Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/31 22:16:56 )
@vengeance: Because I pay for prime and I want that free shipping. xD But if it’s an item that only that seller is selling anywhere online, then I will suck it up and order from them.
Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/31 22:20:04 )
@vengeance: Hwat, those kinds of sellers are so rare. ToT Most of the time they require you buy like $50 worth for free shipping, and I just want something that’s $15. The pusheen gods are on your side.
Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/31 22:26:09 )
@vengeance: Ohhhh, that could be it~ I used to order stuff from Japan’s amazon when I lived there, and they had a lot of free shipping stuff too (I didn’t have prime back then). Plus everything you ordered came within 2 days anyways.
Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/31 22:31:48 )
@vengeance: They’re really quick shipping stuff out. The only time I’ve had a problem is when it reaches my country’s customs. u___u
Currently trying to track a package that has been held in US customs since May... FOR NO REASON.
Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/31 22:36:54 )
@vengeance: US customs is a headache... you can’t directly contact them, you have to contact your seller to contact their home postal service, but my seller was lazy... so I contacted my post office to see if they can do it, and they told me to tell my seller... so now I’m disputing the charges with PayPal and my seller is finally doing their job. They sent out an investigation order from Japan Post to US Customs. )’: Now I wait.
Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/31 22:46:32 )
@vengeance: Oh man, it was so long ago, but I got a clear file folder (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun design), and some anime keychains or badges. Nothing heavy or suspicious.
If I don’t hear back by the 6th, I can ask PayPal to help get my money back. They usually side with the buyer, but omg, watch this be the rare time they side with the seller. xD
Donator — Fujoshi
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/31 22:50:33 )
@vengeance: The customs facility that my package is lost in is notorious for leaving packages hanging for weeks or months. There is even a web site of people complaining about that location (NYC ISC).