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Forums Role Playing W.W. of Pokemon OOC

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 02:06:33 )
Here is the LINK to the main RP.

Rules and Guidelines:
♦ Please follow all site and thread rules!
♦ Yes, legendaries will be legendary. No you may not start with or capture one!
♦ You may play as many characters are you are comfortable with, but try to keep it reasonable! It may be a bit insane to see 10 different characters in one post.
♦ You may use either anime, real people, or avatars for the faceclaims.
♦ You may set up your character sheet however you want and at whatever ages you like.
♦ Please post your character pages here.
♦ More rules can be added as needed.

» Trainers and Performers:
Start off with 1 to 3 Pokemon. The stages cannot be at any that would evolve at or after level 30. You do not have to include the level, this is just for stage determination.

» Breeders:
Start with 2 to 4 Pokemon. Same as Trainer Stages. At least 2 of the Pokemon must share an Egg Group. One must be female, one male. You don't have to make the Pokemon breed, this is for just in case purposes.

» Gym Leader:
Start with 3 or 4 Pokemon that are in the type used in their gym. The stages cannot be at any that would evolve at or after level 40.

100 volts for banners
250 volts trainer card that includes updates when you capture new Pokemon
This is per character you make.

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 02:07:09 )

(click to make it bigger)

Cities With Gyms:
» Snowberry Village
» Cilantro City
» Mahlab City
» Marjoram Village
» Cardamon City
» Gochugaru Town
» Anise Town
» Cinnamon Town
» Coriander Town
» Turmeric Town

Cities With Contests/Competitions:
» Kaffir City
» Bebere Island
» Nutmeg Grove
» Shiso Town
» Loomi Village
» Oregano City
» Cumin City
» Baharat City
» Caraway Village
» Cloves Town

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 02:07:27 )


Name: Zoey Forestt
Age: 20
Class: Trainer
Dratini ♀
Joltik {Pocket} ♂
Espeon ♀


Name: Bailey Flowe
Age: 18
Class: Groomer/Breeder/ Researcher
Summary of Class: Bailey grew up working in the grooming shop her parents owned and found the whole thing fascinating. She wants to learn as much as she can about every single pokemon so that she can take care of them as best she can. Breeding intrigues her as well so that she can breed the best off spring for a certain type of pokemon. So she is setting out to learn how to be the best raising pokemon. But she doesn't necessarily like to battle. Avoids them if she can help it as a matter of fact. She'd rather raise a pokemon to be an amazing fighter for someone else.
Pokemon on her: Lotad (Lily) Female and Bulbasaur (Zale) Male


Name: Amylia Pond
Age: 20
Class: Breeder/Pokemon nutritionist
Personality: A lot like the Pokemon she raises, Amy is a hothead with a big heart. She was raised by Pokemon enthusiasts who taught her the love of cooking and Pokemon. Her dream is to one-day open restaurant/store for Pokemon that sells healthy food for all types.

Combusken ♂
Name: Spitfire
lvl: 26

Vulpix ♀
Name: Trixi
lvl: 23

Ponyta ♂
Name: Rocket
lvl: 29

Dread Pirate:

Name Dexx Madison
Age 23
Dexx is a punk trainer Who started training his charmander but his charmander was more interested in eating than training. Then one day while walking through town he found a little Solosis and He tripped stepping on an empty pokeball he picked it up and tossed it at the Solosis and it was happily caught. They have been friends ever since he nicknamed her Chloe It seemed to fit her. He didn't really know why but He loves her.

Role Trainer

Dread Pirate:
Name Professor Jason Liger
Age 34

Role: Leader of Team Fusion
Liger (Arcanine x Pyroar)


Name: Myung Ji
Age: 31

Role: Assistant to Professor Liger


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 02:07:45 )

Pokemon Stadium (for sprites)
Pokemon Database (spirtes, including old school)
Serebii (lots of good info)
Bulbapedia (lots of good info)
Gen 7 Animated Sprites

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 02:07:58 )
Reserved in case

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 02:08:15 )
Another reserved

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 02:08:37 )
Open for posting!

Donator — King Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 02:13:12 )
Okay a team could be something like team fusion. The villian could be creating fusions. all ages because everyone starts things at different times.

Could one start with a Solosis cuz I have a trainer but his only poke is solosis

Donator — King Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 02:14:55 )
@Valyndria: poke rp

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 02:26:01 )
Yep, Solosis would be just fine.

Mainly meaning no legendaries like Mewtwo, Tornadus, etc or the Ultra Beasts like Kartana, etc.

I'll be adding up all the ideas when I get home from work. ^_^

Donator — King Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 02:28:07 )
Ko the fusion thing is what I was gonna do with mine lol I just can't figure out the other details

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 03:01:22 )
Do you mean fusion as in this? If so that could make for a super interesting plot. <3
I agree the characters should be any age, so people can play as a young trainer, poke breeder, gym leader etc.- whatever they want. I think it makes roleplay's a little more interesting if everyone isn't the same age.
I also think we should decide on what region/map we wanna use or if we want to combine them or make one up?
Maybe discuss what lvl pokemon and stage in evolution we are allowed to have, how many pokemon we have etc.; I assume some of that will depend on what role we're gonna play.

Donator — King Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 03:58:48 )
Exactly that yeah ive even made a few of them

And how poke battles work and xp in general I know my Solosis is gonna have an everstone if possible I would make the villian as well though I have no real goal for him besides mane making a better mewtwo a mew three if you will

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 04:16:58 )
All good ideas!

I have seen so many of those fusions on Pinterest! It would make it interesting.

For trainers, maybe a limit of two starting pokemon. I usually start with one myself and capture the other along the journey.

Level cap for starting would be 5 to 10? And they start in Basic or Baby stage.

Breeders could start with 2 to 4 pokemon. Levels no higher than 30. Any stage fitting level cap.

Performers or contest applicants: 1 to 3 pokemon to start with. No higher than level 15 with the stages that fit under it.

Gym leader could start with 3 or 4 pokemon that are in the type used in their gym. Levels cap at

Region would be our own. One big world with all the Pokemon living together.

We can make up town names, a map, etc. I'll work on it.
There will be contests, performaces, events, etc. Whatever there is a desire for.

Or we could not even have it listed as levels and just work with how well each post is role played. The attacks called, figuring out situations, dodging and getting hit, etc.

Those RPing could always ask on here if everyone feels like it might be a good time for their Pokemon to evolve.

Donator — King Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 06:06:38 )
I think poke battles work should be like fighting usually does
Person one: bulbasaur uses vine whip to grab pikachu
Person two the vine whip connects and bulbasaur grabs pikachu pikachu uses thundershock or something you know

I'll brainstorm and post more when I get back

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/27 21:33:48 )
Yeah, I like role playing out the battles like that.

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/28 09:37:38 )
I also like the idea of battling just being done through posting. It can get pretty complicated when using formulas and dice rolls, so how Dread explained it would probably be the easiest. -thumbs up-

I'm really excited for this to all come together. :D

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 09:02:03 )
I have a bit of things to do yet, but I will get to the map making as soon as I can. ^_^

Donator — King Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 01:59:50 )
Ko boo
Dressed as goblins!
Do it all again!
See the friends all again!

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 11:11:05 )
Is this still open for new trainers too? :3
Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.