 06:23:51 )


Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 06:31:55 )


Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 12:25:54 )


Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 12:28:10 )

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 13:15:13 )
What an interesting thread! So well set up!
*rolls in and make myself comfy in the corner*


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 13:40:33 )
Hello Elithiya! Your avatar is very cute!


Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 14:49:56 )
@Kaderin Triste: Thank you! I kinda opened it dead at night while most of us were asleep, so excuse the lack of activity! XD WELCOME THO!
@Elithiya: Heyyy! Thanks! :D Means a lot to hear that, we're super ready to draw up a storm. <3

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 14:56:15 )
@mica: Haha, that's alright. I should actually probably be asleep, myself. Gonna fix some cocoa before bed though.

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 15:34:05 )
@Kaderin Triste: Woah, speaking my language with the cocoa there! Hope we'll see you tomorrow when you wake. 8D
@Elithiya: I'm good! It's currently 5:30pm here and I'm having burgers, tofu and some soup for dinner. :vanora_heart: How're you? What'cha doin' up so late?

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 16:56:57 )
@Elithiya: @w@ Am playing board games with Mallow atm, figuring out the new one I got. :vanora_xd:
Ahh oh no, hopefully you will be rested for your appointment. :vanora_shock: It sux going anywhere if you haven't enough sleep... :vanora_cry: I've been up a while and I had to go to skewl.
Apparently out of a gig. --v
RLC Commissions always available! PM me or add me on discord: micami#8341

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 19:15:53 )
Well! Looks like I'm gonna have to cozy up here for some pretty Mica arts. ;) How's it hanging with everyone?


Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 19:26:35 )
Oh I'd like to try out for this! I also love how the thread looks, very autumny and pretty ;;


Voltie — Princess Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 20:11:31 )
How is everyone's autumn going so far? Where I am it is dark and rainy. No orange colors yet, but I get visited by two adorable cats everyday so I have something to look forward to!

Always ping me please.

Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 20:12:34 )
*holds up sign*
Being a bunny is quite inconvenient.
*holds up another sign*
I'm actually alive-ish now.

Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 20:21:33 )
@saeyra: it rained here too actually, but where I'm from there are no such things as seasons ; o ; (at least the traditional ones, we only have wet and dry, and even that's getting screwed up by climate change) -- huhu i love cats so much ;; my campus has a lot of strays with some friendly and others not, but they're just nice to see.

@lazymarshmallow: i haven't seen you around before, hello :3c how are you?

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