Donator — He/They
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/22 03:00:25 )
"Dont be sorry. it happens" he looked over. He bit his lip and got up. " back" he said and went upstairs. He looked at his reflection wondering if...what he was about to do was a good idea. He had hidden behind his hair for so long but...maybe he didnt need to anymore
Kaito nodded lightly and lifted his head some, sipping from his ginger ale. He needed to eat.. Fijore was right about that. When the man left, he set aside the soda and carefully picked up the bowl of soup before slowly beginning to eat.
Donator — He/They
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/25 23:29:09 )
Fjiore after a very long time came back downstairs. His hair was more than noticatly shorter. His face was completely uncovered. His amethyst eyes were so deep and rich in color. His face was gorgeous. He looked even younger than 25 like his body was, but more like 17 or 18. He looked like he could have been some sort of pop idol or something.
Kaito had dozed off some in the time Fijore had gone upstairs. He had eaten most of soup and his ginger ale as well, and was feeling better. He was really tired though, from not sleeping last night.
Donator — He/They
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/29 03:55:23 )
Fjiore picked him up and put him in bed in the guest house. He couldnt keep from smiling a little. He pulled the blanket up and turned out the light. He started to leave but decided to sit and lean on the bed. After a bit, just being near Kaito relaxed him enough to fall asleep.
Kaito didn't wake until later that night. He felt a bit better, but he didn't feel much better. His head was pounding. What time was it? He slowly looked out of the window to see the moon high in the night sky. Shit.. That's what he gets for skipping a dose and not eating, right? He signed quietly.
Donator — He/They
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/5 01:49:39 )
Fjiore was actually laying next to him. His back was turned to kaito, but he was very near kaito. His shorter hair couldnt hide his gorgeous face anymore. He looked peaceful for once.
Donator — He/They
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/5 03:00:29 )
Fjiore woke in the morning. He sat up feeling groggy and looked at kaito. He wasnt awake. Should he be worried? He sighed and got up trying to wake him some.
Kaito did not wake, and his breathing was very shallow. He had gotten a fever but he wasn't sweating. Maybe it wasn't that he missed a dose of the medicine after all, could it have been that he was getting ill from the beginning?
Donator — He/They
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/6 01:50:17 )
He cursed and moved him to the main house to the patient bed. He did what he could for the fever and to help his breathing by putting him on oxygen. Fjiore was wishing now he could just hide behind his hair but it was no longer there and all he could do was sit and wait
Kaito glanced at Fijore, smiling some when he noticed he had cut his bangs. He lowered his eyes as to not stare too long and make him uncomfortable. "Sorry.." He murmured quietly. "Don't know what happened.." He spoke softly. He had woken before Fijore, sure he wasn't feeling perfect but he felt well enough. As far as a the more than half asleep male could tell anyway. He gave his hand a light squeeze.
Donator — He/They
Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/09/7 15:39:56 )
"I dont either. you had a fever. and i had to put you on oxygen. You gave me a right scare" he said holding Kaitos hand. He was a little awkward now that his face wasnt hidden but he was trying to be brave.
Kaito glanced at him as he did so, then up at the ceiling. Did he have a respiratory infection or something? How the hell would he have picked it up? He hasn't gone anywhere except flying around, then coming back. Unless it was airborn.. Just his luck. "Don't get scared.. But.. I'm happy I can see you." He murmured quietly, referring to his hair cut.
Donator — He/They
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/9 04:22:21 )
"I uh..." he took a moment before he realised what Kaito meant. At that moment his cheeks went bright bright red. "Oh...i...erm...yeah..." he looked away