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Forums Serious Talk Have you cheated before? Because I almost did.

Donator — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/25 02:00:15 )

I have been cheated on and i know how much it hurts. And i VOWED to never do it. But I almost did the other day.

FYI might be a bit NSFW - talk of sex.

My boyfriend and i have been together for 3 years and the past year has been hard tbh. He is very stressed and depressed and in a lot of pain physically. He comes home and lays in bed. We used to have a great sex life but now he wont touch me. And i am a pile of shit and have been frustrated with how depressed he is. So when my ex reached out, i messaged him back.

And we talked a lot, all day for like the past two weeks. And then sometimes our conversations got a bit sexual, He was upset how his girlfriend wouldn't ever have sex because she didnt like it, and i confined in him about my situation. Then the conversation turned into a memory lane of the great sex we used to have.

He then said his girlfriend and him have an open relationship because she wont have sex with him, so she is ok with him having sex with other people. Then he invited me out to drinks. and i said yes.

I knew exactly where that would go. and honestly, i hoped it would turn into sex. We are supposed to go out tonight, but i cancelled on him out of guilt, even though i really wanted to go.

i currently hate myself for even feeling like i wanted to. so yeah.


Donator — Trashboat Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/25 02:55:58 )
My advice would be if you do want to do something like that and know where it would would be better to end things with your significant other rather than do that while you're together. It would just cause a lot of unnecessary pain. And like you said, you know how it feels too. No one likes being hurt like that. It causes a lot of trust issues, not just between the two of you, but if they have future relationships. It is hard to trust anyone after that. Especially when it has happened multiple times. :/
Maybe you should just take some time to reflect and think hard about what it is you really want. you want to stay with them? If not, it would be much better for both of you if you ended it peacefully and not in a bad way. Perhaps have a conversation with them about certain aspects of your relationship and if you can fix them or not. [Ofc I dont know the full situation] but.. Feelings will be hurt either way, but sometimes a broken heart takes forever to heal. Mine is still broken 2 years later. I don't have any trust. I'm paranoid. It honestly turned me into a person I dont want to be. Doesnt help when you have PTSD. Dx... I urge you to think about it carefully. If you are wanting other things maybe it is time to have a talk with them..
I wish you the best of luck dear. ^_^

Donator — Trashboat Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/25 02:56:41 )
@Thrills: I forgot to tag you so xD *boop*
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Donator — He/They Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/25 19:25:05 )

Relationships based on sex never last. You need to be talking to your partner about what you're feeling, and reach some kind of agreement on what to do about it. "Suffering in silence" is exactly what leads to doing things behind people's backs, and I don't think someone is any less of a "cheater" for canceling a planned affair at the last minute than for committing to the act. It's the desire to "stray" that hurts your partner's feelings; the physical action makes little difference, save for the fact that you get to feel like you don't have anything to confess. A line drawn at the physical act alone is pretty flimsy and bound to cause more problems down the road, because your relationship should be based on emotional desire and compatibility. If physical desire is enough to destroy it, then it was always weak. I honestly find the whole structure of the typical "look but don't touch" monogamous relationships, wherein the main basis of the relationship is "romantic" desire rather than deeply bonded friendship, to be kind of toxic in nature. Romance fades. Sexual attraction fades. These things go in and out like tides until they disappear altogether, and not always at the same time for both of you. So what's left? Set parameters you're both comfortable with, including room to explore and make mistakes. Always practice open communication and problem-solving together, no matter what you both end up deciding works best for you as a relationship structure.
In my own relationship, "cheating" is purely an emotional thing: the desire to leave your partner or place someone else "above" them, without actually leaving. Engaging in meaningful sexual relationships that bring about the risk of destroying the current family due to secrecy and a lack of mutual agreement. Casual sexual feelings for others mean nothing. Act on them or don't; as long as you're not rubbing it in your partner's face and making them feel inadequate, it's inconsequential. What I care about is trust, friendship, and a mutual need for one another. Not simple sexual desire. I can get that anywhere, but my partner is the one I'm coming home to every day because we give each other something no one else can. Without that, our relationship would just be a sand castle, doomed to fall prey to the ever changing tides of sex and romance.


Donator — Trash Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/28 04:09:15 )

Since 1103 posts.

Count Trashula basically said what I was thinking. Open communication is so important. Even if you feel that its difficult to put feelings into words you need to find a way to communicate it. No one is perfect, so even if you are crying as you try to convey how you feel, its better than holding it in and realizing the "what ifs" later on.

I've also been cheated on before and what sucked was that I found out by my own means while casually ordering pizza online (I was using a laptop and the mouse spazzed over his FB messenger, oops). I was so pissed over the fact that my partner at the time didn't tell me sooner because he couldn't find the words or the 'right time' to tell me. When I confronted him about it, I considered breaking up with him and spent some time alone to clear my head but I ended up giving him a second chance because he proved through his actions that he knew he made a mistake and wanted to do better. One thing I brought up to him was that if he had been honest with me at the start, and had been the one to tell me, I would've thought about it differently. Because I found out by myself, I grew more anxious about of a lot things I used to trust him with.
For your situation, even if you didn't physically commit to the act of cheating, in my opinion you should talk about it with your s/o. Your s/o will feel hurt and may act out but its something your partner deserves to know. If you both love each other enough, you can work it out and grow from it together. It may be hard but nothing is ever easy :P.


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Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/30 03:01:05 )

I’m glad you cancelled out last minute, because once you cross that line, you have to deal with the consequences for the rest of your life. Your bf would have trust issues with future relationships (if you guys broke up), and it’s a big turn off/trust issue for your future relationships too.
/: I’m with Lau, break up with him before you do something like this. If sex is more important than your relationship, just break up with the dude. If not, go get a toy to cope and/or talk to your bf about your needs. You should be supporting him while he’s in his depressive state, not doing something that will make it worse if he finds out...


Voltie — 666 Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/2 13:38:38 )

okay i feel like people here are undermining the fact that sex can be as important as the relationship.

i get it if you don't consider sex to be as important, but for some physical contact and expression is as impactful as saying "i love you" to each other. as someone who is physically and emotionally expressive i find both as important as each other.

OP regardless of how bad things are for your partner at the moment open a communication with them regarding with what your feeling. it is as valid as your partner's feelings and keeping things open in a relationship is the key to great communication.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/2 20:04:29 )

I don’t think anyone is saying sex isn’t important in a relationship, but feelings generally come first. And unfortunately with depression, you just lose interest in a lot of stuff, including sex. It’s not that they don’t love OP, and if OP really needs that sexual contact to confirm their partner’s feelings, then they should break up or take a break. ):

But I agree that communication is key here. OP is valid in how they feel, and I feel for them. I had to end a relationship because my partner’s depression was so bad, I felt like it was me giving and trying 100%, and receiving nothing in return. So talk and find out where both of your heads are at.


Voltie — 666 Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/3 00:52:25 )

I simply mentioned it considering the replies put so much emphasis on the feelings without the care or mention of what physical intimacy can be important and rather bash someone for the fact that they are in fact yearning for it due to lack of it.

You can go on and on about feelings but yearning for physical connection is as valid as the partner's depression.

Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/3 01:32:27 )

@devil: Like I said, I understand that OP’s feelings are valid. I broke up with my bf because his depression made me feel like I was alone, especially when he would forget my birthday or not want to go to things that are important to me, and his drive went waaaay down. We were like live-in roommates for like a year and a half with no intimacy. But I never even considered cheating on him. When it got too much, I talked with him, and when that seemed like it was going nowhere, we broke up.

Yes, physical connection is important, but it shouldn’t be an excuse to cheat and ignore the hurt feelings it will cause (especially if cheating does not align with your morals). I really hope OP does talk to their partner before they do anything else, and I hope that makes him realize how his depression has made her feel. ):


Donator — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/3 01:53:56 )

we have talked a bit since. I didnt tell him what i almost did.
Sex is kind of really important to me and my relationships. Which is why this is a big problem
Things arent better and im still lost.
I think i need to leave him but as we live together and have lives together its going to be hard and messy no matter what happens


Voltie — 666 Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/3 02:01:01 )

Please keep in mind it's not exactly referring your replies but the earlier ones more. I've also been down that road like the OP and you and I know exactly how bad the situation can get but almost shaming someone for something that didn't even happened at the end seems absolutely low.

I'm glad you have opened the communication at least. At this point it's either your partner and you work together to become healthier mentally and your relationship to be saved or find alternatives regarding your living situation if it truly doesn't seem like it is going to work.

It definitely not going to be easy but relationships never are.
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Donator — Fujoshi Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/3 02:56:11 )

@devil: I agree. xD I thought you were referring to what I said because you pinged me. There is a strong stigma against cheating, that even thinking about it gets you shamed. I’m just glad she didn’t cross that line.

@Thrills: Honestly, I wouldn’t even tell him what you were planning to do. You didn’t do it, and I don’t think he’s in the right mindset to process it rationally without falling into a deeper rut.
It feels like you’re in a similar position I was when I was thinking of how to leave my relationship. Starting now, try to prepare ways to move out slowly. At least you tried to talk to him, but it takes two to work a relationship... and if he’s not putting in his share, it’s just not going to work. His depression is going to give you depression if nothing changes. /:


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Voltie — Princess Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/26 15:36:16 )

@Thrills: You have two choices, break up and get back with your ex or stick it out with this guy. My advice for the first is, do it like a bandage, rip it off as fast and cleanly as possible. Do not drag it out.

If you are going with the second option I would look into self pleasuring. There are many many ways and toys readily available. Make yourself happy and don't depend on him for things he does not have the capacity to give. Go pick up a hobby or something that makes you happy that he doesn't need to contribute to. Try to ride it out while he seeks professional help and tries to get out of this depression cycle. I know it is hard when the person you love is dragging you down simply by being a black cloud whenever he is around. Use the time on your own to recharge your happiness batteries so to speak.


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Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/10/2 06:52:35 )


I've had experience cheating, and being cheated on. And while I don't excuse what I did, because it sucked, I can understand that temptation. All I can say is that you need to take some time to think about how much your current partner means to you when compared to sex- basically, is your partner more important to you than sex? Can you make it through this?

If the answer is no, or they're not more important than sex, then you need to leave them before you do something you regret with your ex. Sex is very important in relationships, but it's also not supposed to be the most important thing/more important than you partner/their well-being. If that's how you feel, I think it would be best to find a partner who feels the same way, or possibly be into one night stands/an open relationship thing.

Either way, I feel like you should tell your partner what you almost did. If you don't tell them how you're feeling and what's been happening, how are they supposed to know and possibly fix things?

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