Kaito slept most of the day away until a little before dinner. His breathing had gotten better, and he wasn't coughing. He was still warm but not as warm.
Donator — He/They
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/10 02:55:14 )
Fjiore started on dinner. This time it was valern at Kaito's side when he woke. He didnt say anything but he for once gave a small smile and pointed at the door to let him know that Fjiore was close
Kaito slowly opened his eyes and briefly glanced at Valern, then moved his gaze to the doorway, as to try and not scare the boy, smiling some. How long had he been there?
Kaito glanced at Valern when he spoke, offering the boy a small smile. "Your brother... I care about him very much. He's given me something I haven't had in a very long time." He said quietly.
Donator — He/They
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/10 15:47:24 )
"I know. And youve given him something too. Ive never seen...his face" he said softly. "I dont think brother will...let you go so easily" he finally said after some time. The boysat there looking away
Donator — He/They
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/10 16:46:26 )
Fjiore came back with a light dinner. "I didnt want to overload your stomach after...whatever that was you had" He said setting down the plate. "Ill be keeping an eye on you but whatever you had seems to be fading" he nodded and smiled some. "So...uh...if you feel up to it later i was thinking we could uh..."
Kaito removed the mask and slowly sat up. "I think it was just a twenty-four hour bug." He murmured quietly. "I hope so anyway." He chuckled, glancing at him as he spoke about maybe doing something later. He nodded without needing an explanation. "Sure." He smiled. Whatever he wanted to do, he'd gladly take part.
Donator — He/They
Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/09/10 18:07:19 )
Fjiore blushed but smiled. "I was just thinking like a...a walk or something..." he nodded and replaced the mask. "And ill decide wether or not its a 24 hour bug" he said. His tone was gentler. He honestly sounded like he cared. "Take a bit of oxygen before eating okay? ive got you on a few meds and i have your ptsd meds ready to go after dinner"
He nodded some. Kaito was pouting a little now. A stubborn doctor and a stubborn patient, perfect. Right? "Somehow I keep forgetting you're a doctor." He joked lightly, offering him a teasing smirk.
Kaito chuckled. "Course." He murmured quietly, closing his eyes to focus on breathing. He was breathing better, but he was still having minor difficulties without the mask on.