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Forums Serious Talk Emotional exhaustion is hitting hard...

Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/25 03:06:27 )
For those who don't want to read the whole rant below, I will paraphrase.
I'm emotionally exhausted. And I've nowhere else to go to say anything because I don't really feel I actually
have any friends out there who care to hear all this.
So I'm dumping it here. If anyone actually reads this and cares to respond, feel free. But I really just needed to vomit my emotional crap somewhere. Even if people would hate me for it.

Most days I'm not a big complainer. I try and take negatives and spin them into some positive happy thing so I can find a way to get over it. However that, in and of itself, is exhausting. I've had to jump over hurdles and through hoops to get into university. It should be a happy thing, and I am happy. But at the same time, other stuff is going on that makes me feel tired just thinking about all the things I genuinely want to do now.

For one, my health is literally ridiculous. Some days I'm good, other days i feel beaten and battered by pounds of bricks. While dealing with this my little sister flies off the handles all the time, and because my parents tend to always be downstairs [gaming] or asleep, or working, it typically falls on me to take the punches from the worst of her tantrums.

If she's in a bad mood, she'll be banging everything trying to find something to eat, pretty much slamming glasses, yelling, sighing, growling, stamping... You name it. And here i am, with my extensive research in teenage behavior [literally i googled immensely] not getting mad, taking deep breaths, trying to remain stoic asking if i can help her, trying to find ways to help all the while she's getting more angry, and starts turning on me and yelling and saying mean things. So at some point I snap and yell that she needs to stop and I'm just trying to help, then she goes and cries and I feel bad so i go apologize and take her to go get some food from subway with what tiny little bit of money i got to try and pay down the negative balance in my bank account.

Meanwhile handling my mom's breakdowns, my own disassociation from myself because i'm also struggling with a culture and heritage i was alienated from as a kid, trying to rehome a foster bunny that [before my dog's wondering self got onto my desk and into my medications] i could afford to look after, but now I'm struggling to even find the enrgy to handle. I'm trying to get paperwork done for university, while also trying to continue to be present for medical appointments, pet sitting for my grandparents who are taking a vacation during crunch week for uni and i'm travelling in and out of town all day battling allergies to those animals, while running on little sleep because my insomnia is kicking me so hard in the freaking head that splitting migraines are also hitting me in full force and even once my meds for that kick in [and yes i have prescription meds for those as well because they literally leave me curled up in bed] i feel nauseous and don't want to eat.

Then my "best friend" who got mad at me for letting her dad know her husband was abusing her [they have a baby and i was worried cause she said he started throwing things around the baby] is now guilting me for pulling back and not saying much after she gave me the speech of 'this is mine so don't say anything.' and saying she's depressed and tired.

I'm also new to where I live so I have no friends, and no one to talk to and I'm so tired, my head hurts, I feel sick and I'm at my wit's end. I feel so isolated and like crap that I literally don't even let my support dog on my bed right now cause having him sit on my chest while i have panic attacks makes me feel nauseous and even more like crap.

And god forbid i say anything to my mom about being stressed. Because she's the one working to pay for most of my stuff for school who also has been battling a sinus infection and her thyroid problems.

I went to a councilling appointment recently and was literally told, aside from diagnosed physical issues, most of my health problems are because I'm trying so hard to be positive and happy that I'm internalizing everything. To the point where my typical outlets, artwork and writing, are actually impacted so badly that i struggle to do them. And despite forcing myself to try and take these things back, like she said to, I just feel nothing. Just tired. And normally I wouldn't even post anything like this on these sites but I'm so the point where i don't care. I don't care if people on here think I'm whiny, or a downer or whatever But I have nowhere else to go to say something. My "best friend" is slowly proving to be the peson who's only here when she needs something from me and I have literally nothing more I can give anyone.

Like I honestly used to love leaving my house and now, I want to literally curl up and die in my bed. And tell everyone to fuck off because I am exhausted. And There is not a damn thing I can do about it anymore.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/25 07:18:28 )

@Scribartz: -Hugs.- Sorry you’re feeling so overwhelmed, and even emotionally mistreated by the ones around you. You should try to focus more on yourself. Your sister is an enabler. She knows that if she throws a tantrum and causes you enough problems, you’ll give her food. Let her throw her tantrums, and don’t apologize if she starts to throw a tantrum. Just walk away. It will show her that no, you can’t get your way if you behave like that.
And your best friend isn’t acting like a best friend. If she can’t see that you have her best interests (and the baby’s) in mind, then she doesn’t deserve someone like you. You can make one last attempt to explain that you care about her, and you only did what you did to protect her. Also explain how you’re feeling right now. If she doesn’t understand that, take a step back because she’s giving you stress and energy that you don’t need to deal with. It might be hard if she is your only close friend, but it will feel better to have less of that negativity on your shoulders.
I wish I had some advice on what to do with your mom, but I was in the same boat and it suuuuuuuuuucks. /: I went no contact after university for a few years because of my mom’s antics.
Try to focus more on you, and on your schoolwork right now. If you ever feel alone, send me a PM. I’ll chat with you or you can rant to me. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate and no outlet to let the negative stuff out. ToT I hope you at least feel better typing this out.


Voltie — Princess Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/25 10:55:40 )

@Scribartz: Its part of growing up that you learn you only have so much cares to give. You gotta look out for yourself too and your health. I used to be like you too, taking the world on your shoulders. But the great news is, you don't have to. Learn to say no and tell people you are too busy when they ask you for things.
I hope you have some antihistamine tablets, they will help both the allergies and the insomnia I think. I get really sleepy when I take them.

Another thing I like to do is keeping a todo list so I don't have to think about all the things I need to do and stress about. Just write it out and forget. And when you need to remember you just read your list.

Hope this advice helps.


Always ping me please.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/25 13:02:39 )

That part about your sister sounds like she might have a disorder. Most teenagers don't behave that bad. Maybe if you are a super spoiled brat but then still. One of my nephews did but he had multiply disorders.

About you your health comes first. No need to please everyone else just because they think you should. At this point just be selfish.

You did the right thing by letting the dad of your friend know she might be abused. She might be upset but when you are in a situation like that you cannot think rational. Remember, abusers are very good at controlling and manipulating their victims.

about abuse and how you can help


Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/25 16:09:57 )
@Totalanimefan: My little sister is 15. At the age of 11 she was punching me and hitting me and after talking with my mom, it took me showing her that I'd defend myself and she'd lose a fight for her to stop punching me. The problem is, on a good day, she's literally like the best sister ever. Goofy and nice and we tend to go have fun going to new cafes and stuff. But on a bad day, she's just horribly out there. And sometimes, a good and bad day all collide and I can't keep up. Suffice it to say, she should know how it effects people at this age. But she doesn't really care.

@Tsundererra: *hugs* The problem was that the sushi chef at out favorite suchi place got replaced so the sushi wasn't good on her birthday dinner, which upset her. Her crepes she was trying to make, didn't turn out. So that also upset her. It was like, day after day of disappointment. Typically I'd just leave her be but she's supposed to be helping me look after all the animals on the farm, and having her in a bad mood when I have to look after her all day, just means I have to deal with worse.

I honestly sometimes feel like I'm the only one who is really around to parent her. I endure most tantrums, and when pain meds don't work for her cramps I make her a chamomile, lavender, mint tea that helps soothe her cramps and her upset stomach enough to actually eat. When she gets sick she wakes me up [again] to make her that same tea. And to my mom, that's my job as big sister. When she's not home because she's at work, falls to me to look after her. Especially when our stepdad is sleeping or working. Which would be great if that job ever actually ended.

I do feel a bit better, tbh. I mostly got triggered because of a call I had with my friend right before. I was up front saying I'm glad she actually calls when we get to talk about her, and maybe one day she'll get back to a point of asking me how I am doing, before hanging up. I am to a point where I will cut her off. I've done it to 2 of my sisters, it's starting to get easier for me to diconnect from people. hopefully she'll actually start being the friend she once was [where yeah we talked about her but she always made sure to ask if i was ok. how i was doing. etc.]

@SirLionelNigelConrad: It kind of is? I get chronic migraines, have ADHD, depression, and a neuro-vestibular disorder. Unfortunately, that disorder can also be aggravated by my anxiety. Not to mention i have ibs and i'm gluten and lactose intolerant so it's like, day to do, dealing with some sort of pain. Either migraine, stomach, or general aches from depression.
The problem with moving out is my doctor won't clear me for work except for certain job types. And despite applying, It has been hard to get a foot in. Not to mention that being a full time student with my current schedule and working wouldn't give me enough money to even begin to pay rent. [Avg rent up here is at least 700$ and that's for crappier apartments.]
And thanks, Nigel. <3 I appreciate it. Lol.

@Saeyra: Honestly, according to my boyfriend, I tend to care too much about everything and everyone. But if I don't care when someone needs me to I worry they might end up in a worse place than me. I already have a detailed daily/weekly planner where my todo lists are, buteven having that hasn't helped me organize my head any. I still feel like I don't have enough time, or energy. And I'm honestly not supposed to be having caffiene because it can trigger my migraines, but I honestly can't function without these days.

@vengeance: I have suggested she be taken to see a psychiatrist. She has all the signs of ADHD i had as a kid that people ignored and misdiagnosed as bipolar for years [i've actually suffered from toxicity because of certain meds.] but she refuses to say she'd like to go. And my mom won't push her because she says that unless someone wants help, they won't take it. Which is true.

She blatantly told me he refused to work because he was scared to learn english, that he would automatically be mean when she came home from work [she was working 2 jobs to support them all] and she'd sit down before making dinner, saying eh didn't love her anymore, she was lazy and ugly, etc. And i told her he'd escalate and hit her. Fast forward a week, he hauled off and punched her for telling him to be the man she deserved instead of treating her like crap.
She was so tired though. Like, with her complexion she always had some circles, but we video chatted and she looked like a dead person walking. She was exhausted. But she wouldn't listen when i told her to kick him out, then said later that they wee better than ever since it hapened so yeah, I messaged her father. He was military and I knew, if anyone would keep her safe, he would. He may be a very tough love dad, but he'd straight up kill the man if he hurt her or the baby and feel no shame because he was protecting his daught and grandson. so yeah. I let him know. But she pretty much told me i was a bad friend for betraying her confidence. And then last night she got mad because I wouldn't comment on her relaitonship or life like she expects me to [we always promised to be voice of reason and brutally honest to each other] because she got upset with me last time I did. There is just no winnning.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/25 18:58:13 )

@Scribartz: Oh man, those are little things to get upset over and to lash out at others. She’s either very immature or has some kind of psychological issue that needs to get looked at. A 15 year old should know better, and doesn’t need much parenting at this point. She should be old enough to make her own tea. I agree with Vengeance, you need to be a little more selfish. Why work so hard to please others when they don’t seem to appreciate what you do and don’t reciprocate. You’re like the giving tree, giving all you can to others, until you have nothing else to give. And it seems like no one is giving you anything in return. ): You’re such a good person, and you deserve so much better than the people who are currently in your life. I know you love your sister, but the best thing you can do for her is to show her that it’s not right to treat others like this. Also get her help, talking to a professional and meds might help too.
Oh man, I think you mentioned that you had a friend who is in an abusive relationship before this thread... guessing this is her. She also seems pretty self-centered. I get that she’s in a bad place, but if she can’t see that you’re helping her or that she does need help, then there’s not much you can do for her at the moment. ): You did the right thing by not commenting on her relationship or life. xD I hope you told her why you didn’t say anything, and I hope you can keep it up.
I’m glad you’re feeling better-ish now, but I’m worried all these people are going to drain your energy and patience again soon. ):


Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/26 02:04:05 )
@Totalanimefan: We aren't in the US. We are PR in canada and if any of us get in any trouble we'll be booted out, which won't be good because our mom and dad are up here. =\ Took like, 3 months of literally dabilitating cramps before she finally said she'd go for an appointment for birth control. Honestly think she's got super bad hormone imbalance or something. Idk...

@Tsundererra: It's likely. Everyone in our family has something or other. I honestly just get overwhelmed some days. Like today she was good, took out trash without being asked and did all the dishes when we got home. No yelling or complaints. Just hope the trend continues is all.

And yeah, I told her exactly why. She always does this thing though, when i tell her how I'm feeling, she says she's tired and is just going to rest. Like, okay... So any issues, she doesn't want to hear. Idk what's going on with her, but I hope she gets back to who she was. She used to be so outspoken, proud, loud... Just didn't care what other people thought and didn't care about guys just was her own person and so confident. And now she's like, unrecognizable.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/26 03:21:27 )

@Scribartz: You can be friendly and act as usual when she’s acting normal like she was today. But once her crazy kicks in, walk away. Don’t feed into it, and don’t feel bad. I was learning how to drive and got my first job at 15. She needs to learn to take care of herself, or else she’s gonna have you making her tea and getting her food when she’s 18 and over. You’ve been a wonderful sibling so far, and she’s crazy to be treating you this way when she has tantrums.
Getting into a relationship changes people, and sometimes for the worst. ): She might not return back to her old self until she’s out of her current relationship. It sucks that she’s so self-absorbed now. Sometimes people don’t ask about other people because they think they’re doing fine or better than them too, but I feel like there’s more to this than that. If you keep putting up with her, you might get trauma that will affect your future relationships. One of my besties went through a similar past friendship that makes her not so quick to opening to others. Just be careful, and take a step back and focus on you if it feels overwhelming again.


The truth behind Reaping Ritual 2019

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Donator — She Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/26 03:43:35 )
@Totalanimefan: It is what it is. I'm hoping eventualy she will want to get help. =\

@Tsundererra: I have tried that. All it does is make her slam things harder, and then if she breaks something, I will get in trouble. 'why are you two always fighting. this is ridiculous.' and a whole bunch of other things so... I try to just avoid making her more upset if i can, and try and quench her tantrums.

My frien says she's leaving for good. Went to her mom's back in puerto rico said she's really done this time because he went at her and she said she broke a nail fighting with him and she's over it. She might go back to who she was one day, because it's not like she's completely changed she's just settling for some BS and idk why.
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