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Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/10 00:40:49 )
Currently packing to go on my trip, wondering what to bring & wondering what not to bring ya know?
I am also bringing my ps4, switch & a few other electronics that I'm gonna have to take in & out about 3 or 4 times since I have a connecting flight. Not really looking forward to that, but, I'm gonna be in Florida for two weeks so it's good to be entertained when you're around your relatives. My partner is coming with me & it's gonna be an interesting trip ¯_(ツ)_/¯

My first flight is from Oregon to California, then from California to Orlando.
The total trip est time is about 10 H

I also re dyed my hair & it turned out nicely, so I'm happy with that as well. Hope every one had a good day today (:

Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/10 01:18:31 )
@Totalanimefan: Safe travels man!! Is your flight just to point A to point B or do you have the unfortunate task of a connecting flight like I have? It's my boyfriend who has convinced my to take it since he'd put it with his carry on items. I will definitely also be playing my switch on the flight, the only thing is the dumb internet connection it's known for & boy I see why. I'm probably gonna have to connect to either the airlines wi-fi & let it continue there & if it can't finish there then I'll just connect it to my relatives place down in Florida. Sadly no ipad, but I'm definitely bringing my phone & a few other misc electronics. Oh yes, I've been sleeping on & off all day but I'm gonna be staying up all night since I have to be out the door at 5am so I'll be sleeping on the plane.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/10 07:51:42 )
yaaay for nice hair dye!! ^-^ and oh lord 10 houre trip sounds weful! but iam sure it will be a nice vacation =))

Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/10 09:42:12 )
@Totalanimefan: Not too, too bad. I'm jealous <(`^´)>
My last trip was from Oregon to Colorado, but it was also a connecting flight. They did 6 ads via Southwest about their travel perk plans & I wanted to kick out those speakers. Then the pilot went over it & then the stewardess people walked up and down the asile twice - so -a total of 8 times they went over it. It was one of those 'Argh' situations tbh.
Direct is waaaay better
Waaaay better - rip
Yeah I'm bringing my earbuds, but also a backup pair still in its casing for a 'oh no these broke' kinda situation - not looking to those bins tho ahhh

@Atropa Belladonna: Good hair dye is always great !! ♡ Yeah, a 10 hour flight isn't really fun, I'm a pretty antsy person esp when I'm on a plane ; v ;

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/10 10:23:42 )
@mizuie: mhh maybe you can do something to make yourself a little bit calmer! in ghermany we have travel pills..... you take one and sleep for hours!

Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/10 11:02:12 )
@Atropa Belladonna: I'm actually staying up until I'm on the plane, then I'm gonna sleep. I woke up officially at around maybe 8:30pm ? then now I'm still up, leaving at about 6am & then my first flight is supposed to take off at 8:30am. I think I will nap a bit though, only a small amount, like 30 minutes or so before I have to leave so I'm not super cranky, but other than that I think I'm just gonna do the majority of my sleeping on the 2nd flight - which is the longest one.

Donator — PomePome Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/10 11:04:57 )
@mizuie: okay sleeping is a pretty good ida the problem will be backpain afterwarts though! sounds so uncomfy and stressful!
~Pls Ping me~
Nothing fancy to see here!!!

Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/15 19:59:46 )
@Totalanimefan: yeah we were heading out to Cali, then from Cali we had the flight merged with a Nashville flight. But the thing was that when we were in the air we were about 20 min away from Nashville there was bad weather & so we were circling around as the air tower ppl tired to figure out a different route. Then we were told that they had to land in St. Louis Missouri to refuel for about 30-35 min. Then we were in the air again. Nashville. Refueled in Nashville, then took off again.

We were supposed to be in at 9pm
But we didn't get in til 11:30ish at night & didn't get back to my grandmothers place until about 12:45am or 1am

Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/20 04:54:16 )
@Totalanimefan: Oh yeah, it was a very hectic flight. My back hurt a lot, Fizz & I were very exhausted afterwards. First 3 days were ok, but then my parents came & things got (and are still) kinda hectic. We leave here on the 21st, spend the night of the 21st thru the 24th at my parents, the night of the 24th at my grandmothers & then we go back on the 25th so we have to deal with another 10 H flight. RIP. I'll also be working thru some stuff as well - but - it sucks because when we get back on the 25th, I do a morning shift on the 26th. Probs will be doing stuff on the 27th via the new house (like painting / slight unpacking) - then I work again on the 28th & 29th (morning shifts as well). While we will be heading back, packing up, moving, unpacking & a few other things - I will be dealing with some things to process via family stuff since I'll be cutting ties with my parents (also tedious things like changing my phone, number & making an appointment via a new therapist to help me work thru this shit).

So, this will be the last time they'll ever see me (they're not good ppl, my mother made Fizz cry, made him so angry to the point where he walked about 20 or feet in front of my friend Trace & I (she was behind us about 10 or so feet) just so he could get away to breathe.
(oh god here I am rambling)

I will be making a separate post on that (probs within the next month) - but, other than that - my friend Trace has made this trip 1000x better & I'm super glad I got to reconnect with them again (:

via the plane tho it was a very tedious & frustrating thing to deal with so I'm not really looking forward to heading back on the flight - but - I am glad to be getting away from my parents. "I thought this trip was supposed to be fun" says Fizz. So Fizz & I plan on coming back here to meet Trace again for a more 'proper' Florida keys vacation - that - and an anime convention eventually (about 3 or so years from now).

Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/21 04:08:56 )
@Totalanimefan: My childhood friend Trace is still here & so he's made this trip 1000x better. So that's REALLY good. Fizz & I leave tmrw (we have to check out by 10am so we'll probs be on the road by about 9am or 9:30am & so here all 3 of us aren't sleeping for a good while. I may end up taking a nap at some point but that's at some point ya know ? Tmrw we're gonna be in south florida about 1ish & then I get to see my friend(s) which is having a little fiasco right now due to my mother not remembering that i've mentioned that i'd like to see 4 people - and saying that i've never told her (when i told her in advance). Still pretty stressed, but at least it's almost over. A good vaction, tho it could have been better imo. One day back to flroida & we'll be doing it more properly.

Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/21 04:52:45 )
@Totalanimefan: that one person always seems to make it better even in stressful situations ya know ? tho I am sad to be leaving them (haven't seen them in about 7 years) I have their number & social stuff plus im really glad to see how they're doing and how they're slowly but surely getting to where they'd like to be! not really looking forward to the 8 hour trip with my parents, then the 2 hour treck back to orlando for our flight.

but!! i am currently eating a publix sub & i am a happy bean as of right now, god i missed these 🤤

Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/21 04:56:31 )
@Totalanimefan: white bread, mayo, yellow mustard, lettuce, tomato, sub sauce, turkey, pepper jack, colby jack & very very VERY chipotle sauce (i also bought a lil separate pack of cilantro sauce)

didnt get a combo tho, got a monster, 2 darigold chocolate milk & a party pack of doritos

are you also currently eating anything?
i also donated 13 $ so i can get some of the crate stuff, am currently looking thru what i got

Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/21 05:08:49 )
@Totalanimefan: i will definitely be trying it next time!! looked really good (saw someone else get it)
is that what you usually get when you're in florida ?

Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/21 06:15:43 )
@Totalanimefan: also congrats on winning yo, am glad for you
you have such rad ass character designs
do you also make your own original characters? (i'm curious)

Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/21 08:09:03 )
@Totalanimefan: I kinda wish they also sold Mahi Mahi tender sandwiches, i'd buy about 6 of those (i had a really good mahi mahi finger sandwich & conch fritters yesterday they were so goooooood)

No problem!! ♡ it is a very beautiful piece, reminds me of a moon deity
No worries man, you're fine - even I get trouble with that
I have a good 80ish OCs from about 2008 - 2015 that I have to go thru & revamp next to my new OCs, but there are times it is kinda tedious when it comes to character stuff & I just wanna scrap them & restart over? yet part of me is like - just keep some? it's a big

One of the reasons why I love is the fact that it's kinda like a character storage site with world building? Super helpful for people who make OCs - yet - now I have to relearn it & their coding stuff

but yeah! no worries, tbh it's usually a 50/50 for me
either design first & then everything else after - or - everything else 1st & then the color scheme / looks afterwards when it comes to OCs

Voltie — she / her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/21 18:08:33 )
sounds exciting !
just try not to tolerate any family drama while you're down there
aries that doesn't caries
snottie's quest thread

Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/27 06:23:33 )
@Totalanimefan: True true, I believe you would be right

Damn, now I want some again RIP

no problem fim fam, you are also very nice
I enjoy talking with ya ♡

The majority of them were made when I was an angry, sad lil edgy teen ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I didn't have any friends for a good 2-3 years & i kept to myself a lot (no online / no offline), so my OCs were my friends & the person that I would share my OC's with, was the person I was with down in the Keys, FL

My parents didn't go to that timeshare for a good 3-4 years so for those 2-3 I didn't have any friends, I couldn't share my OCs with them

A good number I like & I will keep, if not to revamp then ofc just the names
One year I had a good color coded binder of OCs that an ex-friend of mine stole, so that was fun to rethink on (14/15)

Via the ideas tho, I get a lot of inspo from songs by certain bands
EX: Savages, Immortal & Forget by Marina & the Diamonds / Killing me Softly by Roberta Flack / Molly by Mindless Self Indulgence / Knowing me Knowing you, Lay all your love on me by ABBA fall into one of my OCs that I've kept since I was 15 or 16

Movies are another big thing as well, for a different OC (but they know each other) has American Psycho & The house that Jack built up his alley
( as well as Evening wear, Lights out, Revenge by Mindless Self Indulgence )

But yeah! I plan on revamping a lot of them, I'm also gonna dedicate time to DLC via the Sims so I'm gonna have lots of fun making them there (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Donator — Miz/Mizzy Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/27 06:53:56 )
@holysnot: They make it hard to be nice, but luckily I won't be dealing with any of my own family drama. Only my Partners family (their 3 siblings + the baby on the way will be only only drama as of current)

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