[ Like the title says, I need some advice. From anyone who has modding/admin-ing experience. Our own staff, or whoever. Because my chat is having a very big problem and I don't know what to do about it.
We have a fur who has been hooking up with anyone in our Adult chat room. Which isn't the problem really, as long as it's a consenting adult I don't care. The problem is someone just came to me about being coaxed into having sex when they didn't want to. Not rape, but it's really making them uncomfortable with the other fur. The person lodging a complaint has asked us to not talk with the fur in question directly. And they didn't ask for them to be banned. But this is NOT the first complaint against the fur. This is the first very serious complaint, but not the first complaint. The other mods want to give him his 100th chance to do better, but he just keeps doing bad things. So I don't know what I should do. ]