Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/4 21:09:32 )
I spammed my way trough the count lanterns thread to be able to get 2 spare sets 1 for this main acount and one for the mule ^^;;
My day has been allright, slept till 13 pm, then spendt half an hour in bed just playing on my phone, responding to messages on instagram. up breakfast, turn on commputr ad spendt till 7 pm watching Glee and eating he icecream I had bought for my bday but I kinda dropped again cause I didnt like hte taste very much, at which point I started making dinner, turned ou th chickenwings I had bought some days ago had turned halfrotten so had to go to inner town in an atempt on finding something better, which I did, ound some cheap veggies too, and sushirice for my bday i 3 days. did some wizard challenges in there while I was there, aso too a photo of a yellow leaf, and a muchroom outside my aartment along with a cone and a tree that im not sure would be able to be used at the phtoto chalenge but wth , then went home made my food and watched more glee.
while eating my food.
yesterday I attempted to take a photo of the sunset but had to give up.. the camera couldnt rab up the colors of the sky while focusing o my namesign so the entire sky just looks white ^^;; and taking a photo of the moon will be impossible with the moon being such a thin line on the sky + crappy old phone camera