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Forums Games Sims 4

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/11 22:59:52 )

@Deaa: Super super exited.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/11 23:07:39 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

@vengeance: I've never played with sims mermaids before! i'm STOKED
I didn't even know they had supernaturals (besides vampires) in sims 3 until like 1-1.5 years ago
i was heartbroken i didn't get to play

i need a new laptop or to delete everything off it tho cause i'm running out of room o3o;;


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/12 09:10:42 )

I've only played with vampires. And than I think in Sims 2 I played with plant Sims. T.t which I really wish worked the same as they did than. And those wonderful lights that made sunlight inside so you didn't die on a cloudy day.


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/12 10:30:02 )

@Deaa: I don't care for mermaids. But I do like the rest of the pack. I like we can live on it but I also wished we could vacation on it.
@Shadami: I have the vampires pack for the Sims 4 but haven't done much with it yet XD


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/12 15:37:13 )
I would give anything for you to shine down on me

@vengeance: Yeaaa I do miss the option for other vacation spots like in sims 3
they had france, china, and i can't remember what they called the last place

@shadami: i never knew about plant sims until much later either! i was heart broken!!!
i also had ZERO money for expansion packs back then


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/16 18:19:17 )

Plant Sims are nice and free though. :3 just have to debug the tree in. . . And the beans? I know you can get the beans now from rare plant packs... But I think that may be a seasons only pack.

As for vampires. It was the first pack I got because a friend got it in a bundle with the game for me. XD so right away I had vampires.
. . .

And that is why my story vamparents was born. My children wanted to play. They chose vampire Sims... And they couldn't pronounce it correctly and called them vamparents.


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/23 05:59:43 )
The weather was crappy today and I wasn't feeling great, so I literally played this game all day long. I have regrets cause my desk is not comfortable, but on the bright side my sims have a beautifully decorated home and everyone has a significant other now. lol

I've been playing The Sims since the original game came out. Someone told me, "You can set people on fire!" and I was sold.

My all-time favorite sims series is The Sims 2, because the expansions just worked so well. The one where you could become a business owner? They have never been able to make another business pack that runs so smoothly or gives you so many options. I loved seeing customers line up in my store, and having my sim's cash register skills level up. I liked how critics could rate me, and make or break my reputation. Restaurant dates were so fun then, too. You could propose marriage at the dinner table at a fancy restaurant! And apartments were way better than in The Sims 4. Sims 4 gives you specific apartment lots and you can't make your own. You can't even delete some of the traits on those lots. I miss being able to build my own apartment buildings. And the last Sims 2 expansion with the hobbies? SO GOOD. I really miss having my sims being able to build their own muscle cars. It's just a darn shame.

Yet...Sims 4 is a close second. Why? The inclusivity is unbeatable. Not only can you make trans sims without mods, but they even gave us Pride stuff this year: pride clothing, a pride flags, and unisex bathroom doors. THANK YOU! Also, the graphics are really beautiful. Sims 2 had better gardening, but it's still pretty good in 4. I like all the different recipes and cooking styles. I miss how Sims 2 had more TV stations if you got a satellite dish, but now we have video gaming and we can watch full-length sim-movies. lol So many cool festivals. Seasons has so much more to do than ever before.

I still miss things from the original Sims, though. That game had the best music by far. I burned Makin' Magic's "soundtrack" onto CD even. lol I miss how you had to trim hedges, water your plants, and feed your fish and clean their tanks. I miss how your stalker would leave you a black rose on your doorstep. I miss how with every career level gain, the kind of car you drove got nicer. Most of all, I miss how easy it was to murder sims. LOL!! I mean, that's what I signed up for! XD

Sims 3. Sims 3 is my least favorite. I thought the sims were so, so ugly. They looked cartoony and they always had double chins. There were honestly too many color/pattern options; it took real-world hours just to decorate a room or dress your sim (if you're into that kinda thing). It would take them all day to drive to work or whatever location you picked. Now, I did love how you could place any lot of any size just about anywhere, and I hate how limiting S4 is in that. Some of the expansions were incredible. I loved the way they did University. I loved World Adventures a lot, for all the crypt-crawling you get to do. So while this was my least favorite Sims game, I still really enjoyed it and have yet to uninstall it.

I'm making myself want to play more, but it's bedtime! Thanks for reading my late-night sleepy rambles. I will be back for this thread cause I love sims so much!

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/24 11:05:57 )

@Eldweena: Sims 2 is indeed the best sims. I have the whole collection on origin. At one point you could get the whole thing for free. I miss burglars and how you could get into a fight with them.

I do like in the Sims 4 how you can follow some careers. Even while I wished there where a bit more. Like in Get Famous you can only follow the acting career.


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/06/24 23:42:50 )
@vengeance: You can "get famous" from other careers, too! I have a 5-star celebrity writer. You just use the old careers rather than getting new versions of musicians, singers, and authors, which were already part of the game.

I heard Sims 2 was all free at some point, but I'd already bought them all long ago. I haven't played in ages, though. The computer with all my custom content on it is old and I had way too much stuff to transfer from one computer to another. Though I guess now they make thumb drives that can hold several gigs. I have it installed on my gaming computer but the resolution is weird now. I just sure miss the packs it came with.

I can't wait to see how the Sims 4 magic stuff will look. I kind of hope it comes with other supernatural stuff, too. I'd like to have a zombie sim. lol

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2019/08/26 06:28:46 )

Well the realm of magic trailer has been released. :D two world's, five lots.
Definitely witches and magic.
Possibly an alchemy skill? And a flying skill?


Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/13 17:15:13 )

is anybody gonna buy the magic pack right when it comes out? o:


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/13 18:29:02 )

@Deaa: I would but I need to look if I have money for it.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/13 20:51:21 )

I would love to but don't have the money.


Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/13 21:29:48 )

i usually wait until it goes on sale for either 25% or 50% off o:
lemme know your thoughts on it, just ping me whenever

im probably gonna watch some early release reviews tonight on youtube


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/13 21:33:10 )

I always wait for sales as well. I also still need Island Living.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/14 09:25:33 )

I still need island living as well xD and I want it so bad!! It was on sale for 25% off the other day and I was so tempted to spend money I didn't have on it. But bills and diapers come first right now .


Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/17 20:20:00 )

I got island living when it was on sale for 25% off cause i'm reckless and have no control
i really need to save up to buy another computer just for simsplay cause i'm out of GB on my computer
either that or i need to ask apple how to uninstall updates (past or current) on my mac


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/17 20:22:31 )

There is a website where you can get Island Living for 41% off.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/18 18:26:35 )

I don't know how to add games to my origin account without purchasing it through origin xD is that silly?

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/20 23:08:17 )

@shadami: yea idk either o3o;; try googling it?

@vengeance: well dang.. wish i knew about that sooner
i also have a mac rn so not much works for her

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