Npc — He/Him
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/29 18:49:23 )
Alright volties! Your voices have been heard and as soon as you all hit the required page goal, you'll be getting Recolor #2! How exciting!
For the last round, Round Four, there will be TWO winners. That's right, you heard me, TWO! Not only that, but if you guys can hit page 200 of the thread before the event forum is locked on August 4th, you get something super special! Trust me, it'll be worth it!
Two new recolors have been added to the options pool! Remember, there will be TWO winners for this next round so make sure to ping me with your two favs!
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/29 19:42:08 )
@Spark: Recolour 1 again! This is my last chance for teal. Aaaaaah... DX (Can I use my two votes on the same item? 'Cause then I vote for it twice!) XD
Donator — Ze/Zir
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/07/29 22:41:24 )
this is the last vote and I'm kind of sad we didn't get any actual-purple recolor options... >: (lavender and eggplant; grape is more of a super dark redy-pinky-purple color but not...purple.........) ~!*!~LittleWhiteDragonlet~!*!~ Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery