I hope all you Volties are ready for the celebrations!
It seems like the party's almost ready to kick right off!

Let's not forget to thank our Item Technicians for uploading:
Lilypoo, Dipper, Hadsvich, and Francisco!
Second Anniversary Celebrations
Well, can you believe it, we've reached the two year mark already! What an achievement!
I can't wait to celebrate it with everyone, Volties both new and old!
I hear most of the partying will going down in the event forum when the celebrations begin this week. There'll be quite a few other activities that you can check out when the time comes. There'll be puzzles, lovely anonymous messages, and a popularity poll to boot - all aside from the main party!
Who could top that, really?
Don't forget to head over there this week - I hear the main party's only lasting a week from when it begins, but the festivities will continue until the end of the month!
Coming soon!

:crate: New Crates [October 1st]
Though that's all I have to say for now, don't forget to check out Velvet announcing the winner of AOTW in her thread later today!
Spark out and have fun!