Hey, Volties! I know you've been on the edge of your seats waiting for this particular broadcast for the last couple of days, and I hope it exceeds your expectations!
Milestone Item Unlocked!
You guys have been posting like there's no tomorrow, and you've all managed to contribute to completing this goal. Isn't teamwork just amazing? Congrats to each and every Voltie, for working together and managing to unlock Pose 3, 750k Crescent Moon & 750k Stars, the final pose of our 750k Milestone item!

Don't forget to grab one free grant of Dream Keeper here!
*You can claim one (1) free 750k MI per IP until Sunday, September 15th at 11:59 PM Voltra Time.*
Design by Lina , Pixels by Fozzy, uploaded by Lilypoo

Extras are available in OMG Imports for 3,000 Volts OR 125 Ohms. They will be removed from the shop by September 16th.
*Please note that Pose 3 is combined into the same set as Pose 1 & 2 in your inventory, so when looking for it, you should be looking for this:

Design by Lina , Pixels by Fozzy, uploaded by Lilypoo
And now that goal is all wrapped up, we have another to complete! From what I've heard, the overall goal is 1 million posts! What a whopping goal, right?
There are 4 Poses in total for the Milestone Item of this new goal, with Pose 1 unlocking at 775k posts! Suddenly doesn't seem so daunting, does it? I hope everyone's still raring to go - I myself can't wait for this goal to be reached, either!
Pose 2 will be unlocked at 825k posts, with Pose 3 unlocking at 900k posts, with the final one, Pose 4 - and a surprise! - unlocking at the ultimate 1 million posts!
Let's not forget our other Milestone Goal of reaching 2,000 Volties in total in our lovely realm of Voltra!
Man, all these goals are so exciting, I almost can't wait to announce everything that's coming up!
Coming Soon!

:plasma-orb: Voltra's 2nd Anniversary Celebration [TBA]
I hope everyone's ready for our Anniversary approaching at breakneck speed! It's hard to believe it's been two years already - how time flies! Ah, well, it hasn't always been fun times and sunny days, but memories are precious nonetheless. Don't forget how to have fun every now and then, and appreciate your loved ones!
Spark out, Volties, and don't forget I love each and every one of you!