"Did you have a good day at school today Mitsukuni?" Mitsukuni's mother asked. The small boy nodded as he set the table with his brother. "Takashi made a friend. She seems nice." Mitsukuni commented with a shrug of his shoulders. "You don't like this friend of Takashi's?" His mother asked. "Well...I don't hate her. I'm trying to be good to her because I don't want Takashi to hate me and I want him to be happy and he really likes her."
The drive to their house was quiet for the most part. When they arrived, Kaoru parked right in front of the house and killed the engine then stepped out. He opened the door for Alice to step out and Hikaru quickly followed after her. Kaoru locked the doors then walked with them to the front door which Hikaru had now opened for them. "Do you need some water?" Hikaru asked Alice.
Forums Role Playing OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
"My Takashi, is sounds like you like this girl quite a bit." His mother teased lightly, causing the male to pause and blink. "Mitsukuni said the same thing.. She's a nice girl, and very smart. She's almost reminds me of a female Haruhi." He murmured, going back to helping his mother prepare for dinner. His mother watched him with a smile, knowing it would take some time for him to sort out his feelings for this girl.
She had managed to get her chest to loosen up enough to where she could breathe without it hurting, and she slid out of the back seat when Hikaru opened the door for her. She casually walked up to the door and looked over the house. It had been so long when she last came here.. She glanced at Hikaru when he opened the door for them and shook her head lightly, and offered him a small smile. "I'm alright now." She said, then continued inside the house. "Food sounds good though.." She murmured.
She had managed to get her chest to loosen up enough to where she could breathe without it hurting, and she slid out of the back seat when Hikaru opened the door for her. She casually walked up to the door and looked over the house. It had been so long when she last came here.. She glanced at Hikaru when he opened the door for them and shook her head lightly, and offered him a small smile. "I'm alright now." She said, then continued inside the house. "Food sounds good though.." She murmured.
"Well I think it's really good of you to put your own opinions of this girl aside just to make Takashi happy. I'm very proud Mitsukuni." Mitsukuni's mother said to him. It left him thinking about it. About the situation with Mia and his cousin. She was so plain looking, but if she was attending that school then there had to be something special about her right? What could it be though? What did Takashi like about her? He had said she was nice, maybe his cousin just liked her personality.
"Hikaru, Kaoru welcome home!" A female voice greeted from the kitchen. Their mother approached and noticed Alice with them, "Hello Alice, nice of you to visit!" She said politely. "Would you kids like something to eat?" She asked and both twins nodded, a blank expression on their faces. "Alright, just make yourselves comfortable, the food will be ready soon." Their mother informed and went to get started on the food. "Come on Alice, just sit down and relax for a little bit." Hikaru took her arm and started to lead her to the living room so she could sit on the couch and relax. Kaoru made sure to close the door and wondered how this plan was going to play out.
"Hikaru, Kaoru welcome home!" A female voice greeted from the kitchen. Their mother approached and noticed Alice with them, "Hello Alice, nice of you to visit!" She said politely. "Would you kids like something to eat?" She asked and both twins nodded, a blank expression on their faces. "Alright, just make yourselves comfortable, the food will be ready soon." Their mother informed and went to get started on the food. "Come on Alice, just sit down and relax for a little bit." Hikaru took her arm and started to lead her to the living room so she could sit on the couch and relax. Kaoru made sure to close the door and wondered how this plan was going to play out.
Takashi joined his mother at the table for dinner and the two are quietly. There wasn't much else to talk about. Later that night Takashi went to bed after taking a shower and thought about what tomorrow might be like.
Alice quietly followed the twins into the other room while they waited for their food. She relaxed easily in the large house and ate slowly once the food came. She wasn't in much of a talkative mood but she did have small talk with their mom when she joined them. "Um.. Would it be alright if I stayed here, for a bit?" She asked softly. It has been so long, she felt like she had to ask.
Alice quietly followed the twins into the other room while they waited for their food. She relaxed easily in the large house and ate slowly once the food came. She wasn't in much of a talkative mood but she did have small talk with their mom when she joined them. "Um.. Would it be alright if I stayed here, for a bit?" She asked softly. It has been so long, she felt like she had to ask.
It was getting late. The brothers were sent to brush their teeth after dinner and afterwords each headed to their own rooms for bed. Mitsukuni lay in bed, staring at the ceiling with Usa-Chan in his arms. "I wonder what tomorrow is going to be like. Do you think Takashi is going to spend more time with that girl?" He asked the bunny who only stared back at him when he turned his head to look at it. "Yeah, I guess you're right." He whispered, closing his eyes and getting comfortable.
The twin's mother listened to what Alice said and smiled. "Alice dear, you know you are always welcome to stay here as long as you'd like." The woman answered. The scent of food being cooked filled the air and soon the table was set with a delicious dinner for the entire family. "Come to dinner now." She called. When the twin's father arrived home, he too was surprised to see that Alice was there too. "Alice, what a nice surprise. It's been so long since you've last decided to visit, how are you?"
The twin's mother listened to what Alice said and smiled. "Alice dear, you know you are always welcome to stay here as long as you'd like." The woman answered. The scent of food being cooked filled the air and soon the table was set with a delicious dinner for the entire family. "Come to dinner now." She called. When the twin's father arrived home, he too was surprised to see that Alice was there too. "Alice, what a nice surprise. It's been so long since you've last decided to visit, how are you?"
(I hate to do this, but I'm time skipping lol :p )
Alice managed a small smile as their mother voiced how she was always welcome to stay, only nodding when told to come to dinner and following the twins. She paused !when she heard their father and offered him a shy smile. "My mother and I just recently moved back, I'm just trying to adjust." She said calmly.
After everyone had eaten dinner, Alice bid everyone goodnight and went up to her old room. Her room had a bathroom, as did all the rooms in the this mansion. She changed into some sleep clothes and laid down on the plump and fluffy bed, relaxing against the soft pillows and drifted off to sleep.
By morning, Alice almost forgot they had school. She blissfully lay in the bed, waking up peacefully for once since moving back to Japan.
Takashi woke and easily got up and got ready for school before joining his mother for breakfast.
Alice managed a small smile as their mother voiced how she was always welcome to stay, only nodding when told to come to dinner and following the twins. She paused !when she heard their father and offered him a shy smile. "My mother and I just recently moved back, I'm just trying to adjust." She said calmly.
After everyone had eaten dinner, Alice bid everyone goodnight and went up to her old room. Her room had a bathroom, as did all the rooms in the this mansion. She changed into some sleep clothes and laid down on the plump and fluffy bed, relaxing against the soft pillows and drifted off to sleep.
By morning, Alice almost forgot they had school. She blissfully lay in the bed, waking up peacefully for once since moving back to Japan.
Takashi woke and easily got up and got ready for school before joining his mother for breakfast.
((No worries. ^^))
The twins had gone off to bed after dinner was ready. Sharing a bed as they always did, Kaoru looked through his phone and Hikaru looked over his shoulder. "Ah..what are you doing? Let's sleep." He murmured. "Just saying goodnight to Alice. That's all." Kaoru said as he sent a goodnight message to Alice. He didn't think she'd read it but he figured he'd say goodnight anyway. Afterwards, Kaoru set his phone to charge through the night and he and his brother both fell to sleep peacefully that night, until their alarm woke them from their slumber.
Yawning, Kaoru sat up and looked down at Hikaru who was just waking up. "Come on, we need to get ready and then head down to breakfast."
The sound of the alarm always annoyed Mitsukuni and put him in a sour mood. Getting up, he went to shower then got dressed for school. Afterwards he picked up his bunny doll and started to sleepily make his way to the kitchen for some breakfast.
The twins had gone off to bed after dinner was ready. Sharing a bed as they always did, Kaoru looked through his phone and Hikaru looked over his shoulder. "Ah..what are you doing? Let's sleep." He murmured. "Just saying goodnight to Alice. That's all." Kaoru said as he sent a goodnight message to Alice. He didn't think she'd read it but he figured he'd say goodnight anyway. Afterwards, Kaoru set his phone to charge through the night and he and his brother both fell to sleep peacefully that night, until their alarm woke them from their slumber.
Yawning, Kaoru sat up and looked down at Hikaru who was just waking up. "Come on, we need to get ready and then head down to breakfast."
The sound of the alarm always annoyed Mitsukuni and put him in a sour mood. Getting up, he went to shower then got dressed for school. Afterwards he picked up his bunny doll and started to sleepily make his way to the kitchen for some breakfast.
It wasn't until that morning that Alice noticed the text from the younger twin and smiled as when she checked the message. She set aside her phone to get up, only have pain jab her in the chest, causing her to tense up. She balled up under the blankets and squeezed the pillow tightly against herself. Last night really had been something, and she had brushed it off like it was nothing.
Takashi said good morning to his mom and helped her prepare breakfast, then the two sat at the table to eat. It was a quite morning, and all Takashi could think about was his cousin and Mia.
Takashi said good morning to his mom and helped her prepare breakfast, then the two sat at the table to eat. It was a quite morning, and all Takashi could think about was his cousin and Mia.
"Any idea where Alice is?" Hikaru asked when they reached the kitchen after getting ready and saw that Alice wasn't there. "She is probably just getting ready. Girls always like to look their best." Kaoru answered. The twins said good morning to their parents and went to sit at the table to eat their breakfast. Everything looked so delicious and it smelled so good too! Already they could feel their mouths water. "Let's dig in!"
Mia had woken up and was finishing up her bath now. She dried off after stepping out and drained the water then got dressed in something simple. Nothing too attention grabbing. Her mind drifted to Takashi, he really was handsome. He was so tall too and very respectful. Mitsukuni though, didn't look like he wanted to share his cousin with anyone which she could understand. "Is your friend from school giving you a ride to school today?" Her mother asked when Mia walked into the kitchen and greeted her parents with a kiss on the cheek. "I don't think so." She answered, helping her mother serve the breakfast for their small family.
Takashi's mother smiled and looked to her son. "Takashi, will you be driving your cousin and your girlfriend to school today?" She asked playfully. She knew that the girl wasn't her son's girlfriend but she had a feeling that would change soon enough.
Mia had woken up and was finishing up her bath now. She dried off after stepping out and drained the water then got dressed in something simple. Nothing too attention grabbing. Her mind drifted to Takashi, he really was handsome. He was so tall too and very respectful. Mitsukuni though, didn't look like he wanted to share his cousin with anyone which she could understand. "Is your friend from school giving you a ride to school today?" Her mother asked when Mia walked into the kitchen and greeted her parents with a kiss on the cheek. "I don't think so." She answered, helping her mother serve the breakfast for their small family.
Takashi's mother smiled and looked to her son. "Takashi, will you be driving your cousin and your girlfriend to school today?" She asked playfully. She knew that the girl wasn't her son's girlfriend but she had a feeling that would change soon enough.
Alice slowly reached for her phone and sent Hikaru a text, asking if she could stay here today. Breathing hurt and trying to shift hurt more so she stayed in the bed with pillow held again at herself.
Takashi blinked and shook his head. "Last time I gave Mia a ride, Mistukuni and I had a fight." He murmured quietly, not really by his cheeks were tinted by a light blush.
Takashi blinked and shook his head. "Last time I gave Mia a ride, Mistukuni and I had a fight." He murmured quietly, not really by his cheeks were tinted by a light blush.
Hikaru picked up his fork and was about to stab his food when his phone buzzed. Frowning, he set his fork down and grabbed his cellphone from his pocket. He read the message and his frowned deepened. Of course you can stay here. Are you okay? Do you need anything? He sent the text and whispered the situation to his brother who only nodded. If Alice wasn't feeling well, then she could stay home today.
"I'll give you a ride to school." Mia's father informed. He had always been giving her rides so he didn't mind. Besides, he worked better knowing his daughter was safe. The friend at school was still just a stranger in his opinion and he didn't trust him. "Thank you father. I think the ride was just a one time thing. Maybe he did it just to be nice." She answered with a shrug of her shoulders.
Takashi's mother looked surprised to hear this. "A fight? Why? You two are always so close, I can't imagine why Mitsukuni would get into a fight with you." She said and looked at her son, a warm smile on her face. "Takashi, if you really like this girl then you need to go after her. Chances are she likes you too, you're a good young man. If you don't go after her, someone else just might. Think about it."
"I'll give you a ride to school." Mia's father informed. He had always been giving her rides so he didn't mind. Besides, he worked better knowing his daughter was safe. The friend at school was still just a stranger in his opinion and he didn't trust him. "Thank you father. I think the ride was just a one time thing. Maybe he did it just to be nice." She answered with a shrug of her shoulders.
Takashi's mother looked surprised to hear this. "A fight? Why? You two are always so close, I can't imagine why Mitsukuni would get into a fight with you." She said and looked at her son, a warm smile on her face. "Takashi, if you really like this girl then you need to go after her. Chances are she likes you too, you're a good young man. If you don't go after her, someone else just might. Think about it."
Alice slowly texted back, 'I Just don't feel very well.. Can you bring me some breakfast, please? I'm having a hard time getting out of bed..' She sent after a few minutes.
Takashi paused and lowered his eyes. "Mistukuni was angry that I've been spending time with someone else other than him, he felt she was trying to replace him." He spoke calmly. "We talked, and he's going to try and give her a chance, but I don't want to hurt him." He explained, unsure of what to do.
Takashi paused and lowered his eyes. "Mistukuni was angry that I've been spending time with someone else other than him, he felt she was trying to replace him." He spoke calmly. "We talked, and he's going to try and give her a chance, but I don't want to hurt him." He explained, unsure of what to do.
Hikaru read the text and then put his phone away after standing up. "I'll be right back." He spoke in a quiet voice and fixed up a plate and a drink for Alice then made his way up to her room. Gently, he knocked on the door and then walked inside. "Here you go, breakfast and something to drink. You sure you'll be okay? My mother will be here if you need anything, so you won't be alone."
"Takashi, you are a very kind soul. I should know this. After all, I raised you." She said with a grin. "I know you would never want to hurt him, but you cannot put your own happiness to the side. If he is going to give her a chance, then what are you afraid of? Takashi, I was not born yesterday. I can tell you really like her, the blush on your cheeks gives it away. Are you really going to give up on a chance with her? Give yourself a chance Takashi. I want you to be happy. If she makes you happy, don't let go of that."
"Takashi, you are a very kind soul. I should know this. After all, I raised you." She said with a grin. "I know you would never want to hurt him, but you cannot put your own happiness to the side. If he is going to give her a chance, then what are you afraid of? Takashi, I was not born yesterday. I can tell you really like her, the blush on your cheeks gives it away. Are you really going to give up on a chance with her? Give yourself a chance Takashi. I want you to be happy. If she makes you happy, don't let go of that."
Alice carefully shifted when he knocked and slowly sat up, allowing her pillows to prop her up. She glanced at him when he set the plate and drink on her nightstand and tried to at least feign a small smile. "All I need to is call you if I need you, right? I should be alright, and it'll give me time to talk to your mom about the things I've been hiding from her.."
Takashi paused, sitting out what his mom had said. "She's different from other girls." He said shortly, rubbing the back of his head. What was he afraid of? He wasn't even sure if that himself. Possibly being rejected , or losing his cousin entirely. His happiness before now seemingly revolves around his cousin. He'd never felt like this about anyone before, not even his host club friends.
Takashi paused, sitting out what his mom had said. "She's different from other girls." He said shortly, rubbing the back of his head. What was he afraid of? He wasn't even sure if that himself. Possibly being rejected , or losing his cousin entirely. His happiness before now seemingly revolves around his cousin. He'd never felt like this about anyone before, not even his host club friends.
Hikaru nodded, setting the tray of food down on her lap and the drink on the bedside table. "You can call or text me for whatever reason. If I'm in class, I'll step out to answer. If it's serious, I'll run back here. Promise." He told her and smiled back. "I'm sure she'd appreciate not being left in the dark anymore, but you had your reasons for it, so don't feel bad okay?"
"Different? Well, I would think that's a good thing. Unless it's not?" His mother asked him. "I'm not forcing you to be with her if you don't want to. I'm just saying that I want you to be happy. Whatever you decide to do, you know you have my total support alright?" She said to him and smiled warmly. She knew how important his cousin was to him, she just hoped he didn't push this girl away because of that.
"Different? Well, I would think that's a good thing. Unless it's not?" His mother asked him. "I'm not forcing you to be with her if you don't want to. I'm just saying that I want you to be happy. Whatever you decide to do, you know you have my total support alright?" She said to him and smiled warmly. She knew how important his cousin was to him, she just hoped he didn't push this girl away because of that.
Alice nodded and carefully hugged him, as to not spill her breakfast everywhere. "Be good, alright?" She teased, then released the big and slowly started to eat her breakfast while it was warm.
Takashi nodded as he finished his breakfast and proceeded to help his mother pick up the dishes and set them in the sink. He then briefly hugged his mom and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. "It's time to pick up Mitsukuni for school." He said with a chuckle.
Takashi nodded as he finished his breakfast and proceeded to help his mother pick up the dishes and set them in the sink. He then briefly hugged his mom and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. "It's time to pick up Mitsukuni for school." He said with a chuckle.
Hikaru laughed and nodded. "Well I will try to be, but Kaoru and I aren't making any promises." He said. "We need to go!" Kaoru called up, making Hikaru straighten himself up. "Remember, call or text if you need anything!" The twin whispered and quickly left the room. "I'm all ready, let's go." He said, grabbing his things and waving at his parents while following his brother out of the house and to the car.
Mia had enjoyed her breakfast and packed herself some lunch then had her father drive her to the school. She wasn't sure what would happen today but she just hoped it was an overall good day.
Haruhi herself was packing up some lunch in silence but trying to be quick. She knew she still had plenty of time to get to school, but she still didn't want to take too much time and arrive late either.
Takashi's mother was thankful for the help and when her son kissed her forehead, she smiled up at him then hugged him tight. "Have a good day at school Takashi. And remember, don't overthink things. Whatever happens, happens. Now go, wouldn't want you to be late."
Mia had enjoyed her breakfast and packed herself some lunch then had her father drive her to the school. She wasn't sure what would happen today but she just hoped it was an overall good day.
Haruhi herself was packing up some lunch in silence but trying to be quick. She knew she still had plenty of time to get to school, but she still didn't want to take too much time and arrive late either.
Takashi's mother was thankful for the help and when her son kissed her forehead, she smiled up at him then hugged him tight. "Have a good day at school Takashi. And remember, don't overthink things. Whatever happens, happens. Now go, wouldn't want you to be late."
Alice giggled and nodded, watching him leave with a small pout. For some reason, part of her wanted to keep Hikaru here with her, selfishly. But she kept those thoughts to herself and focused on eating her breakfast.
Takashi nodded and have his mom a hug before grabbing his bag and heading off. He'd go pick up his cousin, then head to school.
Tamaki and Kyoya had arrived early like always and Kyoya was looking for ways to help Derek get everyday my set up for his arrival.
Takashi nodded and have his mom a hug before grabbing his bag and heading off. He'd go pick up his cousin, then head to school.
Tamaki and Kyoya had arrived early like always and Kyoya was looking for ways to help Derek get everyday my set up for his arrival.
The twins made sure that they weren't forgetting anything and got into the car. "Alice isn't feeling well?" Kaoru said, starting to drive towards the school. "Yeah, so she's just going to stay home for the day. She said she'd call or text if she needed anything though." Hikaru answered.
Mitsukuni ran off to brush his teeth and then grabbed his things. He said goodbye to his parents and walked to the front door, opening to look outside and see if Takashi had arrived yet or not.
Haruhi was silent on her way to school. She took a public bus since she wasn't as financially set as her fellow club members. The bus was pretty empty today though, thankfully.
Mitsukuni ran off to brush his teeth and then grabbed his things. He said goodbye to his parents and walked to the front door, opening to look outside and see if Takashi had arrived yet or not.
Haruhi was silent on her way to school. She took a public bus since she wasn't as financially set as her fellow club members. The bus was pretty empty today though, thankfully.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.
Alice sighed softly and set her tray of food on the nightstand, then she curled up in her bed.
Takashi pulled up right as Mitsukuni opened the door and smiled at his cousin. "Morning." He greeted.
Once everyone had made it to school the day seemed to go by rather quickly even if the lessons dragged. There was no surprise meeting in the host club and classes went as usual. Just not quite so slow. Takashi was glad he and his cousin were getting along again, and he even got to sit with Mia at lunch without much of a fuss. He was proud of his cousin.
Takashi pulled up right as Mitsukuni opened the door and smiled at his cousin. "Morning." He greeted.
Once everyone had made it to school the day seemed to go by rather quickly even if the lessons dragged. There was no surprise meeting in the host club and classes went as usual. Just not quite so slow. Takashi was glad he and his cousin were getting along again, and he even got to sit with Mia at lunch without much of a fuss. He was proud of his cousin.
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