Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/10 22:45:13 )
Ooooof, I’ve been there. )’: I heard some people still apply if the job sounds like a perfect fit, except for one small “requirement”.
And that gif has been me watching the news every day since like January 2017. xD
I’d rock those bottoms! Are we able to change the belt and buckle colors too?
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/11 13:28:51 )
I should move myself to the local marketplace that I was at yesterday ( and found a bit of good loot to bring home... And a psalmbook from 1885.. not hat I bought it but I find it interesting wit old books.. Also aw a very large and very old bible.. not sure when it was from as it was under a couple other books )
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/11 16:45:32 )
It went well untll just 5 minutes ago... where I got home from th market with my loot, sat at computer and rightclick with my mouse who decides to act up and instead of closing the tab I wated t close it clicks on the ' close all tabs' .. have only been able to recover 1/3 of all my tabs